Friday, September 13, 2013

My Fantasy©  

by Richard A. Falb

I sat upon my porch one day
And dreamt of lands so far away
It was not lands that I could see
It was of lands in fantasy

For I had writ bout many a land
They were far yet close at hand
They were not ones for which I sigh
Them I did see in my mind’s eye

I peopled them with spirits bright
And added to them many a sprite
Included then a fairy queen
Most gorgeous one you’d ever seen

Then Elven forests ever green
With Elven creatures oh so lean
Of course there was a wizard too
Who spells did cast or maybe two

Of course there must be maidens true
And healers who could make you new
And swordsmen with their blades so keen
And dandies who just loved to preen

We must include some mountains high
For that is where the eagles fly
Perhaps we’d add a dragon red
For everyone their fire to dread

Then we must add some Kings and all
Who live within their castles tall
And Dukes and Earls, their Ladies too
Bedecked with finery bright and new

It is a lovely fantasy
If only it could really be
I see it all in my mind’s eye
Then let it go with just a sigh

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