Monday, November 7, 2011

Chapter One

Kaarian rode into the Queen’s city looking for the Inn of the Silver Dragon. A tall, young Dark Elf, dressed rather plainly in very fine Elven clothe and leather and carrying a fine Elven long sword and an especially splendid Elven short sword. He was mounted on a very magnificent Elven steed with a number of more carrying his belongings. The Captain standing at the side of the road took particular note of him. Kaarian rode up to him and with a pleasant friendly smile and a bow of his head in greeting asked, “Captain, could you be so kind as to direct me to the Inn of the Silver Dragon? I am supposed to meet a friend there.” The Captain smiled at Kaarian’s friendly pleasant tone of voice as he saw Kaarian as being a high ranked Elven noble.

“My Lord,” the Captain said very respectfully and then his eyes widened as he noted the silver dagger Kaarian wore. This noble was a member of the legendary Silver Blades, “If you will keep on this road until you see the Palace to your right and then look down the next road toward the Palace you will see the Inn of the Silver Dragon.”

Kaarian smiled back at the Captain, “Thank you, Sir. I greatly appreciate your assistance. May I inquire if there is not supposed to be a Festival in a week or so?”

“Yes My Lord,” replied the Captain, “it will start in just ten days.”

“I guess I will have to get a room for the length of the Festival,” Kaarian said with a smile. “I do love Festivals.” The Captain made a mental note to himself to let the Commander know that a Dark Elven highly ranked Silver Blade was in the city and planned to stay for the Festival. What the Captain didn’t realize was that Kaarian was a very powerful wizard.

Kaarian Tayaland rode to the Inn, dismounted, commanded his steeds to stay and entered the Inn. A broad smile came upon his face as he saw a very tall, beautiful Dark Elven young lady, wearing a very fine sword and short sword smiling at him. “Did they allow you to travel without a large troupe to guard you, Martyaan?”

“I didn’t tell them I was going to meet you, Kaarian, so they didn’t think a large troupe was necessary,” Martyaan said with a sly smile. “Did you meet the Captain coming in? I think he is the most knowledgeable of the officers and is watching to see who is coming for the Festival. I have heard he knows the sign of the Silver Blades.”

“You have been here for a while Martyaan,” Kaarian asked. “Have you met the Queen?”

“I have given no rank, so I have received no order to present myself, yet,” she said. “However, if the Captain lets the Commander know a Silver Blade is in the city for the Festival, you may get an invitation as everyone sees you as of high rank even though you give no rank. Did you pack your Silver Long Knife away? That would really have garnered his attention.”

“Yes, I packed that away because that is too unusual, while a silver dagger usually does not get much attention,” said Kaarian.

“You had better get yourself a room, Kaarian. Are you going to send your steeds to a pasture outside the city?” she asked. “I found a fine one for my steeds that would also work for yours.”

“I’ll get a room and then we can make arrangements for my steeds with yours, then let us wander the city for a little and seek another Inn for the evening meal,” said Kaarian and Martyaan nodded her agreement.

After Kaarian made arrangements for his steeds and sent them out to the pasture, the two of them started to wander the city. They did get attention as they were both tall even for Dark Elves and the gems on the handles of their swords commanded attention as well as the obvious fine clothe of their dress. Although they were dressed plainly for nobles, few ladies carried two swords as Martyaan did. They found another fine Inn that was a little closer to the Palace and entered. Kaarian saw a table between two families, one a high ranked human noble and the other a high ranked Elven noble. They both gave pleasant smiles to the two families and seated themselves at the table. Martyaan quietly said,

“Are you going to show you are a wizard in your usual manner?”

As the young maid came up to their table Kaarian gave a small wave of his hand and a small gold coin appeared floating in front of the young lady.

“The coin is real and it is yours, young lady, and yes I am a wizard,” Kaarian said to the startled young maid. “The young lady wanted me to give that to you for the fine service you are going to give us. We would like your finest fare and your finest wine.”

“Oh, yes, My Lord,” the delighted young maid said, “I shall get that for you with all haste.” She then took the coin and hurried off to get their glasses of wine. The two families watched rather interestedly as none had ever seen a wizard, who did not look like a wizard, produce a real coin in such an unusual way. However no one made any remark. When no one commented on the fact that Kaarian was a wizard, Martyaan quietly asked,

“Does Choorashey know where you are, Kaarian?”

“I haven’t felt any probes coming in this direction,” Kaariann said with a smile. “I think he is too busy trying to replace the pirate fleet that the Sheik and the Prince of the Sea Isles, with the help of two Elven fleets, destroyed. That wiped out eighty per cent of his income, although he denied working with the pirates. The two Princes, who had an uneasy alliance with him probably took the opportunity to desert him. That would leave his very vulnerable rear wide open to attack from the Sheik and the Prince of the Isles.

“Might he suspect it was your plan they used to wipe out the pirate fleet?” asked Martyaan.

“I’m sure Admiral Darzuu claimed it was his plan. No one will see fit to dispute him,” said Kaarian.

“Especially not you,” said Martyaan with a big smile at Kaarian.

Kaarian laughed, “I’m in enough trouble with enough people as it is, why add to it.”

“You don’t seem very worried,” said Martyaan.

“They have find me and then catch me first,” said Kaarian, with a shrug of his shoulders, “I seem to be able to travel where I want without any trouble, so far.”

“And you always use your right name also,” said Martyaan shaking her head in wonder. “You just don’t look or act like a man with a price on your head, an outlaw.”

“I only hurt the ones who deserve it,” said Kaarian.

“But they always seem to turn out to be persons of high rank and power,” said Martyaan. “Are you dangerous, Kaarian?”

“Never to a beautiful lady,” said Kaarian.

“Well the Queen is said to be both young and beautiful,” said Martyaan. About that time their wine arrived and they sat silently enjoying their glasses of fine wine. Suddenly the young lady at one of the tables asked,

“Are you here for the Festival?”

“Yes we are, although we did not realize there was to be a Festival when we agreed to meet here,” Martyaan said.

“So you did not come together,” said the young Elf from that family.

“No,” said Martyaan, “We are from entirely different forests, but we are old friends.”

With a broad grin, Kaarian said, “She’s the nice one. I’m the one that causes all the trouble so we have to meet far from our forests.”

“And far from Kaarian’s area,” added Martyaan with a sly smile at Kaarian.

The Elven father then said, “It is unusual to see such a fine young lady, such as yourself, carrying a sword and a short sword.”

“And be seeming so at home carrying them as if that is what you are used to doing,” said the human father.

“I have always been a maverick, I am afraid,” said Martyaan. “I do feel at home wearing my swords and riding my steed, much to the chagrin of my lovely mother. However, I will admit she was a very fine horsewoman and used to love to ride.”

With a smile, Kaarian said, “She can look and act the very fine lady that she is, whenever that is appropriate. It is just my company that is to blame for her appearing as she is.”

The Elven mother said, “I do not think her clothes do anything to detract from her beauty, or to cause anyone to think she is not a fine lady, it is just the swords that surprises.”

“And she is an expert with both of those weapons, I can attest,” said Kaarian. Kaarian smiled as he wondered what they would think if they knew she was also a very powerful sorceress.

The Elven mother asked, “You will appear as a fine young lady, when you present yourself to the Queen?”

“I have not been asked to present myself as yet,” Martyaan said. “I suppose if I am asked to do so, I will.” She got surprised looks that it sounded like she really wasn’t anxious to present herself to the Queen. Then Martyaan said with a smile, “I will probably have to go with Kaarian when he is told to present himself so I can be sure he acts like a proper gentleman.” Kaarian put on sorrowful face, but then spoiled it by laughing.

With a smile as she recognized Martyaan was teasing Kaarian, said, “Does he occasionally forget his manners?”

With a smile Martyaan said, “No, but he can be such a charming rogue at times he can be taken wrong.” Then she added, “I don’t know how he manages when I am not around to watch over him.” Everyone smiled at how she said it and the look she gave him.

The human noble, with a broad smile said, “I am sure the Queen would be amused to meet the two of you if you carry on this type of conversation.”

About that time their food came and the two of them devoted their attention to their meal, which they found was very good. The families nodded to them when they took their leave as Kaarian and Martyaan enjoyed their evening meal. They then returned to their Inn after wandering a bit more. They agreed to meet in the morning and again seek another Inn in which to have their morning meal.

“We can get a better idea just who will be coming to the Festival and from where they come,” said Kaarian.

“We can see what troupes are in the city,” said Martyaan, “that will tell us what ranks are represented and from where.”

With a smile Kaarian asked, “Are you expecting someone?” Martyaan laughed at the way he said that.

“No, I wasn’t planning to meet anyone other than you, but I thought you might want to know if certain persons might be putting in an appearance,” Martyaan said. “No, I did not get any warnings of danger, in fact it seemed to indicate a very peaceful time.”

“That is what I got also,” said Kaarian, “so we should be able to enjoy a very fine Festival.” Then he smiled as he added, “I really was not worried about anyone appearing this far from their natural haunts. None of them would think of attacking me without very ample forces to back them up. They have no desire to be harmed themselves.” Martyaan laughed.

“They are more noise than valor, are they not,” she said.

“The dangerous ones are not the ones that openly threaten,” said Kaarian, “they have more patience and wait for the very best time to strike. They also would not come here, it would not be deemed a safe place for them.”

“You think they would not be welcomed?” asked Martyaan somewhat surprised at his meaning.

“They would be looked at with even more suspicion than I might be,” said Kaarian, “to them that would not be an appropriate place to confront me. They might not be believed”

They met the next morning. Waiting in the entrance to the Inn was the Captain. With a bow of his head to them he said, “My Lady,” then turning to Kaarian he said very respectfully, “My Lord, her majesty asks if you would present yourself the next morning.”

With a bow of his head and a pleasant smile, Kaarian very graciously said, “I would be honored to present myself to her majesty at that time.” The Captain bowed his head and left and the two of them went out to find another Inn to have their morning meal.

“Are you planning to go with me Martyaan?” Kaarian asked with a smile.

“Do you not want me to go with you?” she asked.

“Yes, I do,” Kaarian said, “That way much less attention will be paid to me, as all eyes will be on you. Little will be remembered of me,” he added with a smile. Martyaan laughed and made a face at him.

They found another fine Inn on another street, but still near the Palace. This one also had a mix of high ranked human and Elven nobles. They found a table between a group of human and Elven men and an Elven family that Martyaan recognized as a Major Prince from an Elven forest more toward their area. She did not really know them but remembered meeting them once a number of years ago. She wondered if they could possibly remember that meeting and remember who she was. They did look at her rather intently, but said nothing as she and Kaarian took a seat at the table. Kaarian again waved his hand as the young maid came toward them and a coin appeared floating in front of her. This maid just got a smile on her face.

“The coin is real, my lady and is yours,” said Kaarian with a friendly smile at her. “We would like your finest fare and the finest of the juices of fruit.”

“Oh yes, my Lord, I shall get that for you immediately,” and she took the coin and went to get their drinks.

The Major Elven Prince said, “You are a rather unusual wizard, Sir. I have never seen a wizard who could produce a real coin by a mere wave of the hand.”

Martyaan said, “I really think Kaarian does it that way because of the surprise it produces. I think it rather amuses him to do that.”

The Major Elven Princess said, “You have seen him do that often?”

“I have never seen him do it any other way for as long as I have known him, and I have known him for many years. We are old friends,” Martyaan said.

“But we are not from the same forest,” said Kaarian.

“But you are both Dark Elves, are you not?” asked one of the Elves from the table of four men.

“Yes, that we will admit,” said Martyaan with a smile.

The young man with the family asked, “Then you did not come here together?” Martyaan smiled at his question as she knew why he asked.

“No,” said Kaarian, “We agreed to meet here as we are old friends and hadn’t seen each other in a while.”

With a broad smile Martyaan said, “I have to check on him every once in a while to make sure he hasn’t gotten himself too deeply into trouble.”

“Martyaan,” said Kaarian with a very sorrowful look, “You make me sound like a knave.”

“Oh you are not a knave, Kaarian,” said Martyaan with a sly smile, “but you can be a charming rogue at times, and then at times you are not careful who you help.”

With a smile Kaarian said, “Well I am just a very friendly person.” And Martyaan laughed.

One of the Elven men in the group said, “It is obvious you are very good friends, the way you tease each other.”

Another of the men said, “It is very unusual to see one who is obviously a fine lady who also wears a long sword and a short sword.”

“That’s my bad influence,” said Kaarian with a smile. “Of course, I will be the first to admit she is an expert at handling those weapons, which many a foolish young man has learned to his great embarrassment.”

The Major Prince laughed, “You mean she showed them they were less of a swordsman than they wanted others to think.”

Kaarian laughed, “and particularly wanted her to think,” he said. The Princess laughed.

“That would be particularly embarrassing when you are trying to impress a beautiful young lady and then have her easily defeat you in a duel,” the Princess said.

Martyaan then said, “No I have never come close to defeating Kaarian in a duel, but then he has few if any peers as a swordsman.”

One of the Elves in the group of men said, “He does have the looks of a fine swordsman.”

“But I am a very peaceful man, am I not Martyaan?” said Kaarian.

“As long as everyone is friendly and no innocent is being wronged,” said Martyaan with a smile.

With a smile Kaarian said, “Everyone seems very friendly here,” and he said it very innocently and Martyaan laughed. Everyone had a smile at this exchange.

The Major Prince, with a smile said, “I do not think anyone here would see any reason to be anything but friendly with the two of you, as you have had a very friendly attitude toward all of us.” Then the Princess asked,

“Are you planning to be here for the Festival?” Then not waiting for an answer continued, “If you are, we will get you invitations to the ball a friend is holding at their mansion.”

Martyaan answered, “We are planning to be here for the Festival and we would be pleased to receive an invitation to your friend’s ball. We are staying at the Inn of the Silver Dragon.”

“We will have invitations sent to you,” the Princess said and her son smiled.

The Elven family finished their meals and left before Kaarian and Martyaan did. He looked over at her with a smile and said, “Shouldn’t I have let the young man know you are a sorceress, Martyaan?”

With a laugh, Martyaan answered, “And spoil his dreams? You’re nasty.”

The following morning, Kaarian dressed in his finest and Martyaan, as a fine Lady, hired a carriage and went to present themselves to the Queen.

Chapter One

Kaarian rode into the Queen’s city looking for the Inn of the Silver Dragon. A tall, young Dark Elf, dressed rather plainly in very fine Elven clothe and leather and carrying a fine Elven long sword and an especially splendid Elven short sword. He was mounted on a very magnificent Elven steed with a number of more carrying his belongings. The Captain standing at the side of the road took particular note of him. Kaarian rode up to him and with a pleasant friendly smile and a bow of his head in greeting asked, “Captain, could you be so kind as to direct me to the Inn of the Silver Dragon? I am supposed to meet a friend there.” The Captain smiled at Kaarian’s friendly pleasant tone of voice as he saw Kaarian as being a high ranked Elven noble.

“My Lord,” the Captain said very respectfully and then his eyes widened as he noted the silver dagger Kaarian wore. This noble was a member of the legendary Silver Blades, “If you will keep on this road until you see the Palace to your right and then look down the next road toward the Palace you will see the Inn of the Silver Dragon.”

Kaarian smiled back at the Captain, “Thank you, Sir. I greatly appreciate your assistance. May I inquire if there is not supposed to be a Festival in a week or so?”

“Yes My Lord,” replied the Captain, “it will start in just ten days.”

“I guess I will have to get a room for the length of the Festival,” Kaarian said with a smile. “I do love Festivals.” The Captain made a mental note to himself to let the Commander know that a Dark Elven highly ranked Silver Blade was in the city and planned to stay for the Festival. What the Captain didn’t realize was that Kaarian was a very powerful wizard.

Kaarian Tayaland rode to the Inn, dismounted, commanded his steeds to stay and entered the Inn. A broad smile came upon his face as he saw a very tall, beautiful Dark Elven young lady, wearing a very fine sword and short sword smiling at him. “Did they allow you to travel without a large troupe to guard you, Martyaan?”

“I didn’t tell them I was going to meet you, Kaarian, so they didn’t think a large troupe was necessary,” Martyaan said with a sly smile. “Did you meet the Captain coming in? I think he is the most knowledgeable of the officers and is watching to see who is coming for the Festival. I have heard he knows the sign of the Silver Blades.”

“You have been here for a while Martyaan,” Kaarian asked. “Have you met the Queen?”

“I have given no rank, so I have received no order to present myself, yet,” she said. “However, if the Captain lets the Commander know a Silver Blade is in the city for the Festival, you may get an invitation as everyone sees you as of high rank even though you give no rank. Did you pack your Silver Long Knife away? That would really have garnered his attention.”

“Yes, I packed that away because that is too unusual, while a silver dagger usually does not get much attention,” said Kaarian.

“You had better get yourself a room, Kaarian. Are you going to send your steeds to a pasture outside the city?” she asked. “I found a fine one for my steeds that would also work for yours.”

“I’ll get a room and then we can make arrangements for my steeds with yours, then let us wander the city for a little and seek another Inn for the evening meal,” said Kaarian and Martyaan nodded her agreement.

After Kaarian made arrangements for his steeds and sent them out to the pasture, the two of them started to wander the city. They did get attention as they were both tall even for Dark Elves and the gems on the handles of their swords commanded attention as well as the obvious fine clothe of their dress. Although they were dressed plainly for nobles, few ladies carried two swords as Martyaan did. They found another fine Inn that was a little closer to the Palace and entered. Kaarian saw a table between two families, one a high ranked human noble and the other a high ranked Elven noble. They both gave pleasant smiles to the two families and seated themselves at the table. Martyaan quietly said,

“Are you going to show you are a wizard in your usual manner?”

As the young maid came up to their table Kaarian gave a small wave of his hand and a small gold coin appeared floating in front of the young lady.

“The coin is real and it is yours, young lady, and yes I am a wizard,” Kaarian said to the startled young maid. “The young lady wanted me to give that to you for the fine service you are going to give us. We would like your finest fare and your finest wine.”

“Oh, yes, My Lord,” the delighted young maid said, “I shall get that for you with all haste.” She then took the coin and hurried off to get their glasses of wine. The two families watched rather interestedly as none had ever seen a wizard, who did not look like a wizard, produce a real coin in such an unusual way. However no one made any remark. When no one commented on the fact that Kaarian was a wizard, Martyaan quietly asked,

“Does Choorashey know where you are, Kaarian?”

“I haven’t felt any probes coming in this direction,” Kaariann said with a smile. “I think he is too busy trying to replace the pirate fleet that the Sheik and the Prince of the Sea Isles, with the help of two Elven fleets, destroyed. That wiped out eighty per cent of his income, although he denied working with the pirates. The two Princes, who had an uneasy alliance with him probably took the opportunity to desert him. That would leave his very vulnerable rear wide open to attack from the Sheik and the Prince of the Isles.

“Might he suspect it was your plan they used to wipe out the pirate fleet?” asked Martyaan.

“I’m sure Admiral Darzuu claimed it was his plan. No one will see fit to dispute him,” said Kaarian.

“Especially not you,” said Martyaan with a big smile at Kaarian.

Kaarian laughed, “I’m in enough trouble with enough people as it is, why add to it.”

“You don’t seem very worried,” said Martyaan.

“They have find me and then catch me first,” said Kaarian, with a shrug of his shoulders, “I seem to be able to travel where I want without any trouble, so far.”

“And you always use your right name also,” said Martyaan shaking her head in wonder. “You just don’t look or act like a man with a price on your head, an outlaw.”

“I only hurt the ones who deserve it,” said Kaarian.

“But they always seem to turn out to be persons of high rank and power,” said Martyaan. “Are you dangerous, Kaarian?”

“Never to a beautiful lady,” said Kaarian.

“Well the Queen is said to be both young and beautiful,” said Martyaan. About that time their wine arrived and they sat silently enjoying their glasses of fine wine. Suddenly the young lady at one of the tables asked,

“Are you here for the Festival?”

“Yes we are, although we did not realize there was to be a Festival when we agreed to meet here,” Martyaan said.

“So you did not come together,” said the young Elf from that family.

“No,” said Martyaan, “We are from entirely different forests, but we are old friends.”

With a broad grin, Kaarian said, “She’s the nice one. I’m the one that causes all the trouble so we have to meet far from our forests.”

“And far from Kaarian’s area,” added Martyaan with a sly smile at Kaarian.

The Elven father then said, “It is unusual to see such a fine young lady, such as yourself, carrying a sword and a short sword.”

“And be seeming so at home carrying them as if that is what you are used to doing,” said the human father.

“I have always been a maverick, I am afraid,” said Martyaan. “I do feel at home wearing my swords and riding my steed, much to the chagrin of my lovely mother. However, I will admit she was a very fine horsewoman and used to love to ride.”

With a smile, Kaarian said, “She can look and act the very fine lady that she is, whenever that is appropriate. It is just my company that is to blame for her appearing as she is.”

The Elven mother said, “I do not think her clothes do anything to detract from her beauty, or to cause anyone to think she is not a fine lady, it is just the swords that surprises.”

“And she is an expert with both of those weapons, I can attest,” said Kaarian. Kaarian smiled as he wondered what they would think if they knew she was also a very powerful sorceress.

The Elven mother asked, “You will appear as a fine young lady, when you present yourself to the Queen?”

“I have not been asked to present myself as yet,” Martyaan said. “I suppose if I am asked to do so, I will.” She got surprised looks that it sounded like she really wasn’t anxious to present herself to the Queen. Then Martyaan said with a smile, “I will probably have to go with Kaarian when he is told to present himself so I can be sure he acts like a proper gentleman.” Kaarian put on sorrowful face, but then spoiled it by laughing.

With a smile as she recognized Martyaan was teasing Kaarian, said, “Does he occasionally forget his manners?”

With a smile Martyaan said, “No, but he can be such a charming rogue at times he can be taken wrong.” Then she added, “I don’t know how he manages when I am not around to watch over him.” Everyone smiled at how she said it and the look she gave him.

The human noble, with a broad smile said, “I am sure the Queen would be amused to meet the two of you if you carry on this type of conversation.”

About that time their food came and the two of them devoted their attention to their meal, which they found was very good. The families nodded to them when they took their leave as Kaarian and Martyaan enjoyed their evening meal. They then returned to their Inn after wandering a bit more. They agreed to meet in the morning and again seek another Inn in which to have their morning meal.

“We can get a better idea just who will be coming to the Festival and from where they come,” said Kaarian.

“We can see what troupes are in the city,” said Martyaan, “that will tell us what ranks are represented and from where.”

With a smile Kaarian asked, “Are you expecting someone?” Martyaan laughed at the way he said that.

“No, I wasn’t planning to meet anyone other than you, but I thought you might want to know if certain persons might be putting in an appearance,” Martyaan said. “No, I did not get any warnings of danger, in fact it seemed to indicate a very peaceful time.”

“That is what I got also,” said Kaarian, “so we should be able to enjoy a very fine Festival.” Then he smiled as he added, “I really was not worried about anyone appearing this far from their natural haunts. None of them would think of attacking me without very ample forces to back them up. They have no desire to be harmed themselves.” Martyaan laughed.

“They are more noise than valor, are they not,” she said.

“The dangerous ones are not the ones that openly threaten,” said Kaarian, “they have more patience and wait for the very best time to strike. They also would not come here, it would not be deemed a safe place for them.”

“You think they would not be welcomed?” asked Martyaan somewhat surprised at his meaning.

“They would be looked at with even more suspicion than I might be,” said Kaarian, “to them that would not be an appropriate place to confront me. They might not be believed”

They met the next morning. Waiting in the entrance to the Inn was the Captain. With a bow of his head to them he said, “My Lady,” then turning to Kaarian he said very respectfully, “My Lord, her majesty asks if you would present yourself the next morning.”

With a bow of his head and a pleasant smile, Kaarian very graciously said, “I would be honored to present myself to her majesty at that time.” The Captain bowed his head and left and the two of them went out to find another Inn to have their morning meal.

“Are you planning to go with me Martyaan?” Kaarian asked with a smile.

“Do you not want me to go with you?” she asked.

“Yes, I do,” Kaarian said, “That way much less attention will be paid to me, as all eyes will be on you. Little will be remembered of me,” he added with a smile. Martyaan laughed and made a face at him.

They found another fine Inn on another street, but still near the Palace. This one also had a mix of high ranked human and Elven nobles. They found a table between a group of human and Elven men and an Elven family that Martyaan recognized as a Major Prince from an Elven forest more toward their area. She did not really know them but remembered meeting them once a number of years ago. She wondered if they could possibly remember that meeting and remember who she was. They did look at her rather intently, but said nothing as she and Kaarian took a seat at the table. Kaarian again waved his hand as the young maid came toward them and a coin appeared floating in front of her. This maid just got a smile on her face.

“The coin is real, my lady and is yours,” said Kaarian with a friendly smile at her. “We would like your finest fare and the finest of the juices of fruit.”

“Oh yes, my Lord, I shall get that for you immediately,” and she took the coin and went to get their drinks.

The Major Elven Prince said, “You are a rather unusual wizard, Sir. I have never seen a wizard who could produce a real coin by a mere wave of the hand.”

Martyaan said, “I really think Kaarian does it that way because of the surprise it produces. I think it rather amuses him to do that.”

The Major Elven Princess said, “You have seen him do that often?”

“I have never seen him do it any other way for as long as I have known him, and I have known him for many years. We are old friends,” Martyaan said.

“But we are not from the same forest,” said Kaarian.

“But you are both Dark Elves, are you not?” asked one of the Elves from the table of four men.

“Yes, that we will admit,” said Martyaan with a smile.

The young man with the family asked, “Then you did not come here together?” Martyaan smiled at his question as she knew why he asked.

“No,” said Kaarian, “We agreed to meet here as we are old friends and hadn’t seen each other in a while.”

With a broad smile Martyaan said, “I have to check on him every once in a while to make sure he hasn’t gotten himself too deeply into trouble.”

“Martyaan,” said Kaarian with a very sorrowful look, “You make me sound like a knave.”

“Oh you are not a knave, Kaarian,” said Martyaan with a sly smile, “but you can be a charming rogue at times, and then at times you are not careful who you help.”

With a smile Kaarian said, “Well I am just a very friendly person.” And Martyaan laughed.

One of the Elven men in the group said, “It is obvious you are very good friends, the way you tease each other.”

Another of the men said, “It is very unusual to see one who is obviously a fine lady who also wears a long sword and a short sword.”

“That’s my bad influence,” said Kaarian with a smile. “Of course, I will be the first to admit she is an expert at handling those weapons, which many a foolish young man has learned to his great embarrassment.”

The Major Prince laughed, “You mean she showed them they were less of a swordsman than they wanted others to think.”

Kaarian laughed, “and particularly wanted her to think,” he said. The Princess laughed.

“That would be particularly embarrassing when you are trying to impress a beautiful young lady and then have her easily defeat you in a duel,” the Princess said.

Martyaan then said, “No I have never come close to defeating Kaarian in a duel, but then he has few if any peers as a swordsman.”

One of the Elves in the group of men said, “He does have the looks of a fine swordsman.”

“But I am a very peaceful man, am I not Martyaan?” said Kaarian.

“As long as everyone is friendly and no innocent is being wronged,” said Martyaan with a smile.

With a smile Kaarian said, “Everyone seems very friendly here,” and he said it very innocently and Martyaan laughed. Everyone had a smile at this exchange.

The Major Prince, with a smile said, “I do not think anyone here would see any reason to be anything but friendly with the two of you, as you have had a very friendly attitude toward all of us.” Then the Princess asked,

“Are you planning to be here for the Festival?” Then not waiting for an answer continued, “If you are, we will get you invitations to the ball a friend is holding at their mansion.”

Martyaan answered, “We are planning to be here for the Festival and we would be pleased to receive an invitation to your friend’s ball. We are staying at the Inn of the Silver Dragon.”

“We will have invitations sent to you,” the Princess said and her son smiled.

The Elven family finished their meals and left before Kaarian and Martyaan did. He looked over at her with a smile and said, “Shouldn’t I have let the young man know you are a sorceress, Martyaan?”

With a laugh, Martyaan answered, “And spoil his dreams? You’re nasty.”

The following morning, Kaarian dressed in his finest and Martyaan, as a fine Lady, hired a carriage and went to present themselves to the Queen.

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