Wednesday, March 28, 2012

     “She should make an interesting addition to the group,” said Mark.
     “Well we will see tonight,” said Greg. “We have two new ones to take a look at.’
     “One of each,” said Celeste with a smile.
     Christy and Andy did bring Charlotte Gordon out early enough so she got a bit of a glimpse of the flowers in the garden around the house.  As Christy brought her in she told Charlotte,
     “You’ll have to get Greg to invite you out for breakfast some Saturday or Sunday morning so you can really see the beautiful setting of this place.”
     Greg grinned, “I thought you said you were going to warn her about me and the dangers of being invited out here alone,” he said.
     With a smile Charlotte said, “She did but she said seeing the place in the daytime was probably worth the risk.”
     Mark said, “Oh she is going to fit in nicely with this group.”
     Joan said, “Did Christy tell you about Greg’s harem he keeps in the upstairs bedrooms?”
     Charlotte with a smile said, “No she didn’t tell me anything about that yet.”
     “Christy, you’re slipping,” said Jim. “That was usually the first thing you told any woman who was new to the group.”
     Andy with a grin at his wife said, “She was trying out a new approach.”  Christy made a face at him and then laughed.
     Charlotte looked around at the group who she had been introduced to, “It is obvious you are all good friends and have a lot of fun together.”
     About that time Tena, Dan, Dexter, Katy, Terry, Maria and Jason all came in bringing Michael.
Christy introduced Charlotte to the group and Maria introduced Michael.
     “I hear you already have been out here for breakfast so you have seen the place in all its glory,” Joan said to Michael.
     “Yes, Maria brought me out on a Saturday morning and Greg gave me a tour,” said Michael, “I told him the stories I had heard about it didn’t do it justice.”
     “In that case,” said Charlotte, “I am going to have to talk Greg into inviting me out for a Saturday morning breakfast.”
     Christina walked in at that time and with a smile at Greg said, “Breakfasts are safe, just watch out for those candlelight dinners.”
     “Christina,” said Greg trying to sound horrified.
     Christy in introduction said, “Christina is our resident Psychiatrist. With this group we felt we needed one.”  Michael began to laugh.
     “Actually I have heard about the good doctor,” he said with a broad smile.
     “All good I am sure,” said Christina pretending to preen.  This got a laugh from everyone.  They knew her as completely irreverent.  Charlotte looked at Christina for a moment then got a smile on her face.  She realized the group saw that statement as entirely out of character.  She realized all of them were successful career people.  About that time Kara, Carlton, Samantha, Connie, Vinnie and Cecil came in.  With a smile, Christina said,
     “This is our Doctoral student contingent,”   
     Greg then introduced Charlotte and Michael to them.  It was Vinnie who then said,
     “Welcome to the animal house.  Luckily Greg doesn’t have any nearby neighbors to complain.”
     “You mean someone might complain about constant loud laughter, especially in the evening?” asked Michael with a broad smile.
     Seeing a questioning look on Charlotte’s face about that doctoral comment, Kara said,
     “We Doctoral students kind of snuck in by the back door, although none of us are traditional doctoral students.  We were out and then came back.”
     “So you had careers and then decided to enhance them,” said Charlotte.
     “Actually we don’t see any of them as students,” said Joan.
     “You mean they are just members of the group,” said Michael.
     “Just like the rest of us,” said Greg. “In fact we see each other as just good friends because that is what the group is, a gathering of good friends and we try to keep it that way.”
     “And that is why it has continued,” said Mark.
     “There are few groups who have such an enjoyable place to meet,” said Michael.
     “We will admit,” said Tena, “That is quite a draw, but the fun of an evening of lighthearted sometimes nonsensical conversation is also a strong draw.”
     “There are also few groups who meet at the whim of members and are not hosted by the person providing the place of meeting,” said Jim.
     “It is an unusual group in more ways than one then,” said Charlotte.  “Christy also said it consists of a variety of career areas of the members.”
     “And that is intentional, although that is not completely ironclad, we make exceptions,” said Joan.
     “Yes we let Greg be a member,” said Vinnie with a smile at him.
     “Being married to Cecil hasn’t improved you a bit,” said Greg.
     Charlotte laughed, “Isn’t that a given.”
     “Shsh,” said Christy, “don’t let Greg know that.”
     About that time Celeste said that dinner was on the table so everyone went in and found a place.  Greg found himself seated across from Charlotte.  Greg told her,   
     “Let me know when you have a Saturday morning free.  I don’t have anything pressing at the moment that would take up a Saturday.”
     Charlotte smiled at him, “I’ll take a look at my schedule and let you know.”  Then she said, “Apparently your friends check with you before they come out otherwise you might never have time for your writing and painting.  Christy did tell me that is what you did but I had read your novels and have heard of your paintings,” she said.
     “Greg lets it be known when he is planning to be busy so we let him strictly alone until we get the all clear,” said Celeste.
     “And even Christy and Vinnie pay attention to that,” Greg said with a grin.
     It was Vinnie who said, “You don’t love me anymore,” in a pouty voice.  Charlotte smiled at that when she realized it was something the group was not surprised to hear. Obviously from the sounds of it this was a fun group.  Of course Christy had hinted at that.  Vinnie smiled as she said,
    “I stole that from Christy.”
     Both Michael and Charlotte fit themselves into the group rather easily during the evening.  Greg figured they would make good additions to the group.  It was Tena who started the group moving toward home this evening.  Greg again told Charlotte to get hold of him to let him know when she would like to come out for breakfast and a tour.  Greg had a feeling she would get back to him within a relatively short time.  Greg really didn’t have anything pushing him at the moment.  He decided he would see if he could set up a dinner date with Katy in Barton and one with Terry in Wilton.  He had better not do it in the same week. He really hadn’t gotten around to checking either of them out.  He was really slipping.  Actually he had been surprisingly busy of late. Besides, he had not felt he would have to do so in any hurry.  He hadn’t heard they were going with anyone in particular.  Neither of them had indicated any great interest in getting together with him, although both had been very friendly.  He hadn’t really thought about Samantha lately.  He knew she had started on her Doctorate.  He wasn’t ready to invite any of them out for a weekend.  He would have to check them out more thoroughly first.  Not that Katy and Terry weren’t worth having out for a weekend, it was just he didn’t know how they would react to such an invitation yet.  A few days later, Greg got a call from Charlotte setting up a breakfast a week from this coming Saturday.  Greg put it on his calendar.  He then called Katy and set up a dinner date with her on the Wednesday of that week.  He decided to wait a week before trying to set up a dinner date with Terry. The date with Katy went very well and Greg thought he might consider inviting her out for a weekend.  The Saturday that Charlotte was to come out for breakfast dawned rather gloomy, but luckily by seven it had brightened up so it was just cloudy.  It would be okay to take her out for a tour of the gardens.  She was right on time and dressed to take a stroll around the grounds.
     “You forgot to order a bright sunny day, Greg,” she said as he greeted her at the door.
     “My direct line got short circuited,” Greg said with a grin.  Then he asked, “What would you like for breakfast, you forgot to give me your order.”
     “Oh I just thought I would have to take whatever you decided to fix,” Charlotte said with a smile.
     “I thought I would make it look like I was giving you your choice,” said Greg.  Charlotte laughed.  Greg decided she was a little like Penney.  Charlotte’s choice was easy to fix and so it didn’t take long before Greg had the breakfast on the table and they sat down to enjoy it.
     “You really are a good cook,” Charlotte said. Greg smiled,
     “When one insists on living out in the country, one has to develop such abilities,” he said.
     Charlotte did ask Greg how he came to settle out here and he gave her the short version of his explanation.  When they finished breakfast, Greg took her on a tour of the gardens and then a tour of the house.
     “You do have a perfect place for both writing and painting,” Charlotte said. Then she added with a smile, “and for the group to meet.”  After a moment she continued, “That is an unusual group.  I have never heard of another like it.”
     Greg laughed, “There probably isn’t another like it, it just kind of grew.  I don’t think anyone had such a group in mind when we began to get together.”
     “You mean it just gravitated into that type of group?” Charlotte asked.
     “It started out as just a group of friends that I invited out here for dinner,” replied Greg.  “Then two of the group suggested several others of the group could actually host the dinners if I would allow them to meet out here. I thought that sounded like a great idea.  As it was a gathering of good friends it became a non-serious evening and we all decided that is what it should continue to be.  We then decided, as it was now made up of a variety of career areas, we would make that part of it also.  That is how it has continued.”
     “But you would have had to have that kind of people from the first for all to agree on those things,” said Charlotte.
     “In that we were lucky apparently, or perhaps that is just the kind of people we were all attracted to,” said Greg.
     “Well it is apparent you are all very good friends,” said Charlotte.
     Greg laughed, “I guess we had to either become very good friends or leave the group, so the ones that remained were all good friends,” said Greg. Charlotte laughed, “But you started with a group of good friends,” she said.
     “That is true, because that is who I invited to dinner out here at first and so it started with them.”
     “So those who are now invited are good friends of one of the group?” asked Charlotte.
     “Not necessarily,” said Greg, “But it is someone one or more of the group think the person would be a good addition to the group.” Then Greg decided he would gamble, “In your case, the original person who held your position was an original member of the group and Christy thought you would make a good addition to the group.  Christy is also an original member of the group.”
     Charlotte laughed, “So I had an in.  Christy is easy to completely underestimate, isn’t she. Her looks can really fool you.”
     Greg laughed, “It is a rude awakening to some men,” he said, “She can really put on a great act when she wants to.  She is sharp, very intelligent and very street wise.”  Then he added, “and a lot of fun.”
     “Is Christina as irreverent a Psychiatrist as she makes out?”  Charlotte asked.
     “Every bit,” said Greg.  “But she is highly respected by her colleagues.  She is as sharp as she is irreverent.” Greg added, “Just the type of Psychiatrist this group needs.”
     “Do you really need a psychiatrist?” asked Charlotte but not very seriously.
     “Christina says no, that the group serves much better and is more fun,” said Greg.
     “Do I fit?” asked Charlotte. Greg was a little surprised by the bluntness of her question.  He thought quickly.
     “I haven’t heard any contrary opinions so far, so I assume the group feels you do,” said Greg.  “Actually I don’t remember any one who had been invited out who the group vetoed.  It was the person who decided they didn’t fit.”
     “Has there been some?” asked Charlotte.
     “A few,” said Greg.  “Our record is pretty good.”
     “The others who left did so when they left the area for greener pastures?” She asked.
     “Yes,” Greg said simply.
     Charlotte thanked Greg for the breakfast and the tour and left. Greg was sure that the group would feel that Charlotte would make a good addition to the group.  Besides having her in the group, would work to Christy’s advantage, as Charlotte’s company was a client of Christy’s.
      Sunday Christy called, “Did Charlotte make it out for breakfast and a tour.”
     “Yes,” said Greg, “I think she enjoyed it. She asked if she fit.  I told her I hadn’t heard any negative comments so I was assuming the group felt she fit.”
     “Good,” said Christy, “That means she enjoyed being asked and was interested in joining the group.”
     “That would be good for you,” said Greg, “Were you kind of gambling when you decided to bring her?”
     “Kind of, but I figured it was a good gamble,” Christy told him. “The group would be impressive enough to her that I figured she would be kind of flattered even if she decided it was not for her.”
     “What she said and what she asked, I think she really liked the idea of being part of the group,” said Greg. “I think she will fit.” Then he added, “I think she sees it as a way to fit herself into a group that is knowledgeable about the area as well as the business climate.  And it is a fun group besides.”
     “That is the way I was seeing it,” said Christy.  “The next few times will tell the story.”  After a pause she said, “I feel she will work at fitting herself in.”
     “That was the same impression I was getting,” said Greg.  “I think she will make a good addition to the group.  She seems a little like Lynn, and no the red hair wasn’t figured in on that.”
     Greg heard Christy laugh at how fast he had added that last.  She said goodbye and hung up.  The thought of how Samantha was doing with her doctorate studies crossed Greg’s mind and he kind of smiled to himself at that.  He still hadn’t figured out why she had popped up in his mind.  He still hadn’t figured out where she fit.  He hadn’t quite let go of his idea that she was a student, unlike how he now saw Vinnie and Kara. She really wasn’t any younger or any less mature, he really couldn’t figure out why he still saw her that way. Besides she wasn’t the only single red-head in the group, with Katy and now Charlotte, at least he thought Charlotte was single.  At the moment, Katy would be the most interesting one to check out, although Charlotte had been easy to talk to at breakfast.  She was very outgoing, had a sense of humor and was quick with her responses.  However, he knew very little about her yet.  He knew more about Katy and Katy was a good friend of Celeste.  The next week was a quiet week for Greg.  That is until Friday morning, when he got a call from Samantha.
     “Can Connie and I come out for breakfast tomorrow morning?” Samantha asked.  “We want to discuss advisors with you.”  Greg wondered if Jeremy had suggested to Samantha that she talk to him, but he wondered how Connie came into this. He hadn’t heard that she had decided to take some courses at the University.
     “Of course,” he said after a very brief pause.  “Would eight be okay with the two of you?”
     “That would be wonderful,” Samantha answered and she hung up.  Apparently Samantha had also gotten together with Connie.
     They both came in Samantha’s car and they were right on time.  “What do you want for breakfast?  I haven’t started it yet,” Greg greeted them at the door with.  They had lingered a little to take a look at the gardens before they came to the door.
     “Oh do we get to choose?” said Samantha.
     “I thought I would make it look like that,” said Greg “and then give you what I was going to fix anyway.”  He got a laugh out of both of them over that.  He did get what they would like and it was relatively simple, in fact both agreed on one thing.  He gave them a cup of coffee and sat them down at the table in the kitchen.
     “We both thought, as you were a professor, you would have some good ideas as to what we should look for in trying to find an advisor,” said Connie.
     “Have you talked to Jeremy, Samantha?” Greg asked.
     “Yes and he gave me some suggestions, but said I should also talk to you because you would have an outside viewpoint,” answered Samantha.
     Greg laughed, “Just like Jeremy, passing the buck.  Okay give me an idea of what you think you would like in an advisor.”  Then he added, “But let’s enjoy breakfast first.”
    It didn’t take too long before he had the breakfasts ready and they took them out to the porch to enjoy them.
     After they had eaten for a while, Connie said, “I bet you really enjoy all of us calling you up and trying to talk you into letting us come out to enjoy breakfasts out here.”
     Greg laughed, “I can always say no if I don’t want to be bothered on a particular day. That is, except when your sister Vinnie, just decides to come out without letting me know.”
     Connie laughed, “Does Vinnie do that?”  Then she added, “I guess I’m not surprised.  Have you ever sent her home?”
     “Not yet,” said Greg with a grin.
     Samantha asked, “Have you ever sent anyone home?”
     “No, because there are only a couple of people who do that on a rare occasion,” said Greg.
     “Like Vinnie and Christy,” Connie said with a grin.
     “There have been a couple others,” said Greg with a small smile, but he didn’t elaborate.
     “But they are all real good friends, so they would expect you to send them home if you were busy.  Besides, they have a good idea when you might not be busy so it is safe to just drop out,” said Samantha.
     “That is true, so that is why I haven’t sent any one home yet,” said Greg.
     When they finished their breakfasts, they helped Greg clean up and then they each took a cup of coffee and sat down again.  They both gave Greg an idea what they would like to have in an advisor and Greg gave them some suggestions and they discussed these things.  It was done with a bit of humor mixed in and so it wasn’t all serious.  After a while they both thanked Greg for the breakfast and for his ideas.  Connie added, “And thanks for putting up with us.”
     With a grin Greg said, “Oh you aren’t too bad as girls go.”  Connie made a face at him and then grinned.  She is a lot like Vinnie, Greg thought. He still didn’t know where he was fitting Samantha in.  He just couldn’t eliminate his thought of her as a student.  Of course he also didn’t know why he should worry about that. It really wasn’t important.  There were three new single women to check out if he wished.  They were all successful career women.
     Greg had started a new novel and several new paintings.  He wondered how Terry was doing with her writing and Katy with her painting.  They were both teaching at the Universities. He realized he didn’t yet know much about their work.  He figured he would eventually get acquainted with the type of work they did, just so he didn’t make some stupid remark until he knew.  The next week was quiet and he didn’t even go into town, so he got a lot of work done. Greg thought it would probably be another week at least before anyone suggested another dinner meeting.  That would be okay with him.  He thought he might try for a dinner in town with Christina.  When he called he found out she was going to be out of town for the next two weeks for meetings.  She said she would call when she got back and they would set up a date for dinner then.  It just might be possible they wouldn’t have a dinner meeting until after she returned.  Not that it was necessary for Christina to be around for a meeting to be scheduled.  He wondered if Cecil and Vinnie would be two of the hosts for the next one.  He just had a hunch that they would.  Greg thought he really wouldn’t mind if the group held off that long. The Wednesday of that week, Greg got a call from Katy.
     “Do you mind if I drop out on Saturday and do a little painting in the woods,” She said.
     On the spur of the moment Greg said, “You could come out for the weekend if you wish.”  There was a small silence and then Katy laughed and said,
     “I might just do that.”
     “You could come out Friday night for dinner,” said Greg.
     “One of those candlelight dinners, Christina warned about,” then she immediately added, “I’ll be out Friday.”  Greg smiled.  Katy had more than Penney’s looks obviously. The answer had been swift and decisive and it was obvious she was seeing the invitation as he had hoped she would.  It should be an interesting weekend.  He had not known how she would react to his suggestion.  It turned out to be a good gamble.  He’d have to figure out what he would fix for dinner Friday night and bring up a bottle of wine.  Make it really a candles and wine dinner.  He wondered what she would like. He realized he didn’t know what her preferences in food were. He would have to wing it this time and hope she didn’t hate what he fixed. He’d have to do something safe and basic this time.  He wondered how she would be dressed and if she would just tell him to take her things into his bedroom as soon as she came in.  He had a hunch that is what she would do.  Of course she was planning to do some painting in the woods so she would have to have that type of clothes.  She could carry those in a small bag and be dressed in nice casual clothes when she came. He would just have to see.  He did know she had very good clothes sense.
     Katy did show up Friday evening dressed in casual, but dressy clothes and carrying a case.  With a smile she told Greg, “You might as well put it in your bedroom,that was what your intention was.” Greg smiled and obeyed, but said nothing.  She definitely had some of Penney’s character.  In fact after giving him her case and he returned, she gave him a hug and a kiss which he returned.
     “What’s for dinner?” she asked with a smile, “besides candlelight and wine.”
     “Oh a little of this and a little of that,” Greg said with a grin.  He had the table set up and the dinner preparations started.  She sat and watched him work.  It wasn’t too long before the dinner was ready and they sat down to eat.  They lingered over the dinner, and then cleared the table, retired to fireplace room before going together to Greg’s bedroom.  In the morning Katy gave Greg a smile and said, “I’ll fix breakfast before I head out to do some painting.”  Then she slipped out of bed and headed for the shower.  Greg watched her in admiration, it had been a wonderful evening and night.  It was promising to be a great weekend.  Perhaps it was a good thing that Greta Jansson decided to take off for greener pastures although it was traumatic at the time.  Katy was definitely worth checking out further.  He waited for her to get out of the shower and then head for the kitchen to fix breakfast for them, then he got out of bed and showered.  They had breakfast and then Katy took her equipment and went out to do some painting and Greg went to his office and started to do some writing.  The rest of the weekend was just as enjoyable and Sunday evening Katy got her things and left after she gave Greg a long kiss and a thanks.  Geg watched her drive out of the yard, got himself a drink, and then went to sit in the fireplace room.  He decided he would have to try for a dinner in town with Katy in the not too distant future.  He decided Katy might just be worth pursuing, or at least try to date fairly regularly.  He still couldn’t make up his mind about Samantha. He still couldn’t get away from thinking of her as a student.  However, he still did plan on checking out Terry.  Katy was a painter and Terry a writer.  He wondered what Terry’s reaction would be to an invitation to a weekend at Eagle’s Aerie.  He thought he would probably have to wait to see if an appropriate turn to a conversation would furnish him an opportunity to make that offer.  Perhaps, if Terry suggested coming out to look at a possible area, as a setting for a story, or a setting for a scene in a story.  He would have to see if the opportunity arose to suggest such an idea.  He smiled to himself at that thought.  He realized he didn’t know if Terry would ever use such a setting in a story.
     “Well enough of this dreaming,” Greg said to himself, “I had better get started on some writing again.”  He then headed for his office.  He had just settled down at his computer when the phone rang, it was Vinnie.
     “Cecil and I were thinking of hosting a dinner.  How is a week from Friday look on your calendar?” she asked.
     “It looks fine,” said Greg, “Have you got two others?”
     “We haven’t tried yet, but I’m sure we can now that we have a date,” said Vinnie.  “I’ll let you know who we get.”
      Greg was glad Vinnie had called.  He was ready for another dinner of the group. He did wonder who they would get to join them.  It also caused him to wonder how Connie was doing.  He hadn’t really heard anything about her lately.  He wondered if she had started on her Masters program in computers yet.  Two days later Vinnie called and said Jason and Maria had agreed to join them as hosts.  That didn’t surprise Greg as Vinnie and Maria had become very good friends.  Then he idly wondered if anyone would call or come out for breakfast this Saturday.  He didn’t have anything that would prevent him from having a breakfast for someone.  The following day he did get a call, it was Tena.
    “Is the breakfast spot open for Saturday?” she asked. Then without waiting for an answer, continued, “If it is I would like to come out.”
     “Breakfast will be ready at eight,” replied Greg and he heard Tena laugh.  “I’ll be there,” she said and then she hung up.  Greg thought, she is getting as bad as Christy and Vinnie.  She didn’t give him any reason why she wanted to come out.  He had a strong suspicion what it might be that prompted that request to have breakfast Saturday morning.  He had been expecting that there could be another wedding in the group.  Tena and Dan had been quite close for a while now.  He expected that he might be the first one to officially know about it and expected a request to use the gardens for pictures.  Tena was there on Saturday before eight.
     “Can I help,” she greeted Greg with as she came in the door.  She didn’t wait for an answer, but went and grabbed an apron and looked to see what she could do.  Greg just smiled.  Neither of them said anything as they prepared the breakfast.  Then after they sat down to eat it Greg with a smile asked, “Okay to what do I owe the pleasure of having breakfast with you?”
     With a smile Tena said, “I’m glad to hear you consider it a pleasure.” Then she continued, “Dan proposed last night.”
     “And?” asked Greg.  Tena laughed.
     “I said yes.  I just wanted to give you advanced warning we would like to take pictures in your gardens,” said Tena.
     “You knew you’d get a yes to that,” said Greg.  “By the way congratulations.  Oh and when is the wedding or haven’t you gotten that far yet.”
     “We have just started thinking about that,” said Tena.  “We want to do a little coordinating first and then we will start checking out dates.”  Then she got a grin on her face, “Dan has been checking to see if he could buy the house he is renting.  We would be neighbors.”
    Greg got a big grin on his face as he said, “Well there goes the neighborhood.” Tena made a face at him and then laughed.  Then he said, “Do you want me to put in a good word to Frank and Edna?”
     Tena thought for a moment then said, “That might help.  Dan didn’t really know whether they would want to sell that place.”
     “I got the impression they really liked having Dan there in that house, so they might be willing to sell now,” Greg said somewhat thoughtfully.
     “You mean you really wouldn’t mind having us as neighbors?” asked Tena with a broad smile.
     Greg pretended to think for a moment, then he said, “Well Dan has proved a good neighbor so I guess I could put up with you also.”  Tena made a face at him.  Actually Tena had been spending a lot of time at that house for quite some time now.  Tena also came with Dan when he worked on his experiments in Greg’s garden. Tena did tell him what they were thinking as to the possible dates.  As she said, they really had no reason to be in a big hurry.  They sat down to enjoy the breakfast while looking out at the gardens.  As they were eating Tena said,
     “Oh by the way I have finished my doctoral dissertation.  I might let you have a look at it and see what you think.”
     “You trust me?  I don’t have any experience in your field,” said Greg.
     “But you should have a good idea what a doctoral dissertation should cover,” said Tena.  “and how it should be presented.” She added.
     “Oh, I guess I could do that,” said Greg with a grin.  “When do you think Dan might want to talk to Frank and Edna about the property?”
     “I think he was planning to talk to them in the next few days,” Tena said.
     “Maybe I will let Dan sound them out because I have a hunch they will then talk to me,” Greg said, “Then I can put in a good word while giving them my best opinion as a friend of theirs.”
     “You think sneaky and I like it,” said Tena with a smile.  “I’ll tell Dan that and have him talk to Frank and Edna.”  Then she thought for a moment, “Should I go with him?”
     Greg thought on that for a few moments and then said, “No, I think I would let him talk to them first.  They have always dealt with him and it has been a good relationship from all I have heard.  No sense in introducing a new person at this time.”
     “Oh I have met them,” said Tena.
     “But they are used to dealing with him alone,” said Greg.
     They finished their breakfast and cleaned up and then Tena, thanked Greg for breakfast and left.  The days before the Friday of the dinner were very quiet and Greg stayed at home and got a lot of writing and painting done so he was ready for a break by the time that Friday came.  The day was rather cloudy, but it cleared by sunset and there was a beautiful sunset which Greg got out and enjoyed.  Vinnie and Cecil came out relatively early so they actually caught the end of it.  Jason and Marie came shortly after and they got to work immediately.  There would be a full house this evening, as everyone indicated they would be coming.  Greg wondered if Tena and Dan would announce their forthcoming wedding tonight.  It would be the perfect time to do so.  Surprisingly Jim and Joan were the first to arrive followed almost immediately by Mark and Celeste.  The rest of the group soon arrived and went into the fireplace room to talk until the hosts announced that the dinner was ready.  Tena and Dan did announce their forthcoming wedding and everyone congratulated them.  Connie mentioned that she had decided to try to go for her Doctorate in her spare time, which brought a laugh at the way she said it.  Vinnie looked at her as if she was crazy, but there was pride in her eyes for her younger sister. Someone asked Kara how she was coming and she said she was now working on her Doctoral Dissertation.  Greg thought back when he had first met Kara and how he thought she deserved to get some help in her search for the funds to help her complete her education.  What came about still surprised him.  Only one of the women who first helped make it possible was still around.  Kara had actually reached the point where she had gotten some research funds, with the help of Jeremy and her advisor.  Greg did not try for any dates with Terry or Katy and decided he would not for at least the next two weeks.  In fact he was planning for a quiet two weeks during which he planned to work on his writing and painting and also get out into the woods.  He didn’t think he would have any calls for a breakfast from anyone during that time.  At least he couldn’t think of anyone in the group that would have any excuse.  Of course, he knew there were a few that wouldn’t let that bother them.  He did have a quiet two weeks and only left the house several times to go into the Rose Café for breakfast to get out of the house.  It was Kara who called on Friday afternoon the second week and asked if she could come out for breakfast on Saturday morning. He decided he wanted some company now and said yes and asked what she would want for breakfast.  She laughed and gave him her order.  He wasn’t sure why she might want to come out, but it wasn’t important anyway, he had liked Kara from the first time he met her as a waitress in Rose café.  He did have a hunch it might have to do with her dissertation.  It was promising to be a pleasant Saturday.  He would be familiar with her subject so he could possibly give her a point or two.  She did come out right on time and she had a brief case with her.
     “I see you ordered a perfect day,” Kara said as she came in.
     With a smile Greg said, “Oh I thought you ordered it. I was sure my line had been torn down.”  Kara laughed.  He had already started the breakfast anticipating she would be right on time.  It was soon ready and they took it out to the porch so they could see the gardens as they ate.
     “Have you seen Connie lately,” Greg asked her.
     “Oh I see her rather regularly.  We get together with Samantha for coffee or sometimes a meal and just gab,” said Kara. “Sometimes Tena meets with us also.”
     “The Doctoral Club,” said Greg with a grin.
     Kara laughed and then said, “Something like that.”
     They were silent for a while as they ate, the Kara said, “I thought I would run my ideas of how I should do my doctoral dissertation past you and see if you had any ideas how to improve it.  I think I have all the research done for it, and now it’s just a matter of putting together the presentation of it.”
     Greg grinned as he said, “You don’t want to hear anything like, you need to do a little more research here.”
     “Don’t you dare,” said Kara, realizing he was teasing her.  Greg laughed.  Kara gave him an idea of she thought of putting together and Greg listened as he watched her.  He occasionally jotted down a note.  She had a good handle on what she wanted to do and he could find nothing really wrong with her ideas how she should present it.  He gave her a few minor suggestions as to how she might improve the presentation to emphasize her main points.
     “Sounds like you really have it well in hand, Kara,” Greg said.  “I don’t think you should have any trouble with it.  They might have a few minor questions to show you that they have been listening,” Greg added with a grin.  Kara laughed at how Greg had said the last.
      “Are Doctoral dissertation presentations usually so boring?” asked Kara.
     “Frankly, sometimes they are, at least in how they are presented,” answered Greg.
     “Maybe I should try to spice mine up a little,” said Kara with a smile.
     Greg laughed, “Not too much, you want to look serious about your research, however you could take a look at it with the idea of trying to make it seem more interesting and not so dry.”
     Kara looked at him for a moment and then said, “I see what you mean.  I’ll take a look at it from that standpoint.”  Then she started to gather up her material and prepared to leave.  “Thank you for the wonderful breakfast and allowing me to bend your ear.”  Then she gave him a smile and went out to her car.  Greg watched her as she drove off.  She had come a long way from the somewhat desperate young woman who was trying to find a way to complete her education after a disastrous marriage and divorce.  This time she had found the right man and she would have her doctorate. Greg found he was really happy he had a part in giving her that chance.  As he was thinking about this he wondered if they would wait until she had her doctorate before they announced their engagement.  Which brought up Connie and he wondered if she had acquired a boyfriend.  He hadn’t heard anything from Vinnie.
     Greg got busy and didn’t even think about trying for a date with either Terry or Katy.  When he did he found that both of them were out of town for at least several days.  He decided to put that on hold for a while longer.  He wondered if anyone would come up with an idea for a dinner soon.  Having gotten in several weeks of good work, he was ready for another dinner.  It was Christy who called and said she and Andy wanted to host a dinner and the Jeremy and Dexter agreed to join them. 
     “We thought we would have it the week after next Friday, if that date is okay with you,” Christy said.
     With a grin Greg said, “Do I have a choice”.
     “No,” said Christy, “You’re just supposed to say yes.” 
     Greg laughed, “That’s fine, I was just wondering if someone was going to suggest a dinner.  I felt I was ready for one.  I’ve had several quiet weeks and got a lot of work done so could take a break.”
     “You work?” said Christy sounding surprised and then Greg heard her laugh.
      “You should talk, all public relations people do is play at working,” said Greg. He heard Christy laugh.  Then she said,
     “I’ll let you know how many will be coming.”
     Greg figured this would give him another uninterrupted period of over a week to work on his novel and his painting.  He didn’t think he would have any more calls for a breakfast.  He actually was almost ready to send this novel to the publisher.  He wanted to take a look at something in the beginning and a place at the ending he wasn’t completely satisfied with.  Actually they were only very small things and wouldn’t really alter anything.  He figured he could get this done and get it off to the publisher before the dinner.  He would be really ready for the dinner then, He had a sketch of a painting but hadn’t gone any further on that.  He wanted to think about that one more anyway.  The next week did prove very quiet and he got caught up on his reading.  Jeremy had clued him in on several scientific articles to read.  He heard that Vinnie had finished the first draft of her novel and apparently she was happy with it so far.  This thought reminded him that he should check out what Terry had been writing and get an idea of Katy’s type of painting so he didn’t put his foot in his mouth.  He had an idea but he thought he should try to become more familiar with their styles.  Discussing what they were doing at the dinner was not allowed.  He could check with Celeste regarding Katy’s style of painting.  She might tease him a little.  He wondered what Vinnie knew about Terry’s writing. The Friday of the dinner was actually a beautiful day and Greg got out into the woods in the morning.  Both Christy and Dexter arrived early and took a look at the gardens first.  Andy had a meeting with a client so couldn’t come out with Christy.  Jeremy did come a short time later so they sat and had a cup of coffee with Greg before they started the meal.  Dexter actually was a very good cook so he and Christy started the meal and Jeremy and Greg set up the table.  Again there would be a full house.  Connie came early, and stopped to view the gardens.  When she came in with a broad grin she said,
     “I thought I would let you all know I now have a boyfriend.  He’s a computer geek at the University.”  Everyone laughed at the way she said it.
     “Has Vinnie given her approval yet?” asked Greg with a grin and Connie made a face at him, but then she said,
     “Yes, she has already met him and Cecil knows him.”
     With a grin Christy asked, “Do the doctoral contingent approve of him?”  Connie laughed at the way she categorized the younger members who were technically students.
     Connie replied, “Kara and Tena gave a thumbs up.”
     It wasn’t long before the rest came flowing in and started to question what they could expect since Christy was helping prepare the meal.  Christy putting on a pouty face said,
     “Boy this is the last time I ever volunteer to be a host.”
     Charlotte kind of smiled at this.  She was becoming more used to Christy having been working with her since she took over the top job at the software company and she was one of Christy’s clients.  Katy gave Greg a smile when she came in and Christina caught it and gave Greg a raise of the eyebrows and then a broad grin.  Greg made a face at her that Joan happened to catch and she gave Greg a smile.  They all then began to find a place at the table.  Greg ended up seated between Katy and Terry.  Connie, Samantha and Kara sat across from him.  Greg looked over at Connie and asked,
     “Have you started your doctoral program yet?”  She grinned at him and replied,
     “Yes and I have an advisor, and no he is not my new boyfriend.”   Everyone laughed at the way Connie said that.  “I even have an idea for my research and it comes from my work so I might even make some points with the company.”
     Cecil with a smile at Connie said, “Now that is what I call real planning.”  Connie laughed.
     It was Dexter who said, “Trust Cecil to see that.”
     “Might you have subtly suggested that Cecil?” asked Christy with a broad grin.
      Cecil laughed, “No Connie thought that up all by herself.”  The way he said that made Connie make a face at him.  Apparently all the doctoral contingent had advisors in place now which was brought out by brief questioning. The upcoming wedding did get a brief discussion with the usual teasing.  Greg did set up a date in Barton with both Katy and Christina.  He decided to try for a date with Terry the following week.  He decided he would wait to get a better idea of what Charlotte was like before trying for one with her.  Besides it might be better to wait until he saw how the dates with Katy and Terry worked out.  Adding Charlotte might tend to really confuse things besides giving Christina something to tease him about.  As he thought about it, he decided to put checking out Charlotte on hold for a while.  Trying to figure out two new women were really all he had better try to handle.  Besides he wanted to keep time for Christina.  He kind of smiled when that thought hit him. He did realize that it was Katy who interested him the most.  It was Connie who got the group moving to leave that evening. 
     Except for the dates with Katy and Christina, the week was quiet and rather lazy.  He actually did little real work on either his writing or painting.  He did catch up on his reading and no one dropped out for breakfast or called.  He did appreciate that and decided he really was interested in Katy.  Of course, he had no idea yet exactly how she viewed him.  The next week was quiet also, except for the date with Terry.  Terry did hint that she might like to come out some time to discuss writing. Greg did kind of indicate he would be interested but left it at that. Greg himself was surprised at his reaction to this.  The next two weeks were quiet and Terry did not follow up on coming out and no one called or dropped out for breakfast.

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