Tuesday, January 3, 2012

must have been keeping track of you. How is your daughter?’ Gordon asked her. He was now thinking that maybe this would be a good thing if he could pull it off.

“She is fine. She wanted to come, but they said only one person could come. They didn’t want us to wear you out,” Katherine said. “I guess you aren’t completely out of the woods yet.”

Gordon smiled weakly, “Story of my life. A beautiful woman comes to see me and she can only stay for a few minutes.” He had made his decision. This could work out very well.

“We’re staying close by,” Katherine said. “I’ll come as often as they will let me. I’ll bring Ceiley as soon as the doctors will permit it.”

They talked for a few more minutes and then Katherine had to leave.

About a week later, it was obvious Gordon’s improvement was accelerating. One of his nurses commented to him that she figured his quick improvement could probably be explained by the presence of one very beautiful redhead. Gordon admitted to everyone that seeing Katherine regularly was wonderful therapy. Katherine had been able to visit him fairly regularly, but hadn’t been allowed to bring Ceiley yet. A week or so later, when Katherine walked in the room, Gordon looked at her with a smile. “I haven’t asked you yet. I guess I was afraid to. Are you married?” He knew this is what she was waiting to hear. He would make it sound as if it had been his intention to find her.

Katherine laughed. “Would I be here visiting you regularly if I was?” she answered, then with a smile, added, “I wasn’t asked, at least not by anyone I could possibly consider.”

Gordon smiled, “Sounds like you have very strict qualification requirements.” Then looking at Katherine intently but with a little smile on his face. “Doesn’t sound like I would stand a chance.”

“I never knew you were afraid of a gamble. Why don’t you ask and find out,” Katherine said with that little tip of her head.

Gordon looked at her for a moment. He had made his decision. “When I’m back on my feet, will you marry me?” he asked.

Katherine smiled, “You know you will not only be marrying a wife, you will be marrying an eight-year-old daughter.”

“Maybe I should ask her first,” Gordon said. This would put the right tone to the whole idea of their getting married.

“She would probably like it if you asked us both at the same time,” was Katherine’s reply. “I’ll ask when I can bring Ceiley.”

Several more days went by and Gordon’s improvement was continuing to accelerate. Monday, Gordon was up early and walking around. He just got back to his room when Katherine walked in with Ceiley.

“How are you, princess?” Gordon greeted Ceiley. Ceiley looked at her mother. “Yes he was talking to you,” Katherine said. Ceiley got a shy smile on her face. “I’m very well, thank you. How are you?” she asked.

“Actually I’m feeling wonderful, I just can’t get the Doctors to admit it,” Gordon told her. Ceiley laughed at him. Her eyes kind of sparkled. Gordon continued still watching Ceiley. He had to convince her also that this is what he intended all along. “Pretty soon I am going to be well enough to leave the hospital and take up my life again. I have had plenty of time to think, and I have decided I would like to share that life with somebody. Do you think you and your mother would consider sharing that life with me?”

Ceiley looked somewhat puzzled. She looked at her mother to see if she would explain what this man was saying, but Gordon continued, “Ceiley, what I am really asking, if you and your mother would consider marrying me.”

“You should ask mother that,” protested Ceiley, looking at her mother.

Katherine smiled, “Gordon thought that it was a decision both of us should make, so he thought he should ask both of us.”

“I won’t be marrying just your mother, Ceiley,” Gordon told her. “You will be an equal part of the family, so I think that both you and your mother must make the decision together. I hope, both of you will say yes.” Having a wife and daughter would fall nicely into his plans.

“You will be my dad?” asked Ceiley somewhat shyly.

“That was my intention, Ceiley,” Gordon replied. “You see I not only want your mother as my wife, I also want you as my daughter.”

Ceiley looked at her mother. Katherine gave a slight nod of her head.

Ceiley smiled, “We would love to marry you.” Then she ran over and gave Gordon a hug. Then turning to her mother asked, “Won’t we mother?”

Katherine smiled, “Yes, we definitely would love to marry Gordon.” Ceiley ran over to her mother and gave her a big hug. “I will have a real father.” It was more a statement than a question.

“I intend to work real hard at being a real father, Ceiley,” Gordon told her. “Of course, you are going to have to teach me how.”

Ceiley thought for a moment, “That’s silly,” she said, “I don’t know how to be a father.”

“Yes, but you know what kind of father you would like your father to be, don’t you,” Gordon observed. That should really sell her on the idea, Gordon thought. Ceiley thought for a moment.

Katherine looked at Ceiley, “I think you and he can work out what a father should be like. Then while you are doing that, you can also work out what a daughter should be like,” Katherine said looking back and forth between them.

“I think your mother has a wonderful idea, don’t you?” Gordon asked Ceiley. Ceiley smiled, looked at her mother who still had her arm around her, “Yes, I think it is a wonderful idea,” Ceiley replied with a big smile. “When are we going to marry you?” she then asked.

“As soon as I get out of the hospital and we can arrange for a proper marriage,” Gordon immediately replied, realizing what Ceiley was saying, was she wanted to be part of a family. She realized this is what Gordon was really offering her, and she wanted it to happen as soon as possible. That would fit nicely into his plans, Gordon thought. Katherine looked at the two of them. She knew what Ceiley wanted. She decided in her own mind, she would see what she could do to bring that about as soon as possible.

In the next several days, Katherine bustled between the people in the hospital and local government bureaus. She and Ceiley came to see Gordon, who was now not only roaming the halls, but also walking out on the grounds of the hospital. He was sitting, in a lounge area that had no one else in it. As Katherine and Ceiley came in smiling broadly, Gordon, so wrapped up in his own plans for the moment, didn’t notice. “I have something to show you,” Gordon said. “It is customary for a man to give some token of their engagement to the women to whom he has proposed marriage.” Gordon then took out a diamond and a smaller ring looking much like it. He then put it on the fingers of Katherine and Ceiley.

Both Katherine and Ceiley gave Gordon a hug. Then Katherine looked at Gordon, “I have also been busy. I have obtained a marriage license, and got permission to use the hospital chapel. I have talked the Chaplain into marrying us and a doctor and a nurse to stand up for us. It is scheduled for tomorrow morning.” Then Katherine smiled, “I had an ulterior motive in moving the marriage up in time.” she told Gordon. “You see as family of a patient of your rank here, we are going to move into a very nice apartment, and it will be free to us until you are discharged.”

Gordon looked at Katherine, “I’m all for getting married as soon as possible, although we won’t be able to be together as a family for a while.” Then he looked at Katherine apologetically, “Why didn’t you tell me that it was costing you money you probably couldn’t afford? My salary was being invested for me all the time I was flitting into enemy territory and back. I would have provided you with all the money you needed.”

“Darling, I was not going to run out of money right away,” Katherine answered.

“Why is it I don’t quite believe you.” Then Gordon added, “We are going to the office and get some money for you, before you leave. I can’t have my future wife and daughter doing without whatever they should have.”

“It seems to me you abridged that sentence to serve your particular purpose,” Katherine observed with a smile. However, she did not object, the money she was able to get together in a hurry when she heard Gordon was in this hospital, was starting to run low. She had not intended to ask him for any money, but she knew it would be useless to argue with Gordon. He was going to make sure she had plenty of money for she and Ceiley. It was obvious, he was going to work hard at the role of husband and father, just as he had always worked hard, at all the roles he had to take as a top espionage agent.

Then Gordon got a sly smile on his face, “But Katherine, I have nothing to wear for the wedding.”

Katherine laughed, “Oh you aren’t going to get out of it as easily as that. I already found out you had a full colonel’s uniform made, just before you disappeared behind the lines for the last time. I have been assured it will fit beautifully. The hospital staff came up with dresses for Ceiley and I. Everything is ready. All you have to do is show up,” Katherine said smiling broadly but fondly at Gordon.

“I suppose you have made sure that I am going to show up in full regalia,” Gordon said with a smile.

“Would I be that sneaky?” asked Katherine.

“Ceiley, I think we are going to have an awful time with your mother. I don’t know if we can train her or not.” Ceiley just laughed delightedly that her mother and her new dad were kidding each other like this already.

Still laughing, Ceiley said. “We’ll just have to get together and work on her.”

“Ceiley. You are supposed to be on my side. We women of the family have got to stick together,” protested Katherine with a smile. She was happy, however, that Ceiley seemed to be accepting the idea of Gordon as her dad.

The next day dawned bright and sunny. A very good omen thought Gordon. He was up very early and did his morning exercises. Then he took a shower and put on the uniform they had laid out for him. He was surprised it really did fit. He was gaining back both his strength and his weight. The Doctor, who was going to stand up for him, came to get him. They walked slowly toward the chapel. As they neared it they heard the organ start playing. They entered the chapel through a side door, then waited for the signal for them to make their appearance. As they stood in the front of the church waiting, Katherine and Ceiley appeared. They came walking down the aisle together. He truly was marrying the both of them.

The ceremony went smoothly in spite of not being rehearsed. It was a simple ceremony. At the end, Gordon took Katherine in his arms and kissed her, then he bent down and took Ceiley in his arms and kissed her. Ceiley blushed prettily. They then walked out together and to the hospital cafeteria, where the staff of the hospital and the local military personnel had put together a reception. Ceiley was beaming. Everyone congratulated her also. It was a wonderful day. Especially for Ceiley, she was gaining a dad who seemed to really care for her.

It took another three weeks before Gordon was released from the hospital, and he could join his new family. They were allowed to stay in their apartment for another month after Gordon was discharged as completely cured. During that time, Gordon completed plans for them to move to London. Both he and Katherine were planning to return to college to complete their doctorates. Gordon’s college expenses were being paid for. They were able to arrange for scholarships and grants for Katherine. Gordon also applied for United States citizenship for Katherine and Ceiley as the wife and daughter of a serviceman. A well decorated one at that.

Gordon had been able to arrange for a small place near the college they would be attending. They were also able to arrange for a school for Ceiley. They fell into the routine of college life, except for an occasional absence by Gordon for a few days. Gordon explained it as gathering up loose ends by intelligence headquarters. After the first time, Katherine didn’t question Gordon about this, and Ceiley, taking the cue from her mother did not ask her new father any questions. Ceiley was happy, to have a father who not only was willing to spend time with her but also was obviously fond of her. To Ceiley that was a wonderful feeling. In addition, Ceiley was aware that her mother and new father were obviously very fond of each other.

Gordon made it a habit to come up with unexpected small presents for no apparent reason. To Ceiley this was absolutely wonderful. Gordon did work especially hard during the first years, to keep Ceiley reassured he was very happy to be her father. Of course, Gordon had arranged to adopt her immediately after the wedding. Ceiley seemed to delight in telling all her friends that her father was an American. She had been instructed to merely say he had been a Colonel in the United States Army.

During these years in college, both Gordon and Katherine started to write. Gordon could draw on his wealth of knowledge and experience to begin writing spy stories and mysteries. Katherine wrote some mysteries with a romantic twist. Both their novels and short stories met with good success. In fact, the last two of their novels became best sellers both in Europe and in America.

As time went on, Gordon’s absences became fewer and farther between until about the time Gordon and Katherine received their Doctorates, the absences almost ceased all together. Gordon thought he now had his future plans set. Katherine breathed a sigh of relief when she finally realized the absences were ceasing. To Ceiley, of course, it meant that Gordon was around more. It also meant he would have more time to take her different places. She loved these little excursions. Some of them into special places in town. Other times to the surrounding country. Part of the time it was all three of them. Sometimes only she and her dad.

It was at the end of that school year. Gordon came home and asked, “Ceiley, would you like to go to America to live?” Ceiley’s eyes lit up. “Oh I would love to, Dad. When are we going?” she asked. She had dreamt about the time when she could go to America. She wanted to see what her father’s country was like. She had read about it in books. She was waiting impatiently for the time when she could see it.

Katherine laughed, “Apparently Ceiley is ready to go right now, Gordon.”

Both Gordon and Katherine, with the apparent great success of their latest novels, had been negotiating with several prestigious American Universities. Both of them wanted to be able, not only to teach, but also continue their education, research and writing.

Gordon laughed at Ceiley’s immediate willingness to go to America.

“It will take us a little time to complete all the arrangements so we can be able to move to America. We should be able to go fairly soon,” Gordon told Ceiley. Gordon didn’t tell either Katherine or Ceiley that he was wrapping up certain loose ends.

Ceiley was all excited and had to tell all her friends they were going to be moving to America. She was going to live in her father’s country. Ceiley could hardly wait. Every few days she would ask either her dad or her mother, when they would be going. Actually it was only a few more weeks before Gordon was able to finish making arrangements. The three of them packed the personal belongings they would be taking with them and took a plane for America. When they reached America, Gordon and Katherine were able to make arrangements for fairly satisfactory, temporary living quarters. These would serve, until they could make final arrangements with the University, they had selected.

The American publisher, who had published their latest novels in America, greeted both Gordon and Katherine, on their arrival. The publishing company was very happy to have them here on this side of the Atlantic. Both of them were now working on new novels. The publishing company began immediately arranging for interviews with these best-selling novelists. Katherine, of course, was an immediate hit. Not only was this a very beautiful, intelligent woman with a beautiful English accent, but she proved easy to interview. This tickled Gordon. He was the envy of every man. Katherine made it abundantly clear, she was happily married to the most wonderful man in the world. Katherine loved to do this at every possible opportunity.

Shortly after they arrived in America, Gordon received a phone call. He was on the phone for quite some time. Katherine had taken Ceiley and left the house. She told Ceiley they would do some shopping. When they came back, Gordon took Katherine aside and told her with a smile that it was just a courtesy call. He was going to be away for a long weekend in two weeks. He told her they were arranging it so he would check in with military intelligence, the FBI and the CIA in one fell swoop. He was going to tell them in no uncertain terms he was out of the business and had no intention of returning. It might be a hard sell but Gordon was determined. That was the way Gordon characterized it to Katherine. He was going to remind them he was now happily married with a young daughter, and that he had already done his time. Katherine laughed at his characterization of his service in Allied Intelligence.

“Do you think they are going to try to get you back in?” Katherine asked a little apprehensively.

“No,” said Gordon. “This really is just to let me know they know I am back on American soil. They know how I feel. They may try to pick my brain on a rare occasion, but that will be all,” he told her. Gordon did not want her to worry. Katherine was hoping that was true, but she was still a little apprehensive. She now knew that Gordon had been one of the top experts in his field. Gordon did not assure her that he might not be gone for a while at times. She knew that he could not tell her where or what he was doing. Gordon wanted her to think that.

Katherine had not changed her name when she married Gordon. She was Dr. Tallemann. Gordon had suggested this in order to keep their two careers separate. However, Ceiley did take Gordon’s name so she was officially Ceiley Anne Dietrich. This was Ceiley’s choice. However, Katherine applauded it. With both of them now successful novelists and short story writers, and both embarking on college teaching careers, this was working out very well.

“It was old home week,” said Gordon when he returned from the long weekend. “I renewed a few old acquaintances, and caught up on who else was where among those not there.”

“No old fires were kindled?” asked Katherine.

“Not on your life,” Gordon answered. “The only fire I have burning has to do with you,” he added with a smile. Katherine gave him a big hug and a kiss. Gordon was carefully building this impression of a very happy marriage. It was imperative to his plans.

“Are you two smooching again,” said Ceiley as she walked in the room to see Katherine kissing Gordon.

“Is that bad?” asked Katherine.

“Oh no,” said Ceiley rather emphatically, “I think it’s wonderful.”

Gordon laughed and grabbed Ceiley and gave her a hug and a smooch on the cheek. Ceiley gave him hug in return.

They were able to find a home fairly close to the University. Katherine, with some help from people at the University got Ceiley enrolled in a school and tested to see what grade she would attend. Gordon was able to have Ceiley familiarized with what an American school was like. He wanted her to be comfortable so the transition would be easier. She would have to make new friends. Gordon was cultivating this concerned father image. It would give him a solid family man persona. Appearances were very important if you wanted to have people see things as you wanted them seen. It gave your cover substantiality and validity.

Making new friends, actually proved fairly easy for Ceiley. Many of the young people she met were interested in knowing about her home country. Many of her teachers were intrigued by Ceiley’s precise English accent, which she used for formal occasions such as in class. Ceiley was used to adapting. Gordon was very happy about this. However he made sure he was there for her whenever she needed him. Gordon was determined to work hard at that now. He needed to establish that immage. He might not have time in the future. That actually proved easy. Ceiley made few demands upon him. In addition, Ceiley was very grown-up for her age. Katherine had been a very good teacher.

There were some problems. Ceiley was very intelligent and not at all bashful. She did not flaunt her intelligence, but neither did she try to hide it. Ceiley was a very casual dresser, clothes didn’t particularly impress her. She took after her mother in this. It was also obvious to most people she was going to be a very pretty girl. Pretty is probably not a very good word, in Ceiley’s case. Her mother was very beautiful. Ceiley, Gordon already knew, was going to grow up to look like her mother. Thankfully, Ceiley was still very casual about her looks. Katherine encouraged that. She would prefer Ceiley downplay her beauty as Katherine was wont to do. That also fit Gordon’s plans. He preferred that his family not stick out.

Katherine however was one of those college professors who all male students fell in love with and all female students thought was absolutely wonderful. She was a very good teacher. Her classes filled immediately and had a long waiting list, in case some student had to drop out. Few did. She was always, surrounded by students, because she was very easy to talk to. Gordon once asked facetiously what he had to do to get an audience with her. With a flip of her head, and a light laugh, Katherine replied, “Get on my waiting list, darling.” Then with a smile she added, “You’ll always be at the top.”

Gordon had his following also. Especially when someone noticed on the dust jacket of one of his books that he had been in intelligence during the war. Gordon never said anything about that. He didn’t want to overplay that. That lent just the right amount of mystery to him. It would be easier for him to do some of the things he planned to do in the future. He affected an easy-going laid-back manner. However, his students soon learned, there was a lot of steel to his character also. He intrigued his students with the accents he could affect. It also kept his students on their toes. They never knew what character might be up there giving the lecture on any given day. He only trotted them out on occasion, usually to add spice to a particular lecture. He did it often enough so the students began waiting for these occasions. That was part of his plan to have many people know of his ability in this.

Life for the three of them went along relatively smoothly. Ceiley made friends at school and among the children of Gordon and Katherine’s colleagues at the University. Both Gordon and Katherine were able to complete their studies and research within the years they had planned. Gordon had been called away occasionally for a few days. It was not often enough to cause any real disruptions. Gordon was carefully pacing these absences. As time went on they became fewer and farther between times. Actually they became more irregular, which made them seem fewer and farther between. Katherine began to breathe a sigh of relief. She hoped they would again cease all together. This was not going to happen.

They now started searching for the place they wanted to finally settle down. Gordon, with Katherine’s concurrence, decided they would look for a small city in the middle of the country where there was a small but highly regarded college where they both could teach. They decided they had enough of big cities. Actually, they thought they would be both better off, away from the really big cities. It was Gordon who subtly pushed this idea. They had the luxury of being able to live and work where they wanted. Their continued success as writers of fiction allowed them this. The fact, they both had two Ph.D’s from prestigious Universities, enhanced their ability to attract offers from this type of College. They found however, that it might be a problem, for both of them to find places at just one University. They began to look for places that might have two well regarded colleges in close proximity to each other.

After some considerable searching they found what they considered the ideal situation. There was a small city that had two highly regarded small colleges in it. In addition, the colleges were very interested in Gordon and Katherine. They made several visits to this town and these colleges as they were investigating other options. This they thought was their best possible option. Gordon was happy when it appeared this would work out. It would fit his plans very nicely. It would be easier for him to tell whether there was someone watching him. They were able to reach agreement with the colleges at about the time the spring semester ended. Surprisingly, it only took them a week, after they had reached agreement with the colleges, to find a suitable house and arrange to buy it. They were therefore able to move into the house and begin to settle in as the summer vacation period was just beginning.

Katherine hoped this would be true. She figured it would be easier for Ceiley to find some friends during the time before school would start in fall. It would be easier for Ceiley. She would already know some children with whom she would be going to school. Ceiley was tall like her mother and was mature beyond her years. Although only fourteen, she was a sophomore in high school. She would be starting college at sixteen.

Like her mother, Ceiley had the ability to be one of the top students in her class without being classified as a brain. It was becoming more and more obvious she would have the beauty of her mother. Because she was casual about that fact, her friends also casually treated it. She figured she would use these abilities to acquire new friends in this new neighborhood. Katherine agreed with her daughter and planned to help in every way she could.

Their home, wherever they lived, became a gathering place for Ceiley’s current crop of friends. Gordon and Katherine worked at making the young people feel at home, while still laying down definite rules that had to be abided by. So far it worked. The neighborhood, into which they moved, had several young people who would be in Ceiley’s class in school. This was a real plus. The usual testing went on. One of the girls was obviously very attractive. That was obviously important to her. She immediately saw Ceiley as a challenge to her. It took Ceiley and Katherine about two weeks to diffuse this possible conflict. The girl then decided Ceiley would make a wonderful friend. A couple other girls, in the neighborhood, also recognized that Ceiley was very attractive. However, to them, that was a plus. Ceiley was not interested in attracting boys, so when she attracted them, the other girls got a chance to share. That was fine with these girls. Ceiley also had her mother’s athletic abilities, so at times could be one of the boys.

Within a month of moving in, Gordon and Katherine’s house started to look like the teen-age gathering place. They did nothing to discourage it, while keeping a close, though not very obvious control of it. One of the rules was that no one except Ceiley and perhaps one close friend could be in the house if neither Gordon nor Katherine were there. That was an ironclad rule. No exceptions. Ceiley agreed.

“How do you do it?” was the question of their’ next door neighbor. They had a daughter who found Ceiley to be a wonderful friend.

“Gilbert and I were marveling at the fact that you obviously have rules, but none of the young people seem to resent it. My daughter thinks you are cool, but she says, ‘No one dares get out of line.”

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