Sunday, January 17, 2010

Close Encounter of the Best Kind



Kainan came into the bar and looked around. It was a nice piano bar on the University side of the downtown. He thought he might see someone. Actually his ex. He had heard the hot romance she had supposedly left him for had cooled before it really got very serious, from what he had heard. When she left him she said she was moving in with the guy even before the divorce was finalized. He had heard it never happened, although he didn't know why. The guy had money, a lot more than Kainan had. The guy had met his wife at some conference and started romancing her. Kainan had found out she had gone out with him a number of times before she told him she wanted a divorce. Kainan had just heard she had stopped divorce proceedings so actually they were still married. Chris, his ex, or rather his wife still, had never contacted him so it seemed everything was in limbo. They were both professors at the University, but it was summer and the University had just let out for the summer. Kainan hadn't really seen Chris for almost a year. She had avoided him at the University and they taught in different sections of the University so that had proved rather easy. Chris, or Christine, was a tall, very attractive and charming auburn-haired beauty. Men just naturally looked her over. She was also very friendly. Kainan was very aware of this when he married her. She really was not a flirt, but she did like the attention. Kainan had no idea what caused Chris to take to this guy although Kainan became aware at the end that he had flattered her with very expensive gifts which she had kept hidden from him. He also had no idea why she had gotten turned off on the guy in so short a time. Chris had moved into an apartment and left the house to Kainan. It was a nice house in the area of the University. Kainan knew Chris always liked nice things, but she was never really hung up on that. Kainan was kind of hoping Chris might be there. It had been one of their favorite spots and was the place they had first met. They had been married for about five years when Chris told him she was divorcing him. When he looked around he did see some auburn hair over at the bar close to the piano. Kainan moved in that direction. He noticed the man standing next to the woman was a professor friend of his. He moved to them and greeted the professor. The woman turned toward him gave him a friendly smile and said, "Hello handsome, haven't I seen you somewhere else before?"

With a friendly smile back at her, Kainan answered, "Hello gorgeous I am sure we have met before." The professor, who knew about their breakup smiled.

"Can I introduce you two," he said, "This young lady is Dr. Christine Charles and this gentleman is Dr. Kainan Charles.

"Isn't that interesting we have the same last names." said Chris. "Would you be interested in discussing that over dinner later?"

"Sounds like a most wonderful idea," said Kainan.

"Sorry I can't join you as I have a previous engagement with another lady, in fact one who has the same last name as I have," said the professor with a broad smile.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to think a little more how this relates to science fiction. It was interesting though.
