Sunday, September 13, 2009

Diamonds in the Snow©


By Richard A. Falb



Diamonds sparkled on the snow

It was a pretty sight

The sunlight made them glisten

A fortune in my sight


I gazed in awe upon them

I was afraid to move

I feared that they would disappear

That beauteous treasure trove


T'was one of nature's riches

Appears before our sight

If we would only take the time

To sample its delight


So take the time this sunny day

And ponder as you go

What riches great that you have missed

By going fast 'stead slow


It will not cost you you will find

To slow your pace a beat

T'is only vagaries of your mind

That tells you speed is neat


So gather up unto yourself

These riches you will see

By looking as you wander slow

Before these scenes do flee


It really will enhance your day

And set your face aglow

To brighten up the place you are

And make the smiles to grow

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