Tuesday, September 4, 2012

restaurants.  He’d ask Sadie if she could make reservations for him tomorrow.  She hadn’t indicated where she wanted to go to dinner.  He forgot to ask.  He was just happy she agreed to have dinner with him again.  His stay here was proving to be much more pleasant than he hoped.  He was hoping she would say she would work with him on this project.
     In the morning, he came down to the lobby shortly after Sadie came on duty.  She again gave him a cheery, 
     “Good morning Dr. Mattins.  I hope you had a pleasant day yesterday.”
     “I had a very pleasant day, Ms. Turin.”  Then seeing that there was no one else around for the moment said,  “Would you mind making reservations for dinner for me for tonight at seven?”
     “I would be happy to do that for you, Dr. Mattins,” Sadie replied very pleasantly.  Then making sure no one was within earshot, she leaned over and whispered,  “Do I get to choose?”
Colin just nodded slightly with a broad smile.  Sadie had immediately realized they had not decided on the restaurant.
     Colin planned to explore the downtown some more this morning.  He headed for a small cafe on Main Street that served breakfast.  It was a favorite of the local people.  He might be able to strike up some conversations there.  He had always been able to get people to talk to him.  He wasn’t ready to announce himself.  He’d wait until someone in the hotel or restaurants started to spread the word he was in town. If someone connected Sadie Turin to him, he could claim he hired Sadie, to do some research into small town life for him.  He’d say he needed it for a book he was planning to write.  He’d say he was doing research in a number of small towns. Otherwise he would just be on an unannounced visit to the place he spent his boyhood.
     Colin was able to strike up a conversation with several people in the restaurant.  One of the waitresses proved to be a long time resident of the town.  She was more than willing to talk.  Colin played the part of an interested visitor.  He even learned there were several former classmates still around town.  One was the mayor of the town.  Colin wasn’t sure if that would help his project, to buy the woods and turn it into a public park, or not.  He decided to stick to his plan to let Sadie do some quiet research on the situation first.  That is, if Sadie would agree to his plan.  He would probably find out tonight.


     He returned to the hotel before Sadie went off duty.  He found out where they had reservations for dinner.  She slipped him a note on which was simply written six-thirty.  That was the time, he was supposed pick her up at her house.  He picked up some flowers on the chance he would be able to call for her at her door.  When he arrived she was not at the door waiting for him tonight.  He went to the door and knocked.  Sadie opened the door. 
     Colin suspected the dress she had on was brand new.  It complimented her beautifully.  Sadie had good taste in clothes, although not expensive tastes.  He figured she stayed within her budget, but got the most out of what she had available. 
     “I suspect you are curious about my little house,” Sadie said with a smile.  “I will let you step in for a minute tonight.”  The room was plainly, sparsely, but tastefully furnished.  Colin handed her the flowers as he looked around.  He had judged right she was getting by, but didn’t have a lot to spare.  He wondered why she stayed here.  He was sure she could do much better in a larger city.
Sadie watched Colin as he looked around. 
     “Is it what you expected?”  she asked with a small smile.
     “Yes,” he answered,  “But you don’t fit here.  That is an honest observation and not a line,” Colin hurried to add.
Sadie was silent for a moment so Colin continued, 
     “I think what you have done with it is very nice.  Now before I put my foot in my mouth, shall we go and have dinner.”
     Sadie smiled,  “I thought that was probably what you would say.  I did not take it as a line.  If you were going to hand me a line, you would have done it before this,” she remarked as she handed him her jacket so he could help her on with it.  Then they went out the door and she locked it. 
     She laughed lightly as she did that,  “There’s nothing in there that is really worth stealing, but I need all of it myself.” she observed.  Colin again observed, Sadie was not one to put on a front.  She had been very honest, open and above board.  That was something he hadn’t found much in his experience.  It was very refreshing, he found.  In addition, she was not out to impress him.  That, he had to admit, made her even more intriguing.
     Colin again dropped her off at the door of the restaurant and parked his car.  He walked in, took her by the arm and told the hostess who he was.  She looked him over as she graciously said, 
     “Your table is ready Dr. Mattins.  We are glad you are dining with us tonight.”  She also looked Sadie over very thoroughly.  Sadie noticed this and smiled.
     After they were seated and were looking at the menu, Sadie leaned over and said, 
     “She’s trying to figure out who I am and what connection I might have with you.”
     Colin smiled,  “We’ll just let her concoct all kinds of scenarios.  I might lean over to talk to you and reach out and touch your hand.  Or, we might lean toward each other and reach out and momentarily hold hands.  We could figure out all kinds of things during the evening to lend fuel to her speculations.”
     Sadie laughed rather delightedly at Colin’s suggestions,  “You would delight in adding fuel to her interest.”
     “Would you mind?  She really doesn’t know who you are does she?” Colin asked, wanting to make sure that it would not cause any problem for Sadie.
     “I see no reason why I should mind.  Having an intimate dinner with a famous author should do wonders for my reputation.  It definitely couldn’t be made into a scandal.  You aren’t married, and neither am I.  We are both definitely adults,” Sadie replied with an engaging smile.  “There might even be some who would find a reason to be jealous of me.”
     “Are you hinting that no one would ever think of being jealous of you?” Colin said with a smile.  “I can’t fathom that would never be the case.”
     “You are doing wonders for my ego,” Sadie said.
     “I’m just being honest,” was Colin’s quick reply.
     The waitress came and they ordered.  Colin again talked Sadie into trying one of the most expensive entrees on the menu.
     “You have to take advantage of opportunities when they appear,” he told her with a smile.
     “I still don’t know why you are doing all this.  With any other man I would be real suspicious.  I have no idea why I am not suspicious of you,” Sadie admitted looking quizzically across at Colin.
     “It’s just my gentlemanly character,” Colin replied flippantly.  Sadie laughed, and gave a ladylike snort in derision.
     Colin looked seriously across the table at Sadie, then he reached across and put his hand gently over hers.  “Have you made your decision?  I hope it is to take my proposal to do this work for me.”
     Sadie looked at Colin for a moment, then in a semi-serious voice,  “I couldn’t think up a good reason why I should refuse.  I really should be suspicious of you, because I really don’t know you.  However I can’t even find a good reason to do that,” Sadie told him.
     “I take that as a yes, I hope?” Colin remarked as he looked intently at her.
     “Yes.  That is a yes,” replied Sadie as she returned his look.
     Colin immediately began to lay out, how he thought this would best be handled.  He wanted to be sure that Sadie had any expense money up front, and that she would get paid for the work she put in immediately.  Sadie smiled as she realized what he was doing and why.  If he could figure out a way, he would have her working full time so she would not have to work at those other jobs.  However, the hotel clerk job gave her contacts and a source of information about what was going on around town.  The hotel had meeting rooms, which were used regularly.  By keeping her ears open, Sadie was able to learn about a lot of things that were going on.  One of her jobs was being phased out.  Another could be easily gotten out of in a few more weeks.  That would leave just the part time hotel job. 
     In his wandering about the town, Colin found a small business he could get interested in.  This would give him a reason and a legitimate excuse to make regular trips back here.  Colin talked about these ideas as they ate dinner.  Sadie would be here at the hotel.  She could make dinner reservations for him.  However, Sadie was not about to remind him, that if she were seen having dinner with him whenever he was in town, that really would start rumors.  She had a hunch that did not matter to him.  At the moment, she couldn’t see any good reason it should matter to her.
     The evening went by quickly and enjoyably.  Sadie’s choice of a restaurant was again right on target.  Sadie was looking forward to having more money for a change.  In addition, this work did not look like it was going to be that hard.  Colin told her he had no deadline to accomplish this.  How fast they would want to move would depend on what Sadie was able to find out.      
     Sadie had a hunch any pressure would be of her own making.  Colin would not be at all demanding.  Colin was happy Sadie agreed to take this project.  He now had his reason for keeping in touch with Sadie.  He would now buy an interest in the local business he had scouted.  This would give him a reason for making frequent trips to town.  He would make sure he had reservations at the hotel.  When and if questions were raised about he and Sadie meeting together every time he was in town, they could fall back on his idea of having her do research on certain aspects of a small town.  He would need it for some novels he was writing.
     Sadie could explain she had been hired by a consulting firm, to do research for them.  She would say that it was confidential information, so she could not say anything about it.  This Sadie thought would be fun.
     They worked out all the basic details by the time Colin took Sadie home.  True to his word, Colin dropped Sadie at her door, waited until she was safely in and returned to the hotel.  The next morning when Colin came down into the lobby, Sadie was obviously alone and no one was in the lobby. 
     “You are on the payroll as of now,” Colin said.  Then before Sadie could say anything, he continued,  “When are you going to be off again?”
     “In two days,” Sadie replied, looking questioningly at him.
     “How about breakfast then,” he said,  “I will get something on paper for you.  This will be a preliminary thing.  I will work all the details out when I get back to my office.”
     Sadie quickly said,  “Pick me up at seven again.” 
     About that time two other people walked into the lobby, and the office door opened and another person moved behind the counter with Sadie.  That person greeted Colin, and after exchanging some pleasantries with the two behind the desk, Colin left to explore the town some more.  He put a call into his office to send him a fairly large amount of cash.  He wanted to give this to Sadie for expenses, until final arrangements could be made.  Colin figured it might raise questions if he cashed a check locally for this amount.  The cash could be sent by messenger service directly to him at the hotel.  He arranged to get it before he was to have breakfast with Sadie.
     In his wandering around the town, he finally met a former schoolmate.  It was strictly by accident.  Colin was eating lunch at a downtown restaurant when he got into conversation with a businessman of his age.  This particular businessman, recognizing Colin was a well-dressed stranger, became interested in what brought Colin to Bradford.  When he learned Colin, was staying at the Bradford Hotel, he became more interested.  Colin learned his name was Thad Corring.  Colin remembered the Corring family was considered one of the wealthy families in town when he was a kid. 
     Thad Corring told Colin he was in real estate and banking.  Colin told him his name, which didn’t really ring a bell with Thad.  Colin told him he was in communications.  This was true.  Colin did have an interest in a company that owned a small publisher as well as some radio stations and a television station.  Colin managed to learn quite a bit of information from Thad. 
     It wasn’t until that night, when Thad talked to his wife, who was also from the same class, that Thad realized Colin might be the Colin Mattins who had been in school with them.  When they mentioned that to some of their friends, one of them commented she thought Colin was from the wrong side of the tracks.  Thad forgot about any idea of getting in touch with Colin at the hotel.   
     Actually, Colin wasn’t from the wrong side of the tracks.  He was somewhere in between.  For some reason, none of this group of friends connected him to Dr. Colin Mattins, the author.  When Colin finally learned this, it tickled him greatly.
     Colin picked up Sadie at her house as planned.  They drove to one of the restaurants, on the outskirts of town, that had sprung up at the junction of two highways.  When they were seated and gave their order, Colin gave Sadie the preliminary plan along with the envelope containing the money he had received the evening before. 
     “What is this?”  Sadie asked.
     Colin leaned over to her,  “Don’t open it until you get home.  That’s an advance for expenses.  I assume you pay cash for most things.  You can continue that practice.  If someone asks questions before we have the whole thing set up, tell them you are working for a research company.  And don’t start arguing with me right away.”  Then he gave her a warm smile.
     “This research consulting gets more interesting all the time,” Sadie said with a raise of her eyebrows.  Colin laughed.
     “I am sure you are going to have to pay to get some records,” Colin told her.  “Then as time goes on, you’ll find out that a good meal, people don’t have to pay for, loosens a lot of tongues. You can even use that ploy on friends to get them to get some information for you.  That would be a lot less suspicious than if you did all the information seeking yourself.”
     “You do have this process down very well, don’t you,” Sadie commented. 
     Colin laughed again,  “I’ve been working at it for quite a while.  Luckily I have learned by my mistakes.”
     “You mean I can treat my friends to good restaurant meals and put it on my expense account?” she asked with a smile.
     Colin smiled,  “I know I can trust you to use discretion in that.”
     Then as a point of information, “I am supposed to keep this completely secret?” Sadie asked.
     “As much as you can.  However, don’t worry if you can’t keep it entirely a secret.  It would be easier if no one knew what we were trying to do.  It’s not going to be a big deal if it leaks out,” said Colin.  “Actually we don’t even know if it is possible.  I just didn’t want someone throwing unnecessary roadblocks in our way.”
     “First, I would have to find out whether the woods were available for purchase for the purpose of making it into a park, right?” Sadie said.
     “That’s right.  That’s your first job.  Then if it’s available, who owns it.”  Then Colin added, “We need to find out if there is one owner or several, and if there are any restrictions on the property.”
     “Do you want me to also dig into newspaper files to see if the woods have been mentioned for some reason.  That might indicate if there could possibly be some problems,” Sadie said.
     “That is a very good idea.  That way we might be able to diffuse the problems before they come up,” Colin told her.
     “This could be interesting,” said Sadie.
     “And you’re getting paid for it,”
     “I could grow to like this research consulting,” she said with a smile.  Colin was hoping that would be her reaction.  If Sadie did the research quietly, it could take her quite a while.  Colin was not in any hurry.  He would be happy to let her take as long as she wanted.  He did want to know, if it was possible to buy the woods and make a park of it.  However, he had to admit he really created this project so he had an excuse to stay in touch with Sadie. 
     During the rest of the meal, they continued to discuss what needed to be done and how it might be done.  Sadie seemed to be warming up to this project.  She skimmed the preliminary material Colin had given her.  She did not raise any objections, although she had a number of questions.  Colin’s answers apparently satisfied her. 
     Colin stayed in town a few more days.  Then he decided it would be easier for Sadie if he left.  The fact the author Dr. Colin Mattins, was in town, didn’t reach the media until the day after he left town.  Sadie wasn’t on duty at the hotel, that day, so no one questioned her about Dr. Colin Mattins.  The manager was more than happy to be interviewed.  He didn’t mention Sadie.  For that matter, neither did anyone at the restaurants where Colin and Sadie ate.  Sadie was wondering how she should handle any questions about being seen dining with Dr. Mattins.  She never had to worry about that.  Sadie Turin was never tied into the woman who dined with Dr. Mattins.
     Over the next month, Sadie got the final material from Colin and did a lot of research.  She quit working her other jobs.  She only retained the one at the hotel.  Colin arranged to have her set up as a research consultant with a dummy corporation he created.  At Sadie’s suggestion, most of the time they met at a nearby town rather than in Bradford.  She thought people might now recognize him in Bradford.  There would be less chance of questions being raised. 
     During the next month, Sadie found the woods had originally been a part of the county and not the city of Bradford.  The county had taken it over for delinquent taxes a number of years ago.  However, things had been complicated by the fact the woods were now part of the city of Bradford.  There seemed to be some controversy about who controlled the property.  This could make it a little more difficult to quietly purchase the property.  It seemed to be a matter of politics. 
     As far as Sadie could determine, no one had indicated any great interest in the property.  It seemed, there could be some very definite environmental problems if any one wanted to build on this property.  This might work in Colin’s favor, as he wanted to turn it into a park.  Under the direction of Colin’s lawyer, Sadie got a number of copies of certain legal documents.  She also made copies of all the stories regarding the controversy about the legal ownership of the woods.
     This slowed up Sadie’s progress, although it did not cut down on her work.  When Sadie acquired a number of copies of legal documents, Colin told her he wanted her to fly in to his headquarters city.  He made the reservations and sent her the tickets.  Sadie learned he made reservations for her at the type of hotel at which he normally stayed.  Sadie had not been in the habit of staying at this type of hotel. 
     Sadie made some trips to a nearby larger city, to gather information.  She used one of her trips to do some shopping.  She decided she wanted some better clothes for the trip.  Colin paid her enough, so she could now afford this.  She wasn’t going to tell Colin anything about this.  Sadie was afraid Colin would send her extra expense money, to cover the cost of the clothes.  He would justify it by claiming she wouldn’t have to buy those clothes if he hadn’t asked her to come to his office. 
     Colin had a legitimate reason for having Sadie come here.  He wanted Sadie to get together with he, his lawyer and a couple other people. They were going to discuss the situation Sadie had discovered regarding the property that contained the woods.  Sadie was kind of excited about making this trip.  She knew she would be dining out a number of times.  Colin dined at very nice places whenever they were available.  Sadie found she was looking forward to this.
     She still hadn’t figured out why Colin had asked her to do this project for him.  She was sure he could have hired research professionals who could have done it.  He said he figured she could do it, arousing much less interest in what she was doing.  She lived here.  She was part of the community.  Anyone from the outside would have been noticed immediately.  Sadie still didn’t buy that explanation, completely.  Although it had logic to it, she didn’t think it was the complete reason.  So far Colin hadn’t done anything to give her a basis to suspect any other reason.  He continued to be the perfect gentleman, although very attentive to her when they were together.
     Colin picked Sadie up at the airport.  She didn’t expect him to do that.  He took her to her hotel and saw that she was registered.  It was being billed to his company. 
     Before she went up to her room, Colin told her,  “I’ll let you get settled in.  I’ll pick you up for lunch and then we will go back to my office and meet with the rest of the people.  We figure to make an afternoon of it.  We will all go out for dinner tonight.  One of the other men will drive you back to the hotel, after the meeting, but I will pick you up to take you to dinner.”  Colin was very businesslike.  He was deliberately treating her like a business associate.  Sadie knew that was for the benefit of the hotel staff.
     They set a time for Colin to pick her up for lunch.  Sadie went up to her room.  It was a very nice room, even better than Sadie had expected.  She changed from her traveling clothes into a business suit she thought would be appropriate for a business meeting.  Colin was waiting for her in the lobby. 
     As they walked out to where his car was, Colin commented,  “You look very nice.”  Then he added,  “And very businesslike.”  Sadie gave him a nice smile.  She was pleased he seemed to agree with her choice of clothes for this occasion. 
     As Sadie had expected, Colin took her to a very nice restaurant downtown.  Colin was greeted as he walked in with Sadie.  Sadie got a good looking over by the people who knew Colin.  This was a young woman, they had never seen with Dr. Mattins before.  Colin gave her some suggestions of things on the menu, he thought she might like.  As she looked at the menu, she was thinking if she had to pay, she would be having sticker shock.  Even with the money Colin was now paying her.  She kind of smiled at that thought.  She picked one of the items and Colin ordered for both of them.
     Colin said with a smile,  “You looked a little shocked at the prices?  Tonight we will have dinner at a place they don’t even put prices on their menu.”  Sadie looked at him a little skeptical. 
     “I have, on very rare occasions, eaten at restaurants whose prices were close to this.  I have never eaten at a restaurant where the prices weren’t even carried on the menu.  Are they telling you that if you have to ask the price, you shouldn’t be eating there?”
     “I suspect that is the idea they are trying to promote,” Colin answered.  Then he laughed,  “In spite of that, they have very excellent food.”
     “You really are giving me a taste of the good life,” said Sadie.   
     Colin just smiled but didn’t directly answer Sadie.  Instead he began to talk about the people she would be meeting with after lunch.  At Colin’s suggestion, Sadie brought along all of the records and news reports she copied.  She also brought along a report she put together regarding what she found so far.  After lunch, Colin took her to the office where they were meeting.  
     Colin introduced Sadie as the person spearheading this project for him.  Sadie provided them with the copies she brought along with her.  She gave them a briefing on what she had found so far.  They began asking her questions and discussing the situation.  They had more questions as the afternoon went on.  Sadie was making notes for herself regarding things she wanted to find out about.  These came both from the questions that were asked and also from the discussions.  The lawyer was going to look into some of the legal questions.  He promised to get in touch with Sadie and let her know what he found.  Another one of the people there was going to check on the political situation and report back to Sadie. 
     By the time Sadie was taken back to the hotel to change for dinner, she was beginning to feel somewhat important.  She had been complimented several times on the job she was doing.
     As promised, Colin picked her up to take her to the restaurant where they were having dinner.  It was everything Sadie figured it would be.  Not only that, but it was obvious that Colin was not a stranger here.  When she walked in on Colin’s arm, Sadie attracted plenty of attention.  Sadie realized they were all trying to figure out who she was, and what her relationship was to Colin.  She had a feeling Colin was enjoying it as much as she was. 
     They were given a relatively secluded table.  Colin seated Sadie between himself and the lawyer.  Apparently the lawyer was an old friend.  It was Colin who briefed Sadie this time on the menu entrees and made several suggestions she might choose between.  She made a mental note to herself to tell Colin it wasn’t fair.  She didn’t know which entree was the most expensive.  He would just laugh, and tell her it didn’t matter she unerringly picked the most expensive one anyway.
     The dinner was a relaxed affair.  It was obvious the rest of them knew each other very well.  Sadie noticed the other woman in the party looked her over very closely.  Colin had not indicated there was anything but a business relationship between he and this woman.  Sadie knew the woman might look on it differently from Colin.  However she treated Sadie the same as the rest.  Sadie was part of the group. 
     There was some talk of the project they had been discussing all afternoon.  Most of the time was spent discussing other things.  Colin briefed Sadie on what her answers might be if she was asked about her background.  Without lying, Colin had been able to create an impressive resume for her.  He had also coached her on how to answer certain questions and still keep it truthful.  Sadie did a masterful job of putting his suggestions to good use.
     As they were driving back to the hotel, Colin said,  “You did an absolutely superb job tonight.  The way you answered the questions, no one could possibly accuse you of lying.”
     “You mean I passed the test with flying colors,” Sadie said with a nice smile.
     “Absolutely,” Colin answered,  “You are for real, as far as anyone in the group is concerned.  Your credentials are accepted.”
     “Of course, it doesn’t mean anything that you brought me in.  In essence that you are vouching I am for real,” said Sadie somewhat derisively. 
     Colin laughed, “Nothing gets past you anymore, does it.”
     “I try not to let it.”
     “Let’s face it,” said Colin,  “That’s the way reputations are built.  People seldom check.  Unless you really foul up, most people have a tendency to take you at face value.  If some one who’s accepted in the group, gives you a certain face value, that’s what it will be as far as the group is concerned.”
     “You were counting on that when you asked me to come here,” Sadie said.  “You were also counting on it carrying over from now on.  You were building me a permanent reputation.”
Colin just smiled and was silent.
     Sadie continued,  “You are determined to make me quit hiding and come back out of my shell, aren’t you?”
     “I just don’t think you should be wasting your life as hotel clerk,” Colin told her.  “From where I’m sitting, you have too much intelligence and too much talent.  I just want to see you try again.”
     “Why is it important to you?” Sadie asked.
     “As I said once before, I don’t know.  You intrigued me right from the start.  You were the wrong character in the wrong part.  The more I saw you and talked to you, the more convinced I was right,” Colin answered,  “It just gnawed on me.  The character didn’t fit the part.”
     “So you had to create a new part to fit the character?” asked Sadie.
     “Something like that.”  At that point, Colin pulled up in front of the hotel.  As Sadie started to get out, Colin said,  “I’ll pick you up for breakfast at eight.  Then I’ll take you back here to check out.  We’ll have time to come back to my office for a short time before I take you to the airport.” 
     All of a sudden, Colin was back to business.  Sadie kind of smiled.  Colin hadn’t made up his mind where she fit.  She couldn’t help him because she hadn’t made up her mind where she wanted to fit.  Sadie thought she would just wait until Colin made up his mind.  Then she would decide where she wanted to fit.  Up until that time, she was enjoying everything.  He had been a perfect gentleman.  Maybe that was what he was trying to establish.  She’d just wait and see.  As she was going up to her room, Sadie decided she was tired.  She was going to take a leisurely shower and go to bed.
     Sadie was up early the next morning.  She had just finished packing when Colin called her from the lobby.  He was a little early for which he apologized. 
     “Oh, I’m all ready, just waiting for your call,” Sadie told him.  She met him in the lobby and Colin told her where they were having breakfast.
     “Oh, we are really going first class,” Sadie said with a rather delighted smile.
     “Don’t want to spoil my record,” was Colin’s reply.
     Again when they came in to the restaurant, it was apparent Colin was not a stranger here.  Sadie got a looking over.  Everyone was trying to determine if they should know her.  Colin briefed her on the menu and what he thought she might like to try.  It was then, she remembered she was going to needle him about the dinner.  After they ordered, Sadie looked at Colin with a sly smile and said, 
     “You cheated the other night.  You took me to a place that didn’t put the prices on the menu.”  Colin looked a little puzzled.  Sadie then went on,  “I couldn’t tell if I was ordering the most expensive entrée or not.”  Colin started to laugh. 
     “If my memory serves me, I am sure you managed to do that even though you didn’t know the prices,” he said.
     “You know, that’s just what I predicted your answer would be,” Sadie told him with a light laugh.
     The breakfast was quiet, peaceful and very enjoyable for Sadie.  She was kind of wishing she could stay around longer.  They discussed a few things, but it was a leisurely discussion.  After they finished they drove back to the hotel.  Colin settled up the bill while he sent a bellboy with Sadie to get her luggage.  He drove her to his office and she went with him into his private office.  They spent sometime discussing what the next steps should be.  They put together a kind of loose schedule.  Colin did not put any timetable to it.  He told Sadie to work at her own pace that she judged best for the success of the project.  They talked about a number of things they thought they needed more information on. 
     As they were winding the discussion down and getting ready for Sadie to go out to the airport, Colin asked Sadie, “Would you consider coming here to work as a full-time research assistant for me?”   Then he added before Sadie could answer,  “Just consider it.  We can talk about it at another time.”
     “Don’t you have research assistants now?” Sadie said. 
     “Yes, but they are all temporary part-time people.  I don’t have a full-time research assistant at this time, but I could use one.”
     “Aren’t any of them qualified?”
     “The one that I would consider qualified does not want a full-time job.”
     “How do you know I do?”
     “I don’t.  I just thought I’d bounce the idea off you to see if you might be interested.  I pay very well.”  Colin added that last with a broad grin.
     “I will vouch for that,” said Sadie with a smile.  “I’ll think it over.”
     Colin took Sadie to the airport and saw her off on her flight.  It was obvious, Colin wanted to keep in touch with her, even after this project is over.  Except for an occasional night out of dinner and dancing, Colin had kept it strictly to business.  He had never tried to put a move on her.  She had to admit, he had always been the perfect gentleman.  She had not been able to figure him out.  So far, he had not acted like any other man she knew.  Most men would have made some kind of move by this time.  She had to admit, she was enjoying it very much.  She had stopped looking for double meanings in what Colin said and did.  He had been open and above board. 
     She was enjoying leading the life she was now able to lead.  She also enjoyed the glimpses Colin gave her of the life he led.  She did occasionally wonder if she was heading for another big fall.  But this was different.  There were no promises made or implied.  She was doing a job for him that he wanted done.  It was a legitimate project.  He paid her very well for that.  That was the sum and total of it.  The breakfasts, lunches and dinners, Colin made all part of it.  The dancing was a little relaxation after the work was done.  Sadie had no objection to that.  In fact she enjoyed it.
     Over the next month, Sadie worked on some of the things they had discussed.  Sadie received the information the lawyer and the person looking into the political angle had uncovered.       Apparently, the mayor had gotten himself into a tight corner by trying to skirt the environmental issues for a political crony.  The media had gotten wind of it and was playing it to the hilt.  Sadie saw the possibility of using this to their advantage.  At Sadie’s suggestion, Colin and his lawyer flew into town to meet with Sadie.  She set the meeting up at the downtown restaurant the mayor and his friends frequented.
     “Why this particular restaurant, Sadie?” Colin asked.  He knew she had a reason. 
     “I wanted friends of the mayor, if not the mayor himself to see me meeting with you,” Sadie told him.  “They now know I have been gathering information for someone.  I want to establish the fact that it has been for you.”
     “In other words, you have an idea that requires us to come out in the open,” the lawyer said.
     “I am going to offer the mayor an out that he desperately needs,” Sadie said,  “We will buy the woods from the County for the purpose of establishing a park.  He will kill any controversy between the city and the county regarding whose property it is.  We will then give it to the city as a park in perpetuity with a yearly contribution to help maintain the park.  It will make him look like a hero by negotiating this, and get him out of the political mess he got himself into.  I will suggest he contact the county to set up a meeting for this purpose.  He can use your name as the person who will purchase the property for the purpose of turning it into a park.  From what I have found out the county will jump at this idea.  It will put to rest the stories of the controversy between the county and the city.”
     “Sounds great,” said Colin.  “Go ahead and talk to him.”
     At this time the mayor walked into the restaurant.  Sadie turned to Colin and the lawyer, 
     “Shall we strike while the iron is hot?”
     The lawyer smiled,  “I think that would be perfect timing.”
     Sadie got up and went over to the place where the mayor had seated himself with several people.  She talked to the mayor and nodded over toward the table where Colin and his lawyer were seated.  After some discussion back and forth, the mayor finally got up and followed Sadie over to where Colin and his lawyer were seated. 
     As they came near, Colin and his lawyer got up to greet the mayor.  They sat down and Colin gave the mayor his card and explained that he wanted to buy the woods he used to roam in as a young man.  He wanted to turn it into a park, give the park to the city of Bradford, then establish a fund to help maintain that park.  As Colin was speaking, the mayor realized who Colin was, and that he had been in school with him. 
     They began to discuss this idea.  Colin, the lawyer and Sadie told the mayor they knew about the controversy surrounding the property.  They suggested, he be the one to set up a meeting with the county officials, to work this idea out.  They let him understand they had no objections to his taking credit for working this out.  However, they said they wanted it done immediately.  The mayor agreed to set up the meeting as soon as he got back to his office.  He was sure, the county officials would also be happy to have a way, to put this whole thing to rest.  They would be happy to get the property off their hands.  The mayor was to get back to Sadie as to the time and place.
     That afternoon, the mayor phoned Sadie.  He told her he set up a meeting for tomorrow at ten.  Sadie said she would bring Dr. Mattins and his lawyer to the meeting.  Sadie told the mayor, they would be ready to finalize all the details.  Sadie called Colin and told him the news.  Colin asked her, to set up a reservation for dinner for the three of them, that night.  They would then go over the plans for the meeting tomorrow.
     The mayor had apparently done some real arm-twisting.  Everyone showed up on time and ready to get to work.  The mayor explained what he, Sadie and Dr. Mattins had discussed.
He said Ms. Turin was Dr. Mattins official representative in this project.  He said Ms. Turin and Dr. Mattins were prepared to immediately purchase the property from the county, turn it into a park and present it to the city.  He said that they would do this, as soon as everything was cleared, to allow them to purchase the property for that purpose.  There were, a number of questions asked, most of which Sadie answered or deferred to the lawyer.  The county officials went on record as being ready to sell the woods to Dr. Mattins so he could establish a park.  The mayor and city representatives said they would be happy to get those woods as a park.  The environmental people said they were in perfect agreement with the use of those woods for a park. 
      By later that afternoon, everything had been worked out.  Sadie would go ahead and arrange for the purchase of the property from the county.  The lawyer would work things out with the city so the property would remain a park.  Sadie and Colin would work out the details of the fund that would help to pay for the maintenance of the park.
     By the time Colin and his lawyer left two days later, his project to buy the woods and turn it into a park had been virtually accomplished.  Sadie would continue working to take care of all the details on the project.  Colin figured that would take at least a month if not more.  Sadie, had not given him an answer to his proposal, that she come to work for him.  Colin was willing to give her time to think it over thoroughly.  He wanted Sadie to be sure that is what she wanted to do.  Colin was exploring other possibilities he might suggest to Sadie if she did turn down his job offer.  He was determined she would not be allowed to vegetate in Bradford.  That is what he told her she was doing.  Sadie had not disputed his statement. 
     When Colin left, he told Sadie he would be back in about ten days and they would go out to dinner to celebrate.  Sadie became known to business people in the city as the person who had engineered the purchase of the woods by Dr. Mattins.  The story floating around town was she talked Dr. Mattins into the idea, of turning it into a park and donating it to the city.  Her picture appeared in the media as a business associate of Dr. Mattins.  Sadie knew that Colin had somehow maneuvered that.
     Colin now designated her as his representative to the local company he purchased a significant interest in.  During the ten days before Colin returned, Sadie met with the officers of the company to acquaint herself with its operations.  Colin also substantially raised the consulting fee he was paying her.  She now quit her job at the hotel and moved into a downtown office.  She still remained in her small house.  She said she really didn’t need anything more at the moment.  She was now eating at the better restaurants more often, and was now driving a more modern car.  However, she kept her old friends.  They proved to be good sources of information.  Sadie was finding she liked being a businesswoman again.  She did not object at all when Colin told her she was going to be his representative with the local company he partly owned.


     Sadie offered to pick Colin up at the airport of the next town when he flew in.  He said he was going to rent a car anyway, so he would drive to Bradford.  He was going to stay at the hotel, so he would call her at her office when he got there.  Then she could tell him where she made reservations for dinner.  He figured she would make it for seven.
     The story had been widely covered in the media that Colin went to school in Bradford.  Colin would now be recognized, any time he came to Bradford.  Sadie bought a complete new outfit for this night out.  She was sure Colin would suggest they go dancing after dinner.  This time Sadie was going to make sure she looked the part of a dinner companion of a famous author. She was not doing it to impress Colin.  She knew she did not need to impress him.  She was doing it to prove to herself that she was back to where Colin thought she should be.  She was no longer the hotel clerk.  She was a successful businesswoman.

restaurants.  He’d ask Sadie if she could make reservations for him tomorrow.  She hadn’t indicated where she wanted to go to dinner.  He forgot to ask.  He was just happy she agreed to have dinner with him again.  His stay here was proving to be much more pleasant than he hoped.  He was hoping she would say she would work with him on this project.
     In the morning, he came down to the lobby shortly after Sadie came on duty.  She again gave him a cheery, 
     “Good morning Dr. Mattins.  I hope you had a pleasant day yesterday.”
     “I had a very pleasant day, Ms. Turin.”  Then seeing that there was no one else around for the moment said,  “Would you mind making reservations for dinner for me for tonight at seven?”
     “I would be happy to do that for you, Dr. Mattins,” Sadie replied very pleasantly.  Then making sure no one was within earshot, she leaned over and whispered,  “Do I get to choose?”
Colin just nodded slightly with a broad smile.  Sadie had immediately realized they had not decided on the restaurant.
     Colin planned to explore the downtown some more this morning.  He headed for a small cafe on Main Street that served breakfast.  It was a favorite of the local people.  He might be able to strike up some conversations there.  He had always been able to get people to talk to him.  He wasn’t ready to announce himself.  He’d wait until someone in the hotel or restaurants started to spread the word he was in town. If someone connected Sadie Turin to him, he could claim he hired Sadie, to do some research into small town life for him.  He’d say he needed it for a book he was planning to write.  He’d say he was doing research in a number of small towns. Otherwise he would just be on an unannounced visit to the place he spent his boyhood.
     Colin was able to strike up a conversation with several people in the restaurant.  One of the waitresses proved to be a long time resident of the town.  She was more than willing to talk.  Colin played the part of an interested visitor.  He even learned there were several former classmates still around town.  One was the mayor of the town.  Colin wasn’t sure if that would help his project, to buy the woods and turn it into a public park, or not.  He decided to stick to his plan to let Sadie do some quiet research on the situation first.  That is, if Sadie would agree to his plan.  He would probably find out tonight.


     He returned to the hotel before Sadie went off duty.  He found out where they had reservations for dinner.  She slipped him a note on which was simply written six-thirty.  That was the time, he was supposed pick her up at her house.  He picked up some flowers on the chance he would be able to call for her at her door.  When he arrived she was not at the door waiting for him tonight.  He went to the door and knocked.  Sadie opened the door. 
     Colin suspected the dress she had on was brand new.  It complimented her beautifully.  Sadie had good taste in clothes, although not expensive tastes.  He figured she stayed within her budget, but got the most out of what she had available. 
     “I suspect you are curious about my little house,” Sadie said with a smile.  “I will let you step in for a minute tonight.”  The room was plainly, sparsely, but tastefully furnished.  Colin handed her the flowers as he looked around.  He had judged right she was getting by, but didn’t have a lot to spare.  He wondered why she stayed here.  He was sure she could do much better in a larger city.
Sadie watched Colin as he looked around. 
     “Is it what you expected?”  she asked with a small smile.
     “Yes,” he answered,  “But you don’t fit here.  That is an honest observation and not a line,” Colin hurried to add.
Sadie was silent for a moment so Colin continued, 
     “I think what you have done with it is very nice.  Now before I put my foot in my mouth, shall we go and have dinner.”
     Sadie smiled,  “I thought that was probably what you would say.  I did not take it as a line.  If you were going to hand me a line, you would have done it before this,” she remarked as she handed him her jacket so he could help her on with it.  Then they went out the door and she locked it. 
     She laughed lightly as she did that,  “There’s nothing in there that is really worth stealing, but I need all of it myself.” she observed.  Colin again observed, Sadie was not one to put on a front.  She had been very honest, open and above board.  That was something he hadn’t found much in his experience.  It was very refreshing, he found.  In addition, she was not out to impress him.  That, he had to admit, made her even more intriguing.
     Colin again dropped her off at the door of the restaurant and parked his car.  He walked in, took her by the arm and told the hostess who he was.  She looked him over as she graciously said, 
     “Your table is ready Dr. Mattins.  We are glad you are dining with us tonight.”  She also looked Sadie over very thoroughly.  Sadie noticed this and smiled.
     After they were seated and were looking at the menu, Sadie leaned over and said, 
     “She’s trying to figure out who I am and what connection I might have with you.”
     Colin smiled,  “We’ll just let her concoct all kinds of scenarios.  I might lean over to talk to you and reach out and touch your hand.  Or, we might lean toward each other and reach out and momentarily hold hands.  We could figure out all kinds of things during the evening to lend fuel to her speculations.”
     Sadie laughed rather delightedly at Colin’s suggestions,  “You would delight in adding fuel to her interest.”
     “Would you mind?  She really doesn’t know who you are does she?” Colin asked, wanting to make sure that it would not cause any problem for Sadie.
     “I see no reason why I should mind.  Having an intimate dinner with a famous author should do wonders for my reputation.  It definitely couldn’t be made into a scandal.  You aren’t married, and neither am I.  We are both definitely adults,” Sadie replied with an engaging smile.  “There might even be some who would find a reason to be jealous of me.”
     “Are you hinting that no one would ever think of being jealous of you?” Colin said with a smile.  “I can’t fathom that would never be the case.”
     “You are doing wonders for my ego,” Sadie said.
     “I’m just being honest,” was Colin’s quick reply.
     The waitress came and they ordered.  Colin again talked Sadie into trying one of the most expensive entrees on the menu.
     “You have to take advantage of opportunities when they appear,” he told her with a smile.
     “I still don’t know why you are doing all this.  With any other man I would be real suspicious.  I have no idea why I am not suspicious of you,” Sadie admitted looking quizzically across at Colin.
     “It’s just my gentlemanly character,” Colin replied flippantly.  Sadie laughed, and gave a ladylike snort in derision.
     Colin looked seriously across the table at Sadie, then he reached across and put his hand gently over hers.  “Have you made your decision?  I hope it is to take my proposal to do this work for me.”
     Sadie looked at Colin for a moment, then in a semi-serious voice,  “I couldn’t think up a good reason why I should refuse.  I really should be suspicious of you, because I really don’t know you.  However I can’t even find a good reason to do that,” Sadie told him.
     “I take that as a yes, I hope?” Colin remarked as he looked intently at her.
     “Yes.  That is a yes,” replied Sadie as she returned his look.
     Colin immediately began to lay out, how he thought this would best be handled.  He wanted to be sure that Sadie had any expense money up front, and that she would get paid for the work she put in immediately.  Sadie smiled as she realized what he was doing and why.  If he could figure out a way, he would have her working full time so she would not have to work at those other jobs.  However, the hotel clerk job gave her contacts and a source of information about what was going on around town.  The hotel had meeting rooms, which were used regularly.  By keeping her ears open, Sadie was able to learn about a lot of things that were going on.  One of her jobs was being phased out.  Another could be easily gotten out of in a few more weeks.  That would leave just the part time hotel job. 
     In his wandering about the town, Colin found a small business he could get interested in.  This would give him a reason and a legitimate excuse to make regular trips back here.  Colin talked about these ideas as they ate dinner.  Sadie would be here at the hotel.  She could make dinner reservations for him.  However, Sadie was not about to remind him, that if she were seen having dinner with him whenever he was in town, that really would start rumors.  She had a hunch that did not matter to him.  At the moment, she couldn’t see any good reason it should matter to her.
     The evening went by quickly and enjoyably.  Sadie’s choice of a restaurant was again right on target.  Sadie was looking forward to having more money for a change.  In addition, this work did not look like it was going to be that hard.  Colin told her he had no deadline to accomplish this.  How fast they would want to move would depend on what Sadie was able to find out.      
     Sadie had a hunch any pressure would be of her own making.  Colin would not be at all demanding.  Colin was happy Sadie agreed to take this project.  He now had his reason for keeping in touch with Sadie.  He would now buy an interest in the local business he had scouted.  This would give him a reason for making frequent trips to town.  He would make sure he had reservations at the hotel.  When and if questions were raised about he and Sadie meeting together every time he was in town, they could fall back on his idea of having her do research on certain aspects of a small town.  He would need it for some novels he was writing.
     Sadie could explain she had been hired by a consulting firm, to do research for them.  She would say that it was confidential information, so she could not say anything about it.  This Sadie thought would be fun.
     They worked out all the basic details by the time Colin took Sadie home.  True to his word, Colin dropped Sadie at her door, waited until she was safely in and returned to the hotel.  The next morning when Colin came down into the lobby, Sadie was obviously alone and no one was in the lobby. 
     “You are on the payroll as of now,” Colin said.  Then before Sadie could say anything, he continued,  “When are you going to be off again?”
     “In two days,” Sadie replied, looking questioningly at him.
     “How about breakfast then,” he said,  “I will get something on paper for you.  This will be a preliminary thing.  I will work all the details out when I get back to my office.”
     Sadie quickly said,  “Pick me up at seven again.” 
     About that time two other people walked into the lobby, and the office door opened and another person moved behind the counter with Sadie.  That person greeted Colin, and after exchanging some pleasantries with the two behind the desk, Colin left to explore the town some more.  He put a call into his office to send him a fairly large amount of cash.  He wanted to give this to Sadie for expenses, until final arrangements could be made.  Colin figured it might raise questions if he cashed a check locally for this amount.  The cash could be sent by messenger service directly to him at the hotel.  He arranged to get it before he was to have breakfast with Sadie.
     In his wandering around the town, he finally met a former schoolmate.  It was strictly by accident.  Colin was eating lunch at a downtown restaurant when he got into conversation with a businessman of his age.  This particular businessman, recognizing Colin was a well-dressed stranger, became interested in what brought Colin to Bradford.  When he learned Colin, was staying at the Bradford Hotel, he became more interested.  Colin learned his name was Thad Corring.  Colin remembered the Corring family was considered one of the wealthy families in town when he was a kid. 
     Thad Corring told Colin he was in real estate and banking.  Colin told him his name, which didn’t really ring a bell with Thad.  Colin told him he was in communications.  This was true.  Colin did have an interest in a company that owned a small publisher as well as some radio stations and a television station.  Colin managed to learn quite a bit of information from Thad. 
     It wasn’t until that night, when Thad talked to his wife, who was also from the same class, that Thad realized Colin might be the Colin Mattins who had been in school with them.  When they mentioned that to some of their friends, one of them commented she thought Colin was from the wrong side of the tracks.  Thad forgot about any idea of getting in touch with Colin at the hotel.   
     Actually, Colin wasn’t from the wrong side of the tracks.  He was somewhere in between.  For some reason, none of this group of friends connected him to Dr. Colin Mattins, the author.  When Colin finally learned this, it tickled him greatly.
     Colin picked up Sadie at her house as planned.  They drove to one of the restaurants, on the outskirts of town, that had sprung up at the junction of two highways.  When they were seated and gave their order, Colin gave Sadie the preliminary plan along with the envelope containing the money he had received the evening before. 
     “What is this?”  Sadie asked.
     Colin leaned over to her,  “Don’t open it until you get home.  That’s an advance for expenses.  I assume you pay cash for most things.  You can continue that practice.  If someone asks questions before we have the whole thing set up, tell them you are working for a research company.  And don’t start arguing with me right away.”  Then he gave her a warm smile.
     “This research consulting gets more interesting all the time,” Sadie said with a raise of her eyebrows.  Colin laughed.
     “I am sure you are going to have to pay to get some records,” Colin told her.  “Then as time goes on, you’ll find out that a good meal, people don’t have to pay for, loosens a lot of tongues. You can even use that ploy on friends to get them to get some information for you.  That would be a lot less suspicious than if you did all the information seeking yourself.”
     “You do have this process down very well, don’t you,” Sadie commented. 
     Colin laughed again,  “I’ve been working at it for quite a while.  Luckily I have learned by my mistakes.”
     “You mean I can treat my friends to good restaurant meals and put it on my expense account?” she asked with a smile.
     Colin smiled,  “I know I can trust you to use discretion in that.”
     Then as a point of information, “I am supposed to keep this completely secret?” Sadie asked.
     “As much as you can.  However, don’t worry if you can’t keep it entirely a secret.  It would be easier if no one knew what we were trying to do.  It’s not going to be a big deal if it leaks out,” said Colin.  “Actually we don’t even know if it is possible.  I just didn’t want someone throwing unnecessary roadblocks in our way.”
     “First, I would have to find out whether the woods were available for purchase for the purpose of making it into a park, right?” Sadie said.
     “That’s right.  That’s your first job.  Then if it’s available, who owns it.”  Then Colin added, “We need to find out if there is one owner or several, and if there are any restrictions on the property.”
     “Do you want me to also dig into newspaper files to see if the woods have been mentioned for some reason.  That might indicate if there could possibly be some problems,” Sadie said.
     “That is a very good idea.  That way we might be able to diffuse the problems before they come up,” Colin told her.
     “This could be interesting,” said Sadie.
     “And you’re getting paid for it,”
     “I could grow to like this research consulting,” she said with a smile.  Colin was hoping that would be her reaction.  If Sadie did the research quietly, it could take her quite a while.  Colin was not in any hurry.  He would be happy to let her take as long as she wanted.  He did want to know, if it was possible to buy the woods and make a park of it.  However, he had to admit he really created this project so he had an excuse to stay in touch with Sadie. 
     During the rest of the meal, they continued to discuss what needed to be done and how it might be done.  Sadie seemed to be warming up to this project.  She skimmed the preliminary material Colin had given her.  She did not raise any objections, although she had a number of questions.  Colin’s answers apparently satisfied her. 
     Colin stayed in town a few more days.  Then he decided it would be easier for Sadie if he left.  The fact the author Dr. Colin Mattins, was in town, didn’t reach the media until the day after he left town.  Sadie wasn’t on duty at the hotel, that day, so no one questioned her about Dr. Colin Mattins.  The manager was more than happy to be interviewed.  He didn’t mention Sadie.  For that matter, neither did anyone at the restaurants where Colin and Sadie ate.  Sadie was wondering how she should handle any questions about being seen dining with Dr. Mattins.  She never had to worry about that.  Sadie Turin was never tied into the woman who dined with Dr. Mattins.
     Over the next month, Sadie got the final material from Colin and did a lot of research.  She quit working her other jobs.  She only retained the one at the hotel.  Colin arranged to have her set up as a research consultant with a dummy corporation he created.  At Sadie’s suggestion, most of the time they met at a nearby town rather than in Bradford.  She thought people might now recognize him in Bradford.  There would be less chance of questions being raised. 
     During the next month, Sadie found the woods had originally been a part of the county and not the city of Bradford.  The county had taken it over for delinquent taxes a number of years ago.  However, things had been complicated by the fact the woods were now part of the city of Bradford.  There seemed to be some controversy about who controlled the property.  This could make it a little more difficult to quietly purchase the property.  It seemed to be a matter of politics. 
     As far as Sadie could determine, no one had indicated any great interest in the property.  It seemed, there could be some very definite environmental problems if any one wanted to build on this property.  This might work in Colin’s favor, as he wanted to turn it into a park.  Under the direction of Colin’s lawyer, Sadie got a number of copies of certain legal documents.  She also made copies of all the stories regarding the controversy about the legal ownership of the woods.
     This slowed up Sadie’s progress, although it did not cut down on her work.  When Sadie acquired a number of copies of legal documents, Colin told her he wanted her to fly in to his headquarters city.  He made the reservations and sent her the tickets.  Sadie learned he made reservations for her at the type of hotel at which he normally stayed.  Sadie had not been in the habit of staying at this type of hotel. 
     Sadie made some trips to a nearby larger city, to gather information.  She used one of her trips to do some shopping.  She decided she wanted some better clothes for the trip.  Colin paid her enough, so she could now afford this.  She wasn’t going to tell Colin anything about this.  Sadie was afraid Colin would send her extra expense money, to cover the cost of the clothes.  He would justify it by claiming she wouldn’t have to buy those clothes if he hadn’t asked her to come to his office. 
     Colin had a legitimate reason for having Sadie come here.  He wanted Sadie to get together with he, his lawyer and a couple other people. They were going to discuss the situation Sadie had discovered regarding the property that contained the woods.  Sadie was kind of excited about making this trip.  She knew she would be dining out a number of times.  Colin dined at very nice places whenever they were available.  Sadie found she was looking forward to this.
     She still hadn’t figured out why Colin had asked her to do this project for him.  She was sure he could have hired research professionals who could have done it.  He said he figured she could do it, arousing much less interest in what she was doing.  She lived here.  She was part of the community.  Anyone from the outside would have been noticed immediately.  Sadie still didn’t buy that explanation, completely.  Although it had logic to it, she didn’t think it was the complete reason.  So far Colin hadn’t done anything to give her a basis to suspect any other reason.  He continued to be the perfect gentleman, although very attentive to her when they were together.
     Colin picked Sadie up at the airport.  She didn’t expect him to do that.  He took her to her hotel and saw that she was registered.  It was being billed to his company. 
     Before she went up to her room, Colin told her,  “I’ll let you get settled in.  I’ll pick you up for lunch and then we will go back to my office and meet with the rest of the people.  We figure to make an afternoon of it.  We will all go out for dinner tonight.  One of the other men will drive you back to the hotel, after the meeting, but I will pick you up to take you to dinner.”  Colin was very businesslike.  He was deliberately treating her like a business associate.  Sadie knew that was for the benefit of the hotel staff.
     They set a time for Colin to pick her up for lunch.  Sadie went up to her room.  It was a very nice room, even better than Sadie had expected.  She changed from her traveling clothes into a business suit she thought would be appropriate for a business meeting.  Colin was waiting for her in the lobby. 
     As they walked out to where his car was, Colin commented,  “You look very nice.”  Then he added,  “And very businesslike.”  Sadie gave him a nice smile.  She was pleased he seemed to agree with her choice of clothes for this occasion. 
     As Sadie had expected, Colin took her to a very nice restaurant downtown.  Colin was greeted as he walked in with Sadie.  Sadie got a good looking over by the people who knew Colin.  This was a young woman, they had never seen with Dr. Mattins before.  Colin gave her some suggestions of things on the menu, he thought she might like.  As she looked at the menu, she was thinking if she had to pay, she would be having sticker shock.  Even with the money Colin was now paying her.  She kind of smiled at that thought.  She picked one of the items and Colin ordered for both of them.
     Colin said with a smile,  “You looked a little shocked at the prices?  Tonight we will have dinner at a place they don’t even put prices on their menu.”  Sadie looked at him a little skeptical. 
     “I have, on very rare occasions, eaten at restaurants whose prices were close to this.  I have never eaten at a restaurant where the prices weren’t even carried on the menu.  Are they telling you that if you have to ask the price, you shouldn’t be eating there?”
     “I suspect that is the idea they are trying to promote,” Colin answered.  Then he laughed,  “In spite of that, they have very excellent food.”
     “You really are giving me a taste of the good life,” said Sadie.   
     Colin just smiled but didn’t directly answer Sadie.  Instead he began to talk about the people she would be meeting with after lunch.  At Colin’s suggestion, Sadie brought along all of the records and news reports she copied.  She also brought along a report she put together regarding what she found so far.  After lunch, Colin took her to the office where they were meeting.  
     Colin introduced Sadie as the person spearheading this project for him.  Sadie provided them with the copies she brought along with her.  She gave them a briefing on what she had found so far.  They began asking her questions and discussing the situation.  They had more questions as the afternoon went on.  Sadie was making notes for herself regarding things she wanted to find out about.  These came both from the questions that were asked and also from the discussions.  The lawyer was going to look into some of the legal questions.  He promised to get in touch with Sadie and let her know what he found.  Another one of the people there was going to check on the political situation and report back to Sadie. 
     By the time Sadie was taken back to the hotel to change for dinner, she was beginning to feel somewhat important.  She had been complimented several times on the job she was doing.
     As promised, Colin picked her up to take her to the restaurant where they were having dinner.  It was everything Sadie figured it would be.  Not only that, but it was obvious that Colin was not a stranger here.  When she walked in on Colin’s arm, Sadie attracted plenty of attention.  Sadie realized they were all trying to figure out who she was, and what her relationship was to Colin.  She had a feeling Colin was enjoying it as much as she was. 
     They were given a relatively secluded table.  Colin seated Sadie between himself and the lawyer.  Apparently the lawyer was an old friend.  It was Colin who briefed Sadie this time on the menu entrees and made several suggestions she might choose between.  She made a mental note to herself to tell Colin it wasn’t fair.  She didn’t know which entree was the most expensive.  He would just laugh, and tell her it didn’t matter she unerringly picked the most expensive one anyway.
     The dinner was a relaxed affair.  It was obvious the rest of them knew each other very well.  Sadie noticed the other woman in the party looked her over very closely.  Colin had not indicated there was anything but a business relationship between he and this woman.  Sadie knew the woman might look on it differently from Colin.  However she treated Sadie the same as the rest.  Sadie was part of the group. 
     There was some talk of the project they had been discussing all afternoon.  Most of the time was spent discussing other things.  Colin briefed Sadie on what her answers might be if she was asked about her background.  Without lying, Colin had been able to create an impressive resume for her.  He had also coached her on how to answer certain questions and still keep it truthful.  Sadie did a masterful job of putting his suggestions to good use.
     As they were driving back to the hotel, Colin said,  “You did an absolutely superb job tonight.  The way you answered the questions, no one could possibly accuse you of lying.”
     “You mean I passed the test with flying colors,” Sadie said with a nice smile.
     “Absolutely,” Colin answered,  “You are for real, as far as anyone in the group is concerned.  Your credentials are accepted.”
     “Of course, it doesn’t mean anything that you brought me in.  In essence that you are vouching I am for real,” said Sadie somewhat derisively. 
     Colin laughed, “Nothing gets past you anymore, does it.”
     “I try not to let it.”
     “Let’s face it,” said Colin,  “That’s the way reputations are built.  People seldom check.  Unless you really foul up, most people have a tendency to take you at face value.  If some one who’s accepted in the group, gives you a certain face value, that’s what it will be as far as the group is concerned.”
     “You were counting on that when you asked me to come here,” Sadie said.  “You were also counting on it carrying over from now on.  You were building me a permanent reputation.”
Colin just smiled and was silent.
     Sadie continued,  “You are determined to make me quit hiding and come back out of my shell, aren’t you?”
     “I just don’t think you should be wasting your life as hotel clerk,” Colin told her.  “From where I’m sitting, you have too much intelligence and too much talent.  I just want to see you try again.”
     “Why is it important to you?” Sadie asked.
     “As I said once before, I don’t know.  You intrigued me right from the start.  You were the wrong character in the wrong part.  The more I saw you and talked to you, the more convinced I was right,” Colin answered,  “It just gnawed on me.  The character didn’t fit the part.”
     “So you had to create a new part to fit the character?” asked Sadie.
     “Something like that.”  At that point, Colin pulled up in front of the hotel.  As Sadie started to get out, Colin said,  “I’ll pick you up for breakfast at eight.  Then I’ll take you back here to check out.  We’ll have time to come back to my office for a short time before I take you to the airport.” 
     All of a sudden, Colin was back to business.  Sadie kind of smiled.  Colin hadn’t made up his mind where she fit.  She couldn’t help him because she hadn’t made up her mind where she wanted to fit.  Sadie thought she would just wait until Colin made up his mind.  Then she would decide where she wanted to fit.  Up until that time, she was enjoying everything.  He had been a perfect gentleman.  Maybe that was what he was trying to establish.  She’d just wait and see.  As she was going up to her room, Sadie decided she was tired.  She was going to take a leisurely shower and go to bed.
     Sadie was up early the next morning.  She had just finished packing when Colin called her from the lobby.  He was a little early for which he apologized. 
     “Oh, I’m all ready, just waiting for your call,” Sadie told him.  She met him in the lobby and Colin told her where they were having breakfast.
     “Oh, we are really going first class,” Sadie said with a rather delighted smile.
     “Don’t want to spoil my record,” was Colin’s reply.
     Again when they came in to the restaurant, it was apparent Colin was not a stranger here.  Sadie got a looking over.  Everyone was trying to determine if they should know her.  Colin briefed her on the menu and what he thought she might like to try.  It was then, she remembered she was going to needle him about the dinner.  After they ordered, Sadie looked at Colin with a sly smile and said, 
     “You cheated the other night.  You took me to a place that didn’t put the prices on the menu.”  Colin looked a little puzzled.  Sadie then went on,  “I couldn’t tell if I was ordering the most expensive entrée or not.”  Colin started to laugh. 
     “If my memory serves me, I am sure you managed to do that even though you didn’t know the prices,” he said.
     “You know, that’s just what I predicted your answer would be,” Sadie told him with a light laugh.
     The breakfast was quiet, peaceful and very enjoyable for Sadie.  She was kind of wishing she could stay around longer.  They discussed a few things, but it was a leisurely discussion.  After they finished they drove back to the hotel.  Colin settled up the bill while he sent a bellboy with Sadie to get her luggage.  He drove her to his office and she went with him into his private office.  They spent sometime discussing what the next steps should be.  They put together a kind of loose schedule.  Colin did not put any timetable to it.  He told Sadie to work at her own pace that she judged best for the success of the project.  They talked about a number of things they thought they needed more information on. 
     As they were winding the discussion down and getting ready for Sadie to go out to the airport, Colin asked Sadie, “Would you consider coming here to work as a full-time research assistant for me?”   Then he added before Sadie could answer,  “Just consider it.  We can talk about it at another time.”
     “Don’t you have research assistants now?” Sadie said. 
     “Yes, but they are all temporary part-time people.  I don’t have a full-time research assistant at this time, but I could use one.”
     “Aren’t any of them qualified?”
     “The one that I would consider qualified does not want a full-time job.”
     “How do you know I do?”
     “I don’t.  I just thought I’d bounce the idea off you to see if you might be interested.  I pay very well.”  Colin added that last with a broad grin.
     “I will vouch for that,” said Sadie with a smile.  “I’ll think it over.”
     Colin took Sadie to the airport and saw her off on her flight.  It was obvious, Colin wanted to keep in touch with her, even after this project is over.  Except for an occasional night out of dinner and dancing, Colin had kept it strictly to business.  He had never tried to put a move on her.  She had to admit, he had always been the perfect gentleman.  She had not been able to figure him out.  So far, he had not acted like any other man she knew.  Most men would have made some kind of move by this time.  She had to admit, she was enjoying it very much.  She had stopped looking for double meanings in what Colin said and did.  He had been open and above board. 
     She was enjoying leading the life she was now able to lead.  She also enjoyed the glimpses Colin gave her of the life he led.  She did occasionally wonder if she was heading for another big fall.  But this was different.  There were no promises made or implied.  She was doing a job for him that he wanted done.  It was a legitimate project.  He paid her very well for that.  That was the sum and total of it.  The breakfasts, lunches and dinners, Colin made all part of it.  The dancing was a little relaxation after the work was done.  Sadie had no objection to that.  In fact she enjoyed it.
     Over the next month, Sadie worked on some of the things they had discussed.  Sadie received the information the lawyer and the person looking into the political angle had uncovered.       Apparently, the mayor had gotten himself into a tight corner by trying to skirt the environmental issues for a political crony.  The media had gotten wind of it and was playing it to the hilt.  Sadie saw the possibility of using this to their advantage.  At Sadie’s suggestion, Colin and his lawyer flew into town to meet with Sadie.  She set the meeting up at the downtown restaurant the mayor and his friends frequented.
     “Why this particular restaurant, Sadie?” Colin asked.  He knew she had a reason. 
     “I wanted friends of the mayor, if not the mayor himself to see me meeting with you,” Sadie told him.  “They now know I have been gathering information for someone.  I want to establish the fact that it has been for you.”
     “In other words, you have an idea that requires us to come out in the open,” the lawyer said.
     “I am going to offer the mayor an out that he desperately needs,” Sadie said,  “We will buy the woods from the County for the purpose of establishing a park.  He will kill any controversy between the city and the county regarding whose property it is.  We will then give it to the city as a park in perpetuity with a yearly contribution to help maintain the park.  It will make him look like a hero by negotiating this, and get him out of the political mess he got himself into.  I will suggest he contact the county to set up a meeting for this purpose.  He can use your name as the person who will purchase the property for the purpose of turning it into a park.  From what I have found out the county will jump at this idea.  It will put to rest the stories of the controversy between the county and the city.”
     “Sounds great,” said Colin.  “Go ahead and talk to him.”
     At this time the mayor walked into the restaurant.  Sadie turned to Colin and the lawyer, 
     “Shall we strike while the iron is hot?”
     The lawyer smiled,  “I think that would be perfect timing.”
     Sadie got up and went over to the place where the mayor had seated himself with several people.  She talked to the mayor and nodded over toward the table where Colin and his lawyer were seated.  After some discussion back and forth, the mayor finally got up and followed Sadie over to where Colin and his lawyer were seated. 
     As they came near, Colin and his lawyer got up to greet the mayor.  They sat down and Colin gave the mayor his card and explained that he wanted to buy the woods he used to roam in as a young man.  He wanted to turn it into a park, give the park to the city of Bradford, then establish a fund to help maintain that park.  As Colin was speaking, the mayor realized who Colin was, and that he had been in school with him. 
     They began to discuss this idea.  Colin, the lawyer and Sadie told the mayor they knew about the controversy surrounding the property.  They suggested, he be the one to set up a meeting with the county officials, to work this idea out.  They let him understand they had no objections to his taking credit for working this out.  However, they said they wanted it done immediately.  The mayor agreed to set up the meeting as soon as he got back to his office.  He was sure, the county officials would also be happy to have a way, to put this whole thing to rest.  They would be happy to get the property off their hands.  The mayor was to get back to Sadie as to the time and place.
     That afternoon, the mayor phoned Sadie.  He told her he set up a meeting for tomorrow at ten.  Sadie said she would bring Dr. Mattins and his lawyer to the meeting.  Sadie told the mayor, they would be ready to finalize all the details.  Sadie called Colin and told him the news.  Colin asked her, to set up a reservation for dinner for the three of them, that night.  They would then go over the plans for the meeting tomorrow.
     The mayor had apparently done some real arm-twisting.  Everyone showed up on time and ready to get to work.  The mayor explained what he, Sadie and Dr. Mattins had discussed.
He said Ms. Turin was Dr. Mattins official representative in this project.  He said Ms. Turin and Dr. Mattins were prepared to immediately purchase the property from the county, turn it into a park and present it to the city.  He said that they would do this, as soon as everything was cleared, to allow them to purchase the property for that purpose.  There were, a number of questions asked, most of which Sadie answered or deferred to the lawyer.  The county officials went on record as being ready to sell the woods to Dr. Mattins so he could establish a park.  The mayor and city representatives said they would be happy to get those woods as a park.  The environmental people said they were in perfect agreement with the use of those woods for a park. 
      By later that afternoon, everything had been worked out.  Sadie would go ahead and arrange for the purchase of the property from the county.  The lawyer would work things out with the city so the property would remain a park.  Sadie and Colin would work out the details of the fund that would help to pay for the maintenance of the park.
     By the time Colin and his lawyer left two days later, his project to buy the woods and turn it into a park had been virtually accomplished.  Sadie would continue working to take care of all the details on the project.  Colin figured that would take at least a month if not more.  Sadie, had not given him an answer to his proposal, that she come to work for him.  Colin was willing to give her time to think it over thoroughly.  He wanted Sadie to be sure that is what she wanted to do.  Colin was exploring other possibilities he might suggest to Sadie if she did turn down his job offer.  He was determined she would not be allowed to vegetate in Bradford.  That is what he told her she was doing.  Sadie had not disputed his statement. 
     When Colin left, he told Sadie he would be back in about ten days and they would go out to dinner to celebrate.  Sadie became known to business people in the city as the person who had engineered the purchase of the woods by Dr. Mattins.  The story floating around town was she talked Dr. Mattins into the idea, of turning it into a park and donating it to the city.  Her picture appeared in the media as a business associate of Dr. Mattins.  Sadie knew that Colin had somehow maneuvered that.
     Colin now designated her as his representative to the local company he purchased a significant interest in.  During the ten days before Colin returned, Sadie met with the officers of the company to acquaint herself with its operations.  Colin also substantially raised the consulting fee he was paying her.  She now quit her job at the hotel and moved into a downtown office.  She still remained in her small house.  She said she really didn’t need anything more at the moment.  She was now eating at the better restaurants more often, and was now driving a more modern car.  However, she kept her old friends.  They proved to be good sources of information.  Sadie was finding she liked being a businesswoman again.  She did not object at all when Colin told her she was going to be his representative with the local company he partly owned.


     Sadie offered to pick Colin up at the airport of the next town when he flew in.  He said he was going to rent a car anyway, so he would drive to Bradford.  He was going to stay at the hotel, so he would call her at her office when he got there.  Then she could tell him where she made reservations for dinner.  He figured she would make it for seven.
     The story had been widely covered in the media that Colin went to school in Bradford.  Colin would now be recognized, any time he came to Bradford.  Sadie bought a complete new outfit for this night out.  She was sure Colin would suggest they go dancing after dinner.  This time Sadie was going to make sure she looked the part of a dinner companion of a famous author. She was not doing it to impress Colin.  She knew she did not need to impress him.  She was doing it to prove to herself that she was back to where Colin thought she should be.  She was no longer the hotel clerk.  She was a successful businesswoman.

restaurants.  He’d ask Sadie if she could make reservations for him tomorrow.  She hadn’t indicated where she wanted to go to dinner.  He forgot to ask.  He was just happy she agreed to have dinner with him again.  His stay here was proving to be much more pleasant than he hoped.  He was hoping she would say she would work with him on this project.
     In the morning, he came down to the lobby shortly after Sadie came on duty.  She again gave him a cheery, 
     “Good morning Dr. Mattins.  I hope you had a pleasant day yesterday.”
     “I had a very pleasant day, Ms. Turin.”  Then seeing that there was no one else around for the moment said,  “Would you mind making reservations for dinner for me for tonight at seven?”
     “I would be happy to do that for you, Dr. Mattins,” Sadie replied very pleasantly.  Then making sure no one was within earshot, she leaned over and whispered,  “Do I get to choose?”
Colin just nodded slightly with a broad smile.  Sadie had immediately realized they had not decided on the restaurant.
     Colin planned to explore the downtown some more this morning.  He headed for a small cafe on Main Street that served breakfast.  It was a favorite of the local people.  He might be able to strike up some conversations there.  He had always been able to get people to talk to him.  He wasn’t ready to announce himself.  He’d wait until someone in the hotel or restaurants started to spread the word he was in town. If someone connected Sadie Turin to him, he could claim he hired Sadie, to do some research into small town life for him.  He’d say he needed it for a book he was planning to write.  He’d say he was doing research in a number of small towns. Otherwise he would just be on an unannounced visit to the place he spent his boyhood.
     Colin was able to strike up a conversation with several people in the restaurant.  One of the waitresses proved to be a long time resident of the town.  She was more than willing to talk.  Colin played the part of an interested visitor.  He even learned there were several former classmates still around town.  One was the mayor of the town.  Colin wasn’t sure if that would help his project, to buy the woods and turn it into a public park, or not.  He decided to stick to his plan to let Sadie do some quiet research on the situation first.  That is, if Sadie would agree to his plan.  He would probably find out tonight.


     He returned to the hotel before Sadie went off duty.  He found out where they had reservations for dinner.  She slipped him a note on which was simply written six-thirty.  That was the time, he was supposed pick her up at her house.  He picked up some flowers on the chance he would be able to call for her at her door.  When he arrived she was not at the door waiting for him tonight.  He went to the door and knocked.  Sadie opened the door. 
     Colin suspected the dress she had on was brand new.  It complimented her beautifully.  Sadie had good taste in clothes, although not expensive tastes.  He figured she stayed within her budget, but got the most out of what she had available. 
     “I suspect you are curious about my little house,” Sadie said with a smile.  “I will let you step in for a minute tonight.”  The room was plainly, sparsely, but tastefully furnished.  Colin handed her the flowers as he looked around.  He had judged right she was getting by, but didn’t have a lot to spare.  He wondered why she stayed here.  He was sure she could do much better in a larger city.
Sadie watched Colin as he looked around. 
     “Is it what you expected?”  she asked with a small smile.
     “Yes,” he answered,  “But you don’t fit here.  That is an honest observation and not a line,” Colin hurried to add.
Sadie was silent for a moment so Colin continued, 
     “I think what you have done with it is very nice.  Now before I put my foot in my mouth, shall we go and have dinner.”
     Sadie smiled,  “I thought that was probably what you would say.  I did not take it as a line.  If you were going to hand me a line, you would have done it before this,” she remarked as she handed him her jacket so he could help her on with it.  Then they went out the door and she locked it. 
     She laughed lightly as she did that,  “There’s nothing in there that is really worth stealing, but I need all of it myself.” she observed.  Colin again observed, Sadie was not one to put on a front.  She had been very honest, open and above board.  That was something he hadn’t found much in his experience.  It was very refreshing, he found.  In addition, she was not out to impress him.  That, he had to admit, made her even more intriguing.
     Colin again dropped her off at the door of the restaurant and parked his car.  He walked in, took her by the arm and told the hostess who he was.  She looked him over as she graciously said, 
     “Your table is ready Dr. Mattins.  We are glad you are dining with us tonight.”  She also looked Sadie over very thoroughly.  Sadie noticed this and smiled.
     After they were seated and were looking at the menu, Sadie leaned over and said, 
     “She’s trying to figure out who I am and what connection I might have with you.”
     Colin smiled,  “We’ll just let her concoct all kinds of scenarios.  I might lean over to talk to you and reach out and touch your hand.  Or, we might lean toward each other and reach out and momentarily hold hands.  We could figure out all kinds of things during the evening to lend fuel to her speculations.”
     Sadie laughed rather delightedly at Colin’s suggestions,  “You would delight in adding fuel to her interest.”
     “Would you mind?  She really doesn’t know who you are does she?” Colin asked, wanting to make sure that it would not cause any problem for Sadie.
     “I see no reason why I should mind.  Having an intimate dinner with a famous author should do wonders for my reputation.  It definitely couldn’t be made into a scandal.  You aren’t married, and neither am I.  We are both definitely adults,” Sadie replied with an engaging smile.  “There might even be some who would find a reason to be jealous of me.”
     “Are you hinting that no one would ever think of being jealous of you?” Colin said with a smile.  “I can’t fathom that would never be the case.”
     “You are doing wonders for my ego,” Sadie said.
     “I’m just being honest,” was Colin’s quick reply.
     The waitress came and they ordered.  Colin again talked Sadie into trying one of the most expensive entrees on the menu.
     “You have to take advantage of opportunities when they appear,” he told her with a smile.
     “I still don’t know why you are doing all this.  With any other man I would be real suspicious.  I have no idea why I am not suspicious of you,” Sadie admitted looking quizzically across at Colin.
     “It’s just my gentlemanly character,” Colin replied flippantly.  Sadie laughed, and gave a ladylike snort in derision.
     Colin looked seriously across the table at Sadie, then he reached across and put his hand gently over hers.  “Have you made your decision?  I hope it is to take my proposal to do this work for me.”
     Sadie looked at Colin for a moment, then in a semi-serious voice,  “I couldn’t think up a good reason why I should refuse.  I really should be suspicious of you, because I really don’t know you.  However I can’t even find a good reason to do that,” Sadie told him.
     “I take that as a yes, I hope?” Colin remarked as he looked intently at her.
     “Yes.  That is a yes,” replied Sadie as she returned his look.
     Colin immediately began to lay out, how he thought this would best be handled.  He wanted to be sure that Sadie had any expense money up front, and that she would get paid for the work she put in immediately.  Sadie smiled as she realized what he was doing and why.  If he could figure out a way, he would have her working full time so she would not have to work at those other jobs.  However, the hotel clerk job gave her contacts and a source of information about what was going on around town.  The hotel had meeting rooms, which were used regularly.  By keeping her ears open, Sadie was able to learn about a lot of things that were going on.  One of her jobs was being phased out.  Another could be easily gotten out of in a few more weeks.  That would leave just the part time hotel job. 
     In his wandering about the town, Colin found a small business he could get interested in.  This would give him a reason and a legitimate excuse to make regular trips back here.  Colin talked about these ideas as they ate dinner.  Sadie would be here at the hotel.  She could make dinner reservations for him.  However, Sadie was not about to remind him, that if she were seen having dinner with him whenever he was in town, that really would start rumors.  She had a hunch that did not matter to him.  At the moment, she couldn’t see any good reason it should matter to her.
     The evening went by quickly and enjoyably.  Sadie’s choice of a restaurant was again right on target.  Sadie was looking forward to having more money for a change.  In addition, this work did not look like it was going to be that hard.  Colin told her he had no deadline to accomplish this.  How fast they would want to move would depend on what Sadie was able to find out.      
     Sadie had a hunch any pressure would be of her own making.  Colin would not be at all demanding.  Colin was happy Sadie agreed to take this project.  He now had his reason for keeping in touch with Sadie.  He would now buy an interest in the local business he had scouted.  This would give him a reason for making frequent trips to town.  He would make sure he had reservations at the hotel.  When and if questions were raised about he and Sadie meeting together every time he was in town, they could fall back on his idea of having her do research on certain aspects of a small town.  He would need it for some novels he was writing.
     Sadie could explain she had been hired by a consulting firm, to do research for them.  She would say that it was confidential information, so she could not say anything about it.  This Sadie thought would be fun.
     They worked out all the basic details by the time Colin took Sadie home.  True to his word, Colin dropped Sadie at her door, waited until she was safely in and returned to the hotel.  The next morning when Colin came down into the lobby, Sadie was obviously alone and no one was in the lobby. 
     “You are on the payroll as of now,” Colin said.  Then before Sadie could say anything, he continued,  “When are you going to be off again?”
     “In two days,” Sadie replied, looking questioningly at him.
     “How about breakfast then,” he said,  “I will get something on paper for you.  This will be a preliminary thing.  I will work all the details out when I get back to my office.”
     Sadie quickly said,  “Pick me up at seven again.” 
     About that time two other people walked into the lobby, and the office door opened and another person moved behind the counter with Sadie.  That person greeted Colin, and after exchanging some pleasantries with the two behind the desk, Colin left to explore the town some more.  He put a call into his office to send him a fairly large amount of cash.  He wanted to give this to Sadie for expenses, until final arrangements could be made.  Colin figured it might raise questions if he cashed a check locally for this amount.  The cash could be sent by messenger service directly to him at the hotel.  He arranged to get it before he was to have breakfast with Sadie.
     In his wandering around the town, he finally met a former schoolmate.  It was strictly by accident.  Colin was eating lunch at a downtown restaurant when he got into conversation with a businessman of his age.  This particular businessman, recognizing Colin was a well-dressed stranger, became interested in what brought Colin to Bradford.  When he learned Colin, was staying at the Bradford Hotel, he became more interested.  Colin learned his name was Thad Corring.  Colin remembered the Corring family was considered one of the wealthy families in town when he was a kid. 
     Thad Corring told Colin he was in real estate and banking.  Colin told him his name, which didn’t really ring a bell with Thad.  Colin told him he was in communications.  This was true.  Colin did have an interest in a company that owned a small publisher as well as some radio stations and a television station.  Colin managed to learn quite a bit of information from Thad. 
     It wasn’t until that night, when Thad talked to his wife, who was also from the same class, that Thad realized Colin might be the Colin Mattins who had been in school with them.  When they mentioned that to some of their friends, one of them commented she thought Colin was from the wrong side of the tracks.  Thad forgot about any idea of getting in touch with Colin at the hotel.   
     Actually, Colin wasn’t from the wrong side of the tracks.  He was somewhere in between.  For some reason, none of this group of friends connected him to Dr. Colin Mattins, the author.  When Colin finally learned this, it tickled him greatly.
     Colin picked up Sadie at her house as planned.  They drove to one of the restaurants, on the outskirts of town, that had sprung up at the junction of two highways.  When they were seated and gave their order, Colin gave Sadie the preliminary plan along with the envelope containing the money he had received the evening before. 
     “What is this?”  Sadie asked.
     Colin leaned over to her,  “Don’t open it until you get home.  That’s an advance for expenses.  I assume you pay cash for most things.  You can continue that practice.  If someone asks questions before we have the whole thing set up, tell them you are working for a research company.  And don’t start arguing with me right away.”  Then he gave her a warm smile.
     “This research consulting gets more interesting all the time,” Sadie said with a raise of her eyebrows.  Colin laughed.
     “I am sure you are going to have to pay to get some records,” Colin told her.  “Then as time goes on, you’ll find out that a good meal, people don’t have to pay for, loosens a lot of tongues. You can even use that ploy on friends to get them to get some information for you.  That would be a lot less suspicious than if you did all the information seeking yourself.”
     “You do have this process down very well, don’t you,” Sadie commented. 
     Colin laughed again,  “I’ve been working at it for quite a while.  Luckily I have learned by my mistakes.”
     “You mean I can treat my friends to good restaurant meals and put it on my expense account?” she asked with a smile.
     Colin smiled,  “I know I can trust you to use discretion in that.”
     Then as a point of information, “I am supposed to keep this completely secret?” Sadie asked.
     “As much as you can.  However, don’t worry if you can’t keep it entirely a secret.  It would be easier if no one knew what we were trying to do.  It’s not going to be a big deal if it leaks out,” said Colin.  “Actually we don’t even know if it is possible.  I just didn’t want someone throwing unnecessary roadblocks in our way.”
     “First, I would have to find out whether the woods were available for purchase for the purpose of making it into a park, right?” Sadie said.
     “That’s right.  That’s your first job.  Then if it’s available, who owns it.”  Then Colin added, “We need to find out if there is one owner or several, and if there are any restrictions on the property.”
     “Do you want me to also dig into newspaper files to see if the woods have been mentioned for some reason.  That might indicate if there could possibly be some problems,” Sadie said.
     “That is a very good idea.  That way we might be able to diffuse the problems before they come up,” Colin told her.
     “This could be interesting,” said Sadie.
     “And you’re getting paid for it,”
     “I could grow to like this research consulting,” she said with a smile.  Colin was hoping that would be her reaction.  If Sadie did the research quietly, it could take her quite a while.  Colin was not in any hurry.  He would be happy to let her take as long as she wanted.  He did want to know, if it was possible to buy the woods and make a park of it.  However, he had to admit he really created this project so he had an excuse to stay in touch with Sadie. 
     During the rest of the meal, they continued to discuss what needed to be done and how it might be done.  Sadie seemed to be warming up to this project.  She skimmed the preliminary material Colin had given her.  She did not raise any objections, although she had a number of questions.  Colin’s answers apparently satisfied her. 
     Colin stayed in town a few more days.  Then he decided it would be easier for Sadie if he left.  The fact the author Dr. Colin Mattins, was in town, didn’t reach the media until the day after he left town.  Sadie wasn’t on duty at the hotel, that day, so no one questioned her about Dr. Colin Mattins.  The manager was more than happy to be interviewed.  He didn’t mention Sadie.  For that matter, neither did anyone at the restaurants where Colin and Sadie ate.  Sadie was wondering how she should handle any questions about being seen dining with Dr. Mattins.  She never had to worry about that.  Sadie Turin was never tied into the woman who dined with Dr. Mattins.
     Over the next month, Sadie got the final material from Colin and did a lot of research.  She quit working her other jobs.  She only retained the one at the hotel.  Colin arranged to have her set up as a research consultant with a dummy corporation he created.  At Sadie’s suggestion, most of the time they met at a nearby town rather than in Bradford.  She thought people might now recognize him in Bradford.  There would be less chance of questions being raised. 
     During the next month, Sadie found the woods had originally been a part of the county and not the city of Bradford.  The county had taken it over for delinquent taxes a number of years ago.  However, things had been complicated by the fact the woods were now part of the city of Bradford.  There seemed to be some controversy about who controlled the property.  This could make it a little more difficult to quietly purchase the property.  It seemed to be a matter of politics. 
     As far as Sadie could determine, no one had indicated any great interest in the property.  It seemed, there could be some very definite environmental problems if any one wanted to build on this property.  This might work in Colin’s favor, as he wanted to turn it into a park.  Under the direction of Colin’s lawyer, Sadie got a number of copies of certain legal documents.  She also made copies of all the stories regarding the controversy about the legal ownership of the woods.
     This slowed up Sadie’s progress, although it did not cut down on her work.  When Sadie acquired a number of copies of legal documents, Colin told her he wanted her to fly in to his headquarters city.  He made the reservations and sent her the tickets.  Sadie learned he made reservations for her at the type of hotel at which he normally stayed.  Sadie had not been in the habit of staying at this type of hotel. 
     Sadie made some trips to a nearby larger city, to gather information.  She used one of her trips to do some shopping.  She decided she wanted some better clothes for the trip.  Colin paid her enough, so she could now afford this.  She wasn’t going to tell Colin anything about this.  Sadie was afraid Colin would send her extra expense money, to cover the cost of the clothes.  He would justify it by claiming she wouldn’t have to buy those clothes if he hadn’t asked her to come to his office. 
     Colin had a legitimate reason for having Sadie come here.  He wanted Sadie to get together with he, his lawyer and a couple other people. They were going to discuss the situation Sadie had discovered regarding the property that contained the woods.  Sadie was kind of excited about making this trip.  She knew she would be dining out a number of times.  Colin dined at very nice places whenever they were available.  Sadie found she was looking forward to this.
     She still hadn’t figured out why Colin had asked her to do this project for him.  She was sure he could have hired research professionals who could have done it.  He said he figured she could do it, arousing much less interest in what she was doing.  She lived here.  She was part of the community.  Anyone from the outside would have been noticed immediately.  Sadie still didn’t buy that explanation, completely.  Although it had logic to it, she didn’t think it was the complete reason.  So far Colin hadn’t done anything to give her a basis to suspect any other reason.  He continued to be the perfect gentleman, although very attentive to her when they were together.
     Colin picked Sadie up at the airport.  She didn’t expect him to do that.  He took her to her hotel and saw that she was registered.  It was being billed to his company. 
     Before she went up to her room, Colin told her,  “I’ll let you get settled in.  I’ll pick you up for lunch and then we will go back to my office and meet with the rest of the people.  We figure to make an afternoon of it.  We will all go out for dinner tonight.  One of the other men will drive you back to the hotel, after the meeting, but I will pick you up to take you to dinner.”  Colin was very businesslike.  He was deliberately treating her like a business associate.  Sadie knew that was for the benefit of the hotel staff.
     They set a time for Colin to pick her up for lunch.  Sadie went up to her room.  It was a very nice room, even better than Sadie had expected.  She changed from her traveling clothes into a business suit she thought would be appropriate for a business meeting.  Colin was waiting for her in the lobby. 
     As they walked out to where his car was, Colin commented,  “You look very nice.”  Then he added,  “And very businesslike.”  Sadie gave him a nice smile.  She was pleased he seemed to agree with her choice of clothes for this occasion. 
     As Sadie had expected, Colin took her to a very nice restaurant downtown.  Colin was greeted as he walked in with Sadie.  Sadie got a good looking over by the people who knew Colin.  This was a young woman, they had never seen with Dr. Mattins before.  Colin gave her some suggestions of things on the menu, he thought she might like.  As she looked at the menu, she was thinking if she had to pay, she would be having sticker shock.  Even with the money Colin was now paying her.  She kind of smiled at that thought.  She picked one of the items and Colin ordered for both of them.
     Colin said with a smile,  “You looked a little shocked at the prices?  Tonight we will have dinner at a place they don’t even put prices on their menu.”  Sadie looked at him a little skeptical. 
     “I have, on very rare occasions, eaten at restaurants whose prices were close to this.  I have never eaten at a restaurant where the prices weren’t even carried on the menu.  Are they telling you that if you have to ask the price, you shouldn’t be eating there?”
     “I suspect that is the idea they are trying to promote,” Colin answered.  Then he laughed,  “In spite of that, they have very excellent food.”
     “You really are giving me a taste of the good life,” said Sadie.   
     Colin just smiled but didn’t directly answer Sadie.  Instead he began to talk about the people she would be meeting with after lunch.  At Colin’s suggestion, Sadie brought along all of the records and news reports she copied.  She also brought along a report she put together regarding what she found so far.  After lunch, Colin took her to the office where they were meeting.  
     Colin introduced Sadie as the person spearheading this project for him.  Sadie provided them with the copies she brought along with her.  She gave them a briefing on what she had found so far.  They began asking her questions and discussing the situation.  They had more questions as the afternoon went on.  Sadie was making notes for herself regarding things she wanted to find out about.  These came both from the questions that were asked and also from the discussions.  The lawyer was going to look into some of the legal questions.  He promised to get in touch with Sadie and let her know what he found.  Another one of the people there was going to check on the political situation and report back to Sadie. 
     By the time Sadie was taken back to the hotel to change for dinner, she was beginning to feel somewhat important.  She had been complimented several times on the job she was doing.
     As promised, Colin picked her up to take her to the restaurant where they were having dinner.  It was everything Sadie figured it would be.  Not only that, but it was obvious that Colin was not a stranger here.  When she walked in on Colin’s arm, Sadie attracted plenty of attention.  Sadie realized they were all trying to figure out who she was, and what her relationship was to Colin.  She had a feeling Colin was enjoying it as much as she was. 
     They were given a relatively secluded table.  Colin seated Sadie between himself and the lawyer.  Apparently the lawyer was an old friend.  It was Colin who briefed Sadie this time on the menu entrees and made several suggestions she might choose between.  She made a mental note to herself to tell Colin it wasn’t fair.  She didn’t know which entree was the most expensive.  He would just laugh, and tell her it didn’t matter she unerringly picked the most expensive one anyway.
     The dinner was a relaxed affair.  It was obvious the rest of them knew each other very well.  Sadie noticed the other woman in the party looked her over very closely.  Colin had not indicated there was anything but a business relationship between he and this woman.  Sadie knew the woman might look on it differently from Colin.  However she treated Sadie the same as the rest.  Sadie was part of the group. 
     There was some talk of the project they had been discussing all afternoon.  Most of the time was spent discussing other things.  Colin briefed Sadie on what her answers might be if she was asked about her background.  Without lying, Colin had been able to create an impressive resume for her.  He had also coached her on how to answer certain questions and still keep it truthful.  Sadie did a masterful job of putting his suggestions to good use.
     As they were driving back to the hotel, Colin said,  “You did an absolutely superb job tonight.  The way you answered the questions, no one could possibly accuse you of lying.”
     “You mean I passed the test with flying colors,” Sadie said with a nice smile.
     “Absolutely,” Colin answered,  “You are for real, as far as anyone in the group is concerned.  Your credentials are accepted.”
     “Of course, it doesn’t mean anything that you brought me in.  In essence that you are vouching I am for real,” said Sadie somewhat derisively. 
     Colin laughed, “Nothing gets past you anymore, does it.”
     “I try not to let it.”
     “Let’s face it,” said Colin,  “That’s the way reputations are built.  People seldom check.  Unless you really foul up, most people have a tendency to take you at face value.  If some one who’s accepted in the group, gives you a certain face value, that’s what it will be as far as the group is concerned.”
     “You were counting on that when you asked me to come here,” Sadie said.  “You were also counting on it carrying over from now on.  You were building me a permanent reputation.”
Colin just smiled and was silent.
     Sadie continued,  “You are determined to make me quit hiding and come back out of my shell, aren’t you?”
     “I just don’t think you should be wasting your life as hotel clerk,” Colin told her.  “From where I’m sitting, you have too much intelligence and too much talent.  I just want to see you try again.”
     “Why is it important to you?” Sadie asked.
     “As I said once before, I don’t know.  You intrigued me right from the start.  You were the wrong character in the wrong part.  The more I saw you and talked to you, the more convinced I was right,” Colin answered,  “It just gnawed on me.  The character didn’t fit the part.”
     “So you had to create a new part to fit the character?” asked Sadie.
     “Something like that.”  At that point, Colin pulled up in front of the hotel.  As Sadie started to get out, Colin said,  “I’ll pick you up for breakfast at eight.  Then I’ll take you back here to check out.  We’ll have time to come back to my office for a short time before I take you to the airport.” 
     All of a sudden, Colin was back to business.  Sadie kind of smiled.  Colin hadn’t made up his mind where she fit.  She couldn’t help him because she hadn’t made up her mind where she wanted to fit.  Sadie thought she would just wait until Colin made up his mind.  Then she would decide where she wanted to fit.  Up until that time, she was enjoying everything.  He had been a perfect gentleman.  Maybe that was what he was trying to establish.  She’d just wait and see.  As she was going up to her room, Sadie decided she was tired.  She was going to take a leisurely shower and go to bed.
     Sadie was up early the next morning.  She had just finished packing when Colin called her from the lobby.  He was a little early for which he apologized. 
     “Oh, I’m all ready, just waiting for your call,” Sadie told him.  She met him in the lobby and Colin told her where they were having breakfast.
     “Oh, we are really going first class,” Sadie said with a rather delighted smile.
     “Don’t want to spoil my record,” was Colin’s reply.
     Again when they came in to the restaurant, it was apparent Colin was not a stranger here.  Sadie got a looking over.  Everyone was trying to determine if they should know her.  Colin briefed her on the menu and what he thought she might like to try.  It was then, she remembered she was going to needle him about the dinner.  After they ordered, Sadie looked at Colin with a sly smile and said, 
     “You cheated the other night.  You took me to a place that didn’t put the prices on the menu.”  Colin looked a little puzzled.  Sadie then went on,  “I couldn’t tell if I was ordering the most expensive entrée or not.”  Colin started to laugh. 
     “If my memory serves me, I am sure you managed to do that even though you didn’t know the prices,” he said.
     “You know, that’s just what I predicted your answer would be,” Sadie told him with a light laugh.
     The breakfast was quiet, peaceful and very enjoyable for Sadie.  She was kind of wishing she could stay around longer.  They discussed a few things, but it was a leisurely discussion.  After they finished they drove back to the hotel.  Colin settled up the bill while he sent a bellboy with Sadie to get her luggage.  He drove her to his office and she went with him into his private office.  They spent sometime discussing what the next steps should be.  They put together a kind of loose schedule.  Colin did not put any timetable to it.  He told Sadie to work at her own pace that she judged best for the success of the project.  They talked about a number of things they thought they needed more information on. 
     As they were winding the discussion down and getting ready for Sadie to go out to the airport, Colin asked Sadie, “Would you consider coming here to work as a full-time research assistant for me?”   Then he added before Sadie could answer,  “Just consider it.  We can talk about it at another time.”
     “Don’t you have research assistants now?” Sadie said. 
     “Yes, but they are all temporary part-time people.  I don’t have a full-time research assistant at this time, but I could use one.”
     “Aren’t any of them qualified?”
     “The one that I would consider qualified does not want a full-time job.”
     “How do you know I do?”
     “I don’t.  I just thought I’d bounce the idea off you to see if you might be interested.  I pay very well.”  Colin added that last with a broad grin.
     “I will vouch for that,” said Sadie with a smile.  “I’ll think it over.”
     Colin took Sadie to the airport and saw her off on her flight.  It was obvious, Colin wanted to keep in touch with her, even after this project is over.  Except for an occasional night out of dinner and dancing, Colin had kept it strictly to business.  He had never tried to put a move on her.  She had to admit, he had always been the perfect gentleman.  She had not been able to figure him out.  So far, he had not acted like any other man she knew.  Most men would have made some kind of move by this time.  She had to admit, she was enjoying it very much.  She had stopped looking for double meanings in what Colin said and did.  He had been open and above board. 
     She was enjoying leading the life she was now able to lead.  She also enjoyed the glimpses Colin gave her of the life he led.  She did occasionally wonder if she was heading for another big fall.  But this was different.  There were no promises made or implied.  She was doing a job for him that he wanted done.  It was a legitimate project.  He paid her very well for that.  That was the sum and total of it.  The breakfasts, lunches and dinners, Colin made all part of it.  The dancing was a little relaxation after the work was done.  Sadie had no objection to that.  In fact she enjoyed it.
     Over the next month, Sadie worked on some of the things they had discussed.  Sadie received the information the lawyer and the person looking into the political angle had uncovered.       Apparently, the mayor had gotten himself into a tight corner by trying to skirt the environmental issues for a political crony.  The media had gotten wind of it and was playing it to the hilt.  Sadie saw the possibility of using this to their advantage.  At Sadie’s suggestion, Colin and his lawyer flew into town to meet with Sadie.  She set the meeting up at the downtown restaurant the mayor and his friends frequented.
     “Why this particular restaurant, Sadie?” Colin asked.  He knew she had a reason. 
     “I wanted friends of the mayor, if not the mayor himself to see me meeting with you,” Sadie told him.  “They now know I have been gathering information for someone.  I want to establish the fact that it has been for you.”
     “In other words, you have an idea that requires us to come out in the open,” the lawyer said.
     “I am going to offer the mayor an out that he desperately needs,” Sadie said,  “We will buy the woods from the County for the purpose of establishing a park.  He will kill any controversy between the city and the county regarding whose property it is.  We will then give it to the city as a park in perpetuity with a yearly contribution to help maintain the park.  It will make him look like a hero by negotiating this, and get him out of the political mess he got himself into.  I will suggest he contact the county to set up a meeting for this purpose.  He can use your name as the person who will purchase the property for the purpose of turning it into a park.  From what I have found out the county will jump at this idea.  It will put to rest the stories of the controversy between the county and the city.”
     “Sounds great,” said Colin.  “Go ahead and talk to him.”
     At this time the mayor walked into the restaurant.  Sadie turned to Colin and the lawyer, 
     “Shall we strike while the iron is hot?”
     The lawyer smiled,  “I think that would be perfect timing.”
     Sadie got up and went over to the place where the mayor had seated himself with several people.  She talked to the mayor and nodded over toward the table where Colin and his lawyer were seated.  After some discussion back and forth, the mayor finally got up and followed Sadie over to where Colin and his lawyer were seated. 
     As they came near, Colin and his lawyer got up to greet the mayor.  They sat down and Colin gave the mayor his card and explained that he wanted to buy the woods he used to roam in as a young man.  He wanted to turn it into a park, give the park to the city of Bradford, then establish a fund to help maintain that park.  As Colin was speaking, the mayor realized who Colin was, and that he had been in school with him. 
     They began to discuss this idea.  Colin, the lawyer and Sadie told the mayor they knew about the controversy surrounding the property.  They suggested, he be the one to set up a meeting with the county officials, to work this idea out.  They let him understand they had no objections to his taking credit for working this out.  However, they said they wanted it done immediately.  The mayor agreed to set up the meeting as soon as he got back to his office.  He was sure, the county officials would also be happy to have a way, to put this whole thing to rest.  They would be happy to get the property off their hands.  The mayor was to get back to Sadie as to the time and place.
     That afternoon, the mayor phoned Sadie.  He told her he set up a meeting for tomorrow at ten.  Sadie said she would bring Dr. Mattins and his lawyer to the meeting.  Sadie told the mayor, they would be ready to finalize all the details.  Sadie called Colin and told him the news.  Colin asked her, to set up a reservation for dinner for the three of them, that night.  They would then go over the plans for the meeting tomorrow.
     The mayor had apparently done some real arm-twisting.  Everyone showed up on time and ready to get to work.  The mayor explained what he, Sadie and Dr. Mattins had discussed.
He said Ms. Turin was Dr. Mattins official representative in this project.  He said Ms. Turin and Dr. Mattins were prepared to immediately purchase the property from the county, turn it into a park and present it to the city.  He said that they would do this, as soon as everything was cleared, to allow them to purchase the property for that purpose.  There were, a number of questions asked, most of which Sadie answered or deferred to the lawyer.  The county officials went on record as being ready to sell the woods to Dr. Mattins so he could establish a park.  The mayor and city representatives said they would be happy to get those woods as a park.  The environmental people said they were in perfect agreement with the use of those woods for a park. 
      By later that afternoon, everything had been worked out.  Sadie would go ahead and arrange for the purchase of the property from the county.  The lawyer would work things out with the city so the property would remain a park.  Sadie and Colin would work out the details of the fund that would help to pay for the maintenance of the park.
     By the time Colin and his lawyer left two days later, his project to buy the woods and turn it into a park had been virtually accomplished.  Sadie would continue working to take care of all the details on the project.  Colin figured that would take at least a month if not more.  Sadie, had not given him an answer to his proposal, that she come to work for him.  Colin was willing to give her time to think it over thoroughly.  He wanted Sadie to be sure that is what she wanted to do.  Colin was exploring other possibilities he might suggest to Sadie if she did turn down his job offer.  He was determined she would not be allowed to vegetate in Bradford.  That is what he told her she was doing.  Sadie had not disputed his statement. 
     When Colin left, he told Sadie he would be back in about ten days and they would go out to dinner to celebrate.  Sadie became known to business people in the city as the person who had engineered the purchase of the woods by Dr. Mattins.  The story floating around town was she talked Dr. Mattins into the idea, of turning it into a park and donating it to the city.  Her picture appeared in the media as a business associate of Dr. Mattins.  Sadie knew that Colin had somehow maneuvered that.
     Colin now designated her as his representative to the local company he purchased a significant interest in.  During the ten days before Colin returned, Sadie met with the officers of the company to acquaint herself with its operations.  Colin also substantially raised the consulting fee he was paying her.  She now quit her job at the hotel and moved into a downtown office.  She still remained in her small house.  She said she really didn’t need anything more at the moment.  She was now eating at the better restaurants more often, and was now driving a more modern car.  However, she kept her old friends.  They proved to be good sources of information.  Sadie was finding she liked being a businesswoman again.  She did not object at all when Colin told her she was going to be his representative with the local company he partly owned.


     Sadie offered to pick Colin up at the airport of the next town when he flew in.  He said he was going to rent a car anyway, so he would drive to Bradford.  He was going to stay at the hotel, so he would call her at her office when he got there.  Then she could tell him where she made reservations for dinner.  He figured she would make it for seven.
     The story had been widely covered in the media that Colin went to school in Bradford.  Colin would now be recognized, any time he came to Bradford.  Sadie bought a complete new outfit for this night out.  She was sure Colin would suggest they go dancing after dinner.  This time Sadie was going to make sure she looked the part of a dinner companion of a famous author. She was not doing it to impress Colin.  She knew she did not need to impress him.  She was doing it to prove to herself that she was back to where Colin thought she should be.  She was no longer the hotel clerk.  She was a successful businesswoman.

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