Saturday, November 26, 2011

dea. Besides, she’s a raving beauty. What more could you ask of a new acquaintance. Beauty, brains, personality, a sense of humor and a wonderful person to boot.”

“You’re guaranteeing all this?” inquired Greg.

“I am!” was the quick reply.

“Well, in that case, and seeing I can’t needle you any more, Claire, let us see what day we might set that up for.” He hadn’t had one of his breakfasts for a while and the timing was right. “Looking at my calendar, the only day this week would be Friday. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Let me look. No, that would be fine,” said Claire. “I’ll call Serena and see if that will be okay with her.”

“Fine. Now seeing as this is your plot, what other actors do you want to include in the scene.”

“You make it sound nefarious,” sniffed Claire, but then she continued brightly. “Why don’t we see, if Mark can get away from the bank, Joan mentioned her case load was light, and Jim can usually get away in the morning, Penny can usually arrange to get away from her software company, and Christy’s PR workload is light right now, she told me.”

“That sounds good to me.” said Greg. “Let me know if it’s a go, and I’ll set up plans for breakfast at the Eagle’s Aerie for Friday morning. Eight o’clock sharp.

“I’ll get back to you as soon as possible, Greg, probably by tomorrow morning.”

“Fine,” said Greg. “If I’m not here, just leave a message. Talk to you later.”

During the years he lived in the area, he had made it a point to meet and become friendly with the people in the small town and the surrounding area. He also cultivated friendships within the two nearby college communities. The local universities had good, highly regarded science programs, and he established connections with these university departments. He even occasionally gave seminars in his fields.

The close knit group of friends, he described as a motley crew. His closest friends were a lawyer and his wife, a doctor of endocrinology. Next were a neurosurgeon and her husband, an accountant and financial adviser. There was a nuclear physicist (male) and a CEO of a computer software company (female), along with a bank president (male) and the manager of one of the local TV stations (male). Rounding out the group were Lynn

accountant and financial adviser. There was a nuclear physicist (male) and a CEO of a computer software company (female), along with a bank president (male) and the manager of one of the local TV stations (male). Rounding out the group were Lynn Tarrot, Christy Jorgenson and Claire Gordon. They all considered themselves accomplished cooks. In addition, they all had a different specialty, which made for interesting dinner parties. Their backgrounds were extremely varied, which made for rather exciting discussions during their get-togethers. They were all successful in their fields and very intelligent. Luckily, all of them had a good sense of humor. And they had all become very good friends.

He went back into his studio and gathered up his portable painting equipment. He was going to head for the wildlife area to a place where he had located a fox’s den. Nearby he had noted a hawk’s nest. Perhaps he would be lucky and catch one of them in the area. If not, he would paint the setting and add the birds and animals later. Besides, it was a beautiful day to be out in the woods painting. No one would interrupt him out there. Very few people bothered to come out here. He practically always had it to himself. He had explored most of the area, and had come to look on it as an extension of his land. He loved the woods and the animals that lived there.

He made a light lunch to take with him, figuring to stay out most of the afternoon. Actually, the sun was beginning to set before he started to gather up his equipment and start back for the house. It was only about a twenty-minute walk, even carrying his equipment, so he reached the house before it started to get dark. Even so, the automatic yard lights were on. It had been a good day. He put his painting equipment, and the canvas he had started, back in the studio. Then he went into the kitchen to figure out what he should fix for dinner. Living alone, especially out in the country where he was, it paid to like to cook. He had become very good at it.

As Greg was fixing his dinner, his mind went back to his unanswered speculation. Why had Edna expressed an interest in having her niece Serena see his house? There was really nothing unusual about it. Edna was definitely not a matchmaker, so that scenario could be discarded. The only thing he could think of was the setting. Perhaps Edna thought her niece, seeing his house and the setting in which it was placed, might get an idea of what she wanted as a place in which to settle down. As far as Greg was concerned, it was the ideal place to write and paint. But Serena was from the West Coast. She might have an entirely different idea of what might be the ideal place. This place grew from an idea he had when he was young.

He had just finished eating and cleaning up afterwards, when his phone rang.

“Hello, Greg Manart here.” he said.

“Hi Greg. I can come early Friday and play second cook.”

“Love to have you,” laughed Greg. He immediately recognized Christy Jorgensen’s voice. “That would give me someone to blame if something went wrong.”

“Oh come on. Nothing has ever gone wrong at your breakfasts. It wouldn’t dare,” she added with emphasis, then she laughed. “See you Friday. Bright and early.”

“Okay, Christy,” he said.

He wasn’t at all surprised that Christy Jorgenson had called and offered to come out and help. Christy, was probably the first one Claire called. They worked at the same college and were good friends. He was happy she offered. He always welcomed Christy. Christy was bouncy, always seem to be happy, funny, and best of all she really worked and knew her away around a kitchen. She was the ideal person to help with this breakfast. Besides, he and Christy had decided long ago, although they made wonderful friends, they would make lousy partners.

He decided he wouldn’t try to do any work on his next book. It really wasn’t coming along very well. The characters he had been creating just didn’t seem to mesh and he couldn’t figure out why. He had decided to let it rest for a while in hopes, later he could come back to it with a new outlook. Maybe he could then see what was wrong and get going on it again. Besides he didn’t want to spoil a good day. He’d just catch up on his magazine reading and maybe turn in early.

Bright and early, before breakfast, he was out in the woods with his cameras. It was a perfect day. A bright day, with plenty of fluffy clouds. The perfect day to get the pictures he wanted. Now if the creatures only cooperated. Actually it turned out to be a fairly successful day. However, it took longer than he had anticipated. He waited longer than he normally would, in anticipation of some shots that didn’t materialize and some that did. He wondered if Claire had called. He would prefer to talk to her when she called.

He decided, while he was waiting for her call, he would rustle up a late breakfast. He was always partial to breakfast, since his days of delivering papers, while he was in Junior high school. He had been orphaned when he was eight. He had been raised by a young, single aunt. Breakfast was still one of his favorite meals. He had just set the table and gotten the food out ready to be prepared, when the phone rang.

“Greg Manart, here,”

A precise, intriguing, musical voice at the other end said, “Dr. Manart, this is Serena Tellou. I thought I really should call you and make sure it was okay with you if I joined your breakfast group, Friday.” the voice hurried on, “I know that Claire Gordon assured me it would be, but seeing as it’s your house, and you don’t know me, I thought I really ought to call you to make sure.”

“Let me say that I hate formality, so seeing as we are going to have breakfast together on Friday, the name is Greg. In addition, rest assured, you are more than welcome.” continued Greg. “Although I haven’t heard from Claire, I am assuming the breakfast is on for Friday, because I already have my backup cook planning on being here early. Actually I am looking forward to meeting you, although I must confess I have not read any of your books.” After a moments hesitation he added, “Come to think of it, I will be on Claire’s blacklist for admitting that. In fact, if she finds out, she might not introduce me to you.”

“Oh, she wouldn’t do that,” said Serena, with a light laugh. “How could she, you’re the host.”

“Oh, a little thing like that wouldn’t bother Claire if she decided to be mad at me,” laughed Greg.

“I seemed to have jumped the gun,” said Serena. “Maybe the breakfast plans fell through.”

“No.” said Greg. “ We already have four people for sure, and that’s a good sign we’ll probably have eight. Which is a good round number. We can use the small oak table. It holds ten. Just the right size for conversation.”

“My aunt and uncle said they have had breakfast at your house several times,” Serena said. “Your breakfasts, according to my aunt, have taken on a fame of their own.”

“There might be some who would call them infamous. But we do have fun at them and we always seem to have interesting people. At least the conversations are interesting.” Then, after a pause, he added as a kind of justification for putting on these breakfasts, “It keeps me social, and keeps me from becoming a hermit and a recluse artist. That would be disastrous. So you see, there are a lot of reasons for me to put on these breakfasts. In addition, I really find them a lot of fun.”

“When Aunt Edna mentioned your breakfasts, I wondered about your reasons for taking on that kind of work,” said Serena. “She said it wasn’t meant to gain any attention, because they were private affairs, and you shun attention rather than try to attract it. Edna said you were kind of an anomaly. You really were very social, yet very private at the same time. She said you were the only one she has ever seen that could successfully pull that off. It’s a funny thing,” Serena continued, “but Claire said essentially the same thing, except she didn’t call you an anomaly. She seemed to think it was a perfectly natural thing as far as you were concerned.”

“That makes me sound like some really strange animal. Actually, you’ll find I’m a perfectly normal human being. Nothing exotic about me and I don’t think there is anything neurotic either. In fact you’ll probably find my home and grounds are a lot more interesting than I am. Hey, so maybe there’s a method to my madness in living out here,” Greg said. “But you’ll have to find out for yourself.”

“Now you’ve got me anxious to see your place and meet you,” exclaimed Serena. “I’ll be looking forward to Friday. See you then.”

Greg said good-bye and hung up the phone almost reluctantly. That voice had a haunting quality. Couple that, with the vision of a young woman in sloppy shirt and jeans, striding down that farm drive. Greg was anxious to meet this young woman in person. He hoped she lived up to this advanced billing. Then he wondered if that was a good thing. The other attractive women he knew here were all twenty or more miles away.

It was another half-hour or so before Claire rang up. In fact, he had just sat down to his computer in his office. He was trying to psych himself up to do something about his new novel, when the phone rang. It was Claire.

“Hello, Greg here,” was his usual response.

“Aren’t you ever going to change that greetings, Greg?” came the familiar voice at the end of the line. “It really doesn’t fit your character.”

“Just what is my character, according to Claire, that is?” Greg came back. “You know you’re a hopeless romantic. You have to admit it’s a simple, laid back greeting. Isn’t that what I’m suppose to be. Simple and laid back.”

“Laid back, yes. Simple, no, no, no!” came the immediate reply. “A more complex character I have never met in my life. But that’s what makes you so interesting. But getting to the subject at hand, Friday’s a go. Eight people have accepted, which makes nine with you. Actually every one jumped at the invitation, and I didn’t even have to bribe them with the guest of honor. Let’s see now,” Claire continued, “Christy Jorgenson, is coming of course, Joan and Jim Carter, Mark Janes, Penny McDermot, oh, and I asked Professor Mike Martin, my counterpart at the other university.” Claire added the last name with a little trepidation in her voice. “ You don’t mind that I invited him, do you Greg?”

“I know, you just wanted to make sure I didn’t monopolize Serena.” kidded Greg. “I have a hunch that you owed him one, and this was a way of paying him back. Do you guarantee he will be an interesting addition to the group?” questioned Greg half seriously.

“Absolutely.” was the quick reply. “ He’ s laid back, somewhat like you, and has a light, quick wit.”

“Unlike me.”

“Now I didn’t say that. Nor did I even imply that,” said Claire in a hurt voice.

“Just kidding, Claire. We’ll welcome him with open arms.”

“Well you don’t have to go overboard. Just treat him like a member of the group.” Claire continued, then in a little more serious tone. “What can I do to help? Can I bring something out the night before. I can’t offer to come out early on Friday because I promised to pick up Serena at her aunt and uncle’s place.”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” Greg assured her, “Everything will be taken care of. Christy has already volunteered to come out early and help, and I really am expecting Mark Janes to call and say he’ll be out early. That will give me more than enough help, because they both know their way around my kitchen. Breakfast is a relatively easy and straight forward thing to put together, especially when you have the room and equipment that my kitchen has.”

“Okay then,” said Claire. “I’ll see you Friday.”

It was about an hour-and-a-half later Mark called and offered his services, which were immediately accepted. Arrangements were made as to the time. Greg asked Mark to pick up some sweet rolls and doughnuts from the bakery. This would eliminate the need to start early to bake the sweet rolls and he could concentrate on bread and breakfast rolls. Greg’s breakfasts had gained the reputation for having something for everyone. Of course, sometimes they were put on with a particular person in mind. Everything seemed to be off to a good start.

Wednesday, Greg finally got back to his new novel. It was a cloudy, drizzly type of day. Just the kind to stay in his office and give his computer a workout. He worked late into the evening, stopping only to grab a quick bite. Finally, he was feeling satisfied with the progress he was making on the book. This was what he liked about living in the country. He didn’t have any close neighbors to drop in and he could ignore his telephone. He decided to get out in the morning to do some painting, if the weather cooperated. Actually the predictions were good for both Thursday and Friday. He was always up by six o’clock every morning. However, he was planning to make it five-thirty for Friday morning. Christy, he knew would be there by seven, and Mark would probably arrive by a quarter-after.

Friday started out like a beautiful spring morning. It was refreshingly cool, perfect for the breakfast. They could have it out on the enclosed porch. All the windows could be open to let in all the smells and the sounds of the gardens and surrounding woods. Greg had just begun preparations when Christy rolled in right on schedule.

“Oh, isn’t it a perfect morning,” she bubbled. “I suppose you ordered it special.”

“Well, of course, didn’t you know I had a direct line.”

“Oh, I always suspected it,” giggled Christy, “But I was never sure where the direct line went to.”

“For that nasty remark, you can do all the pots and pans.” said Greg.

“Okay, what do you want me to do, outside of the pots and pans that is?”

“Let’s get the breakfast rolls and the bread ready for the oven. Then we can lay out the ham, bacon and sausage ready to put on the big griddle. We can mix up the pancake dough and have that ready for the griddle. I’ll fire up the griddle in about fifteen minutes,” said Greg.

There was the sound of another car pulling into the yard.

“That must be Mark,” said Greg. “He’s right on time. I put on the regular coffeemaker early so we could enjoy some coffee while we work. We might as well sample the rolls too,” added Greg

“Oh, you must be reading my mind.” said Christy, “I was just dying for a cup of java, and a roll would really hit the spot just now. Especially with all this food around to entice me.” Then she added, “ Did you tell Mark to pick up some rolls? What if he forgot?” At this moment, Mark walked in carrying a couple of bakery boxes.

“Oh ye of little faith.” jibed Greg.

“Was Christy doubting that I would get here on time?” asked Mark.

“No. She was afraid you had forgotten the rolls and that she’d have to go hungry until breakfast was ready.”

“Oh, you make it sound like I’m always thinking of eating.” pouted Christy.

“I wouldn’t think of touching that one.” laughed Mark.

“It’s not fair. You’re ganging up on me.”

“Here. Have a cup of coffee and a roll to soothe your injured soul,” said Greg handing her a mug of coffee and offering her a plate of rolls to choose from. The three then became busy setting things up for the breakfast and starting the stoves and griddles. There was a constant banter as the three started preparing the meal for the group, soon to be arriving.

Joan and Jim Carter were the first to arrive. Joan immediately checked if she could lend some assistance setting up the table. Joan always did this. Jim immediately headed for the coffeepot.

“Ooh,” said Joan, “ Something is really smelling wonderful. My mouth is watering already in anticipation. Jim, don’t you just love this kitchen?”

“Actually, I love the things that come out of it even more,” said Jim.

“Oh, always thinking of your stomach.”

“That’s what Greg and Mark were just accusing me of,” chimed in Christy.

“Well at least we know how to enjoy the fine things in life, Christy,” laughed Jim.

Mike Martin, the professor from Leland State University arrived next, closely followed by Penny McDermot. They came in together, Mike playing the gentleman and opening the door for Penny. Men had a tendency to play the gentleman for Penney. She could really turn heads without any effort on her part.

“It looks like I timed it perfectly,” said Penny. “There doesn’t seem to be a thing I can do, except enjoy one of your lovely breakfasts, Greg.”

“Well let’s see if we can’t figure out something for Penny to do.” replied Greg.

“Maybe we could make her sing for her breakfast.” said Joan with a nasty grin. She knew someone else would pick up on this.

Jim quickly jumped into the conversation with, “Oh, no, not that. Anything but have Penny sing. It was promising to be such a lovely morning.”

“Come on now, I don’t sing as badly as all that.”

Mike Martin, who had been amusedly listening to the conversational by-play, said, “I think I’ll stay out of that conversation. However, seeing as Claire hasn’t arrived yet, I’d better introduce myself, and explain that Claire invited me with, I hope, Dr. Manart’s permission. I’m Mike Martin and I’m a professor of American Literature at Leland State. You might say I’m a counterpart to Claire.”

“You are very welcome,” said Greg, “But you apparently don’t know Claire that well. Claire does things first and asks permission afterwards, with of course, the proper amount of contrition.”

“You really are welcome,” Christy quickly said, making sure he didn’t take Greg’s lighthearted comment the wrong way. “ We are a very informal group, and we do have a tendency to kid each other a lot. Be forewarned we do not spare newcomers. They’re fair game along with every one else.”

“Just a footnote to that commentary on this motley crew, the kidding is never unkind. It’s just light, good fun,” added Joan.

“I’ll second that,” said Penny, adding in a mock huffy tone, “In spite of the fact that they’re picking on me.”

“We never pick on you, Penny,” said Greg.

The bantering was cut short by the sound of an arriving car.

“Perfect timing.” said Greg. “Everything is about ready to go on the table.”

“We’re here.” announced Claire as she came in the room, followed by a very beautiful young woman, on whom all eyes were focused. “I’d like you all to meet Serena Tellou.”

Introductions were made all around. Claire made her apologies to Dr. Martin for not being there to introduce him.

“Oh, that’s all right, Claire,” said Greg, “ We’re an informal group and can easily handle a thing like that.”

“You’re needling me, Greg.”

“I wouldn’t think of doing that for a minute.” said Greg.

“He wouldn’t think of that for a minute. It would only take him a couple of seconds.” Christy quickly added with a laugh.

“It’s really the pots and pans for you Christy,” said Greg.

“It sure is a good thing that Greg has two dishwashers, Christy.” Mark Janes broke in, “Or you’d be here the rest of the morning and all afternoon, too.”

“Does this go on all the time?” broke in Serena, “Or is this a ploy to put newcomers to the group at ease?”

“With this group there are no newcomers,” said Joan. “After the introductions, you become like everyone else. In other words you’re fair game for a little light-hearted kidding.”

“That’s really not as bad as it might sound to someone who doesn’t know this group.” explained Claire, “It’s really all in good fun. We enjoy each other’s company very much, and we all enjoy kidding each other. The only rule is that it is light and in good taste.”

“Are these breakfasts are a regular thing?” inquired Mike Martin.

“Actually,” stated Claire, “Since Greg unsuspectingly started inviting the group, or all those who could make it, to these informal breakfasts, they have practically become an institution.” Then Claire added, “Greg didn’t know what he spawned and now he’s got a tiger by the tail.”

“You mean they won’t let you quit, even if you wanted to?” inquired Serena.

“Oh absolutely not.” said Greg. “They’re absolutely tyrannical.”

“As you can see,” laughed Christy, “ He really is put upon. And if you believe that about Greg after you get to know him, I’d like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.”

“In other words,” added Jim Carter, “ These breakfasts exist because Greg enjoys putting them on. Of course the rest of us will do everything we can to convince him that he should keep putting them on. Which means, of course,” continued Jim, “that they happen when and if Greg decides they should happen.”

“In other words,” said Serena, “The tyranny is in the other camp.”

“Well we have never looked on it as tyranny,” said Claire. “We just keep throwing broad hints his way if the interlude between breakfasts becomes too long.”

“Enough of this inane chit-chat,” broke in Greg, “ The food’s ready, so let’s eat it while it’s hot. Christy, Mark and I have slaved over this meal too hard to have it spoiled by letting it get cold.”

“Claire, you can get Serena and Mike seated. The rest are on your own. You’ve been here often enough.” Greg added.

“You seem to have a beautiful place here, Greg. At least what I’ve seen of it driving in. Uncle Frank says he thinks it is the most beautiful setting for a house he has ever seen.” said Serena.

“And the house is perfect for the setting.” chimed in Joan. “We’re all jealous that Greg created it first.”

“He did do a marvelous job in that respect,” added Jim, “And he created it himself. No outside architect or designers had a hand in it.”

“You make it sound like it was some great creation,” laughed Greg. “ I had a wonderful old house as a solid base to build on, and that made it easy.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” said Christy. “ I know the original old house. I would have never come up with something as comfortable, and livable, and beautiful as this, keeping it in tune with the beautiful surroundings, without destroying the looks of the old house.”

“Well, actually, Greg created some of the beautiful surroundings when he planned and created the gardens,” added Mark Janes.

“I had a lot of help from a lot of creative, hardworking people,” Greg reminded them.

“You are going to have to give me a complete guided tour after breakfast. I’ve got to see this first hand,” said Serena.

“I will be happy to do so.”

“ May I join in on the tour?” Mike Martin asked. “I’m intrigued by what you have done here. I heard rumors of your place from some of the members of our Science School. Being able to see it first hand, was one of the reasons I jumped at Claire’s invitation. Of course the primary reason was to meet you, Dr. Tellou,” he hurriedly added.

“Don’t you think that one of your rules, Greg, should be that titles are verboten?”

“Do I have a second to that motion?” Greg quickly said.

“I second it.” Joan chimed in.

“Motion carried. “Titles are banned from all future conversations

Monday, November 21, 2011

Chapter One

Felezenon took her carriage to Lord Karan’s mansion the evening she was to dine with him and his friends. It was to be her introduction as his long lost daughter. She decided she was ready to admit he was probably the father she never knew. She had also decided that he probably did what he could to try to find them. She had found he had a very good reputation in the forest and was highly regarded. He was also a member of the King’s inner council and an Elven High Lord. This would give her an additional base of power in this Elven King’s court. She smiled at that thought. She had a reputation of not seeing things as most young ladies did.

She was very respectfully ushered into the mansion where Lord Karan immediately met her. He gave her a little bow and she gave him a curtsey. She then came up to him and gave him a hug, which caused a happy smile to appear on his face

“As you are to be my father, I think this would be a more appropriate greeting,” Felezenon said with a smile “As you can see,” Lord Karan immediately said, “I was very happy to receive it.” Then he added, “Let us go join the others, so I can introduce you to my friends whom I have gathered tonight.”

Felezenon slipped her arm around him and he did likewise, as they walked in to where the other people were gathered. Felezenon noted, a Major Prince and Princess were among the group. This did not surprise her. She knew Lord Karan was a highly ranked noble. The people turned toward them as they came into the room. With a very happy smile, Lord Karan said,

“May I introduce the daughter I happily found I had, that I never knew I had, Lady Felezenon.” Then he added with a broader smile, “I am sure all of you have met her before, but not as my daughter.”

The Prince with a very broad smile commented,

“How much luckier could you possibly get, Lord Karan, then to discover that Lady Felezenon is your daughter.” Then after a very brief hesitation he added, “Of course you now must be prepared for a large group of highly ranked young men constantly appearing at your door when ever Lady Felezenon is here in the forest.”

That brought smiles from everyone in the group. Another lady asked, “How possibly did you arrange that, or should I say discover that?” Lord Karan smiled.

“She looked so much like someone I had known and loved but lost, that it bothered me until I inquired of her background. Her story and what I knew convinced us that I must be the father she never knew and she the daughter I never knew I had. I am afraid I am not proud of the fact I did not continue my search for her mother much longer then I did, but Lady Felezenon has graciously forgiven me.”

Felezenon immediately said, “I do not think there is anything I need forgive him for. I am now sure he did everything he possibly could to find my mother and me, but we had moved several times and the people of the village were not very helpful to him, probably because he was an Elf. Besides the past is past and we must look forward to the future.”

“Said like a true Lady, Lady Felezenon,” said the Princess. The she turned to Lord Karan. “You indeed are a lucky man, Lord Karan.”

“I am well aware of that, your highness,” he said.

They then went into the room and were seated. Felezenon was seated between her father and the Princess. Another High Lord was seated on the other side of her father. After they were seated the Prince looked at Lord Karan and with a broad smile said,

“Do you think you can induce Lady Felezenon to decide to settle in our forest?”

“I promised Felezenon I would not interfere in any way with her decisions. She does not need my interference in her life, only my complete cooperation with whatever decisions she feels are best for her. I told her, the decisions she has made on her own, are far too astute for me to think I could do any better for her. There is no reason for me to toy with such success.” Then he added, “I can only hope that whatever decisions she makes will include regular visits to our home,” and he emphasized the ‘our home’.

“As I now have a real home, I do plan to return to it often,” she said. That garnered a happy smile from Lord Karan. The High Lord then said,

“At least that will guarantee we will see Lady Felezenon on at least somewhat regular intervals.”

The evening proved to be very pleasant for both Felezenon and her newly found father, Lord Karan. It was also obvious that his friends were happy for Lord Karan. They also seemed happy this would guarantee Lady Felezenon would be a regular visitor to their forest, if she did not decide to settle here.

The surprising thing to her, was that finding Lord Karan was her father and that she was willing to accept him as her father, caused her to think it would better serve her plans if she settled in the other forest and Kingdom. She already had a base in this forest. She still intended to wait a while to make her final decision and make it known. She did not want her newfound father to feel she did not want to settle here for fear he would try to dominate her. She was sure he would not do that. He would support her when and if she wished him to do so. He would just be happy to have her treat him like a father with whom she could discuss things and their home as a place she could come and be comfortable in. She did make him very happy by arranging with him to have a dinner at their home for a group of young Elven friends. Two young Elven Princes were in the city so she included them in the group, much to the delight of the young ladies.

As she was enjoying the dinner with these friends, she was thinking of what decision she should make about where she should settle. It occurred to her, it might be a very good idea to spend the late fall, winter and early spring months in the area of Lord Schelazan’s forest, and the late spring, summer and early fall months in Valennonin and this forest. After all, Valennonin and this forest were in the northern area and Lord Schelazan’s forest and the other Kingdom in the more southern area. She could then visit Klutar in Spring and Fall as she traveled between the two areas. The more she considered that idea, the more she began to like it. She could then spend the summer holiday season with her new father, which she knew would please him greatly. She decided to let Lord Karan, her father, know of this plan immediately. She knew he would be very happy to have her use their house as a base in the forest during those months. She also decided to inform Lord Schelazan and have him get word to Kaesaon. She knew he would be happy to do that for her. She found she felt very happy to have finally made that decision. She also thought it was the best decision and would make the most people happy. However, she knew it would complicate any decision she might consider of an alliance with any man. That automatically ruled out Kaesaon, although she did think his best decision would be an alliance with the Elven Princess. She thought that would be a very strong possibility and she decided, if the opportunity presented itself she would tell him that. She knew he would take it as a suggestion from a good friend. Having spent the night at their home after the dinner, she told Lord Karan at the morning meal.

“I have made my decision, father,” Felezenon said. “I have decided I should spend the late spring, summer and early fall months here and in King Phoris’ Kingdom. Then I will spend late fall, winter and early spring months in Lord Schelazan’s forest and King Marcelleau’s Kingdom. I can then visit my uncle Klutar in Spring and Fall, during my travels in between.”

Lord Karan smiled happily as he said,

“That truly will make the most people happy, daughter, including, of course, me.” Felezenon smiled.

“I will then plan to live here while I am in the forest, if that is agreeable with you,” she said.

“You know that is what I would hope you would do,” said Lord Karan. “I will immediately inform the staff of your decision. I know they will be very happy.” After a moment’s hesitation he asked, “Do you wish to inform the King and Queen of your decision, or may I?”

“Why don’t you as my father,” Felezenon said with a smile. Then she added, “The Queen will happily think you may have subtly influenced me to make this decision.”

“Perhaps,” said Lord Karan, “but the king will know I would wisely do nothing to influence you, knowing full well I knew you would know better what would be best for you.” Then he added, “but the Queen will be happy and it really doesn’t matter if she would think that would it.”

“No,” said Felezenon. “If it makes her happy that is fine.”

It being early Fall, Felezenon began to make plans to leave for Klutar’s home and then King Marcelleau’s city. She would send a message by wizardry to Lord Schelazan immediately. He would contact Kaesaon, so he could make preparations for her return to that city. The Queen, hearing that Felezenon had decided to spend the summer half of the year in this forest and the adjoining Kingdom from now on, decided to hold a banquet for her before she departed. Lord Karan smiled when he informed Felezenon of that. He knew it kind of amused her that so much was made of her. However she would be graciously appreciative.

Felezenon decided to go directly to Klutar and not stop at Tarnanon to renew acquaintance with Duke Sonason. She would do that the next time she came this way in early Spring. As soon as she met Klutar she said,

“I have decided to spend the winter months in Lord Schelazan’s forest and King Marcelleau’s Kingdom. Then I would spend the summer months in Valennonin and that forest. I think that would serve me best.”

“You are undoubtedly right,” he replied with a smile, “and make more people happy.” Felezenon laughed at the way he added the last.

“That was part of my reasoning,” said Felezenon. “It will also help to keep any from taking me for granted.”

“I think you will find other ways to keep that from happening,” Klutar said. “You have undoubtedly informed Lord Schelazan.”

“Yes,” replied Felezenon, “and I asked him to get a note to Kaesaon.”

“Which will strengthen Kaesaon’s standing with his king,” commented Klutar.

“And make him a better friend,” said Felezenon giving Klutar a broad smile. “You taught me well, uncle.” Klutar laughed. She had been an extremely good student with the greatest of reason to learn.

Felezenon spent two enjoyable weeks with Klutar before again going on her way. She intended to stop in King Marcelleau’s Kingdom before traveling on to Lord Schelazan’s forest. She decided to establish a home in the forest first and then return to the Kingdom to find a home there. Perhaps in the forest she could get the home she had when she first stayed there. She would let the King and Kaesaon consider where they would like her to establish her home. She was sure the king would be inclined to make some very favorable arrangements in order to make her happy. She smiled at how far a homeless waif had now come.

She again traveled by herself. Although she attracted attention, she had no problems. In fact she was treated very courteously. Of course she was part Elf, was obviously very learned and was finely, although relatively plainly dressed and she carried two fine swords. She also regularly showed she was a sorceress. She was actually met about a half day out of the city by Kaesaon and an elite troupe. Kaesaon, with a broad smile, gave her a low bow.

“We got the good news you have decided to spend half the year in our area,” Kaesaon said. “Her majesty is waiting to greet you and an apartment has been readied for you. The King said we would be happy to work with you on establishing a permanent residence in the city.”

“I am planning to spend a few weeks in the city before going on to the forest,” said Felezenon. “After I establish a permanent residence there, I will return to do so in this city. That will be my first priority. I will be happy to hear any suggestions you might have regarding where I might think of establishing my permanent residence.”

“We have already been considering that, Lady Felezenon,” said Kaesaon. “We’ll have several suggestions ready for you to consider by the time you return.”

Kaesaon brought her direct to the palace, where there were people waiting to take her things into the palace. Kaesaon escorted her to an audience room where the King and Queen were waiting for her. The Queen embraced her like an old and very good friend. With a smile the King gave her a bow. With a laugh Felezenon gave him a small curtsey.

“We were very happy to hear you are planning to spend half of the year in our area,” the King said sounding as if he were very happy.

“This way,” said Felezenon, “I would be able to spend part of the year with all of my friends.”

“And keep us all happy,” said the Queen. Then she added with a smile at Kaesaon, “Including Lord Kaesaon.”

Kaesaon just gave her a small smile but said nothing for a moment, but then with a smile at Felezenon said,

“I know of two other gentlemen who were happy to hear of Lady Felezenon’s decision. Lord Schelazan hinted at that when he sent his message.”

The King said, “We are holding a banquet in two days,” then after a brief hesitation, with a broad smile he added, “to celebrate the good news.”

He knew Felezenon would look at him as if he were teasing her, although she would know that was the real reason for the banquet. When Felezenon came for the evening meal, she was greeted happily by almost everyone there. There were some young ladies who would just as soon she not returned. There were also those who were happy to see her back, because they knew she attracted high ranking nobles and therefor more of them gathered in the city. The Duke knew his son would be spending as much time as he could in the city while Lady Felezenon was there. The gatherings were always light-hearted when Felezenon was in the group. She never took herself or any of the men at all seriously. Felezenon was again seated next to the Queen with Kaesaon seated on the other side of her.

“How long do you plan to stay before you leave for the forest?” asked Kaesaon. “His majesty thought I should accompany you when you leave for the forest.”

Felezenon smiled at Kaesaon before she replied,

“I thought I would leave in two weeks,” then with a sly smile at Kaesaon she added, “If that is agreeable with you Lord Kaesaon.”

Kaesaon laughed at the way she added the last sentence.

“It would be agreeable with me whatever your decision, Lady Felezenon,” he said very graciously. The Queen smiled at the two of them.

“Do you two never stop teasing each other?” she asked.

“I didn’t want to interrupt Lord Kaesaon’s pursuit of some young lady,” said Felezenon very innocently. The King laughed.

“It is more likely you have interrupted some young ladies’ pursuit of Kaesaon with your arrival,” he said.

“Any Princesses?” asked Felezenon.

“One Princess is probably awaiting his return to the forest,” said the Queen with a smile and a cock of her head at Kaesaon. He smiled but said nothing. He was sure she would be.

A banquet was held at which the whole advisory council and their wives were in attendance. The announcement of Felezenon’s decision was greeted as very good news, much to Felezenon’s amusement. She really did not think, she had yet demonstrated that her presence would be of any great value to the Kingdom. However, she was happy that they all seemed to see it that way. There were several other dinners given by members of the advisory council including the Duke. His son asked Felezenon if he could have the honor of coming to escort her to the dinner. She graciously accepted his offer, although he was of no great interest to her but she had great respect for his father.

In two weeks, she planned to leave for the forest. Kaesaon was to accompany her along with his part Elf assistant, a captain and an elite troupe. The captain and the troupe would accompany them only to the border of the forest. Felezenon was sure there would be someone from the forest to meet them. She had sent word to Schelazan as to when they planned to arrive at the forest. When they arrived at the forest, they were greeted by Toralenz, Dreveleth, and to Kaesaon’s surprise, the Princess. There was also a troupe of the King’s elite guards. Toralenz and Dreveleth gave Felezenon a low bow at which Felezenon said,

“Oh it is going to be that kind of a trip,” at which Kaesaon innocently said,

“But they were just being properly respectful, Lady Felezenon.” Felezenon looked disgustedly at him and then began to laugh again.

“You can banish them all, Felezenon,” the Princess said with a smile.

“I just may, if they don’t improve,” said Felezenon. All three bowed apologetically, but with broad smiles on their faces.

Two Elven soldiers took over Felezenon’s carriage and they set off into the forest. When they reached the royal city, Felezenon discovered Kaesaon had purchased one of mansions in the city for his permanent home in the forest. He had found a young Elven Lord as his assistant, who would have charge of the mansion. Felezenon was invited to dinner in the mansion in four days. As they came into the city, Toralenz said,

“Our uncle and aunt had your former home made ready for you. If it pleases you, arrangements have been made so you may purchase it for your permanent home here.”

“I greatly appreciate that,” Felezenon said. “I was hoping that I might purchase that home as my permanent residence in the forest."

With a smile Dreveleth said, “The Queen was much in favor of that, because it is close to the palace and she could easily visit it and you the palace.”

“You are making it up,” said Felezenon.

“No, Lady Felezenon,” said Dreveleth, “I heard the Queen say that very thing myself. She was talking to our aunt about their making arrangements so it would be available to you.”

Felezenon did move her things into the house and made arrangements to buy the house as her permanent residence. Apparently everyone was in agreement with this idea. They all saw it as evidence that Felezenon was really planning to settle here for half of the year. It was evident to Felezenon that Princess Lealan was very interested in Kaesaon. Apparently her parents were in agreement with this. Felezenon decided the Princess would make a very good friend. She, like Toralenz and Dreveleth, tended to draw young people of high rank. This would be of value to Kaesaon. It would also be of value to her, Felezenon decided.

At the dinner Kaesaon gave, Princess Lealan, Toralenz, Dreveleth and Prince Saalead were in attendance. Felezenon was sure that Toralenz, Dreveleth and possibly the Princess helped Kaesaon draw up the list of those who would attend. They were all young people who had the potential to wield power in their forest in the future. Kaesaon was laying the groundwork for the success of his mission as his King’s representative. Felezenon noted he was doing very well so far. She wondered if the young man selected by King Phoris and his council would be as successful. She did hope so.

The evening was very enjoyable for Felezenon, as everyone seemed happy to hear Felezenon was planning to spend half the year in this forest and the adjoining Kingdom. Princess Lealan realized that Felezenon’s decision practically eliminated her as competition for Kaesaon. The Princess knew that Kaesaon and Felezenon would remain very good friends, but that could work in favor of her, the Princess realized. The Princess knew that how Felezenon looked at things could work in her favor. Felezenon would look on her as a good match for Kaesaon. Felezenon might subtly influence Kaesaon in that direction.

The King and Queen had waited to hold a banquet for Felezenon until after Kaesaon’s dinner. Apparently this had been coordinated ahead of time. It was held two days after Kaesaon’s dinner. Felezenon had come to an evening meal at the Palace two days after she arrived. She and Kaesaon had dinner at Lord Schelazan’s home with just a few close friends. The King and Queen’s banquet was obviously a big affair, including all of the King’s inner council and their wives. All the Major Princes were there. Of course, that meant all the young Princes were also there. Kaesaon smiled at Felezenon when he saw her that evening.

“Don’t you dare say a word,” Felezenon told him. Kaesaon laughed at the look she gave him. As Toralenz and Dreveleth came up to them she looked at them.

“And don’t either of you say anything either or I shall banish all of you,” she said giving them the same look. They both looked appropriately innocent, but then they laughed. Felezenon did wonder who the Queen would seat beside her. She was sure she would be seated beside the Queen. Actually, the Queen had Kaesaon seated beside her and Princess Lealan seated beside Kaesaon. That eliminated the problem of rank and then Toralenz and Dreveleth could be seated beside Princess Lealan. The Major Princes were seated beside the King. After they were seated, the King rose and with a broad smile said,

“I am sure you have all heard the news that Lady Felezenon has decided to spend half of the year in our forest and King Marceleau’s Kingdom. We have been informed she already has taken a permanent residence in our city. We therefor wish to welcome her as a resident of our forest.”

Felezenon rose and with a smile said, “Now all the young men can begin fleeing to the country.”

Kaesaon said, “But what about those of us who must remain here?”

The Queen with a broad smile answered, “Then you must just make the best of it.”

“Perhaps the Princess will allow you to cry on her shoulder and will commiserate with you,” Felezenon said. Kaesaon smiled.

“Apparently you are not going to get much sympathy, Kaesaon,” said Toralenz. Then he added, “Not that you will need it.”

One of the Major Princesses asked,

“Because Princess Lealan might let him cry on her shoulder, or because having to put up with Lady Felezenon being around does not require any sympathy, but just the opposite?” Then she added with a smile, “As I am sure our son will agree.”

This garnered not only a laugh from the group, but also a nodding of heads in agreement.

Felezenon was invited to a number of dinners at the homes of the Major Princes in the city. Kaesaon and Princess Lealan were also included as were Toralenz and Dreveleth and the ladies they were escorting. Felezenon noted those ladies were not always of the highest rank. Felezenon applauded them for that. They did not always pay attention to rank. Felezenon reflected they were secure in their status. Felezenon stayed in the forest for several weeks to establish her residence here. Kaesaon had been busy meeting with the Elven King and his advisors. He also did some entertaining of both important members of the court as well as with young Elves of high rank. It was obvious that Princess Lealan as well as Toralenz and Dreveleth were working closely with him on this. He was now becoming fluent in the Elven language.

Kaesaon planned to return to his King’s city with Felezenon. They were both somewhat surprised when Princess Lealan planned to return with them. Toralenz and Dreveleth, not having visited that city since Kaesaon had come, also decided they would come for a visit. Kaesaon immediately sent a message to King Marcelleau about this. He was sure his King would plan a special dinner to welcome them. The King knew how helpful they had been to Kaesaon in their forest. Felezenon smiled at how Princess Lealan had moved in on Kaesaon. She noted Kaesaon was definitely not objecting. Princess Lealan was not pressing Kaesaon, she was just making sure when Kaesaon decided he would get serious, she would be around. Felezenon was now sure the Princess’ parents would be agreeable to such a match. Kaesaon was now well established in both courts. He had become a very important member of his King’s staff and an important Earl. He also had the friendship of the Duke who was the King’s closest advisor and friend.

When they arrived, Kaesaon and Felezenon escorted Princess Lealan, Toralenz and Dreveleth to a very fine Inn near the Palace. They made sure the three of them got the finest rooms. Kaesaon invited them to dine at the Palace that evening. Felezenon knew she had an apartment awaiting her at the Palace. Kaesaon immediately reported to the King and told him he had invited the three to dine at the Palace that evening. The King nodded his head in agreement. With a smile he said,

“We will plan a special dinner to welcome them, two days hence. We are happy to welcome the nephews of Lord Schelazan.” Then with a smile he added, “As well as the lovely Princess Lealan.” Kaesaon smiled at how the King had added that last.

The Duke came up at that time.

“Would it be agreeable with you, Kaesaon, if my son gathered a group of young people at our mansion for a dinner and some entertainment?”

“I would greatly appreciate that, Your Grace,” Kaesaon immediately replied. “We would like to make them feel very welcome here.”

“Yes,” said the King. “We shall have to arranged for several more such gatherings of young people.” Then he added thoughtfully, “We shall have to arrange for an appropriate place for you to entertain such gatherings, Kaesaon. There may very well be more opportunities like this in the future. Those young people are going to be the future of our Kingdom and the forest. We now have the opportunity to build a good base.

“Yes,” said the Duke, “Let us make sure we continue building on the base Kaesaon has already begun.”

Kaesaon with a broad smile said, “Compliments of Lady Felezenon.” The King and the Duke laughed and nodded their heads.

Kaesaon took a carriage to the Inn where the three were staying. He then brought them into the Palace. Ordinarily he would have waited to bring them later, as they were recognized of high rank. Kaesaon knew that Toralenz and Dreveleth tended to come early so that is when he brought them. As they came into the gathering room, they saw Felezenon had also come early. After they were announced, they moved toward Felezenon. The Duke’s son had come soon after Felezenon and had moved to join Felezenon. He had met Toralenz and Dreveleth some time in the past, but had not seen them for several years. Several other young people had gathered around Felezenon. Kaesaon gave Felezenon a nod and Felezenon introduced the Princess, Toralenz and Dreveleth to the group. Even the Duke’s son recognized that the three really outranked all of the group.