Sunday, November 20, 2011

This is the beginning of the fourth book of the "Eaglr's Aerie" series


It seemed like ages since Greg’s accident. At least it did to Greg. It had been several weeks, since they put the walking cast on his leg. He had been lucky, real lucky. If he hadn’t had his cell phone with him, he could have been lying out in the woods for several of days, before some one thought to check up on him. His friends kept reminding him of this. He had become so familiar with the woods he had become careless. That really wasn’t like him. Sure he had always been at home in the woods and he was very familiar with these woods, but he had always been careful before. Living alone out here he knew he had to be especially careful. That accident had really brought that home to him.

Since his accident in the woods, his friends, had been out to his house in the woods a number of times. They had a method to their helpfulness. They were making sure he didn’t forget what really good food tasted like. They were also making sure he didn’t forget how much fun their gatherings had been. Greg realized this, but he also knew they were genuinely concerned for his well being. Greg hadn’t forgotten how nice it was to gather his friends at his place for occasional dinners. He was anxious to get those gatherings of friends at his place started again. His place, the Eagle’s Aerie, was ideally situated for this type of gathering. A beautiful setting, no neighbors to complain, and plenty of parking space. His large efficient kitchen and large dinning space also helped.

On some of the nicer days, they wheeled him around in his gardens that surrounded the house. Of course they enjoyed his beautiful gardens as much as he did. He was getting anxious to get out himself. The orthopedic surgeon had given him specific orders that he would not walk out in the garden until she gave her okay. She did not want him slipping on the uneven stone walkways. Greg was not used to this enforced inactivity. Dr. Janssen, the very attractive blonde orthopedist, was adamant about him not going out in his gardens with the walking cast.

His good friend, Dr. Joan Carter, had brought her in to take care of his broken leg and arm. Joan, who was happily married, delighted in having very attractive, intelligent, single young women cross Greg’s path. She told him she really thought he was salvageable. Greg of course said he really didn’t want to be salvaged. He hadn’t completely gotten over his disastrous marriage and rather messy divorce, even though it was many years ago.

Greg was now to the point he was doing some cooking for himself. His friends had been out regularly to cook some good meals for him. They had yet to convene the group for their usual dinner of good food and fun conversation. Although four of his friends always hosted the dinners, no one felt they should convene the group until Greg was fully operational. After all it was his house, the Eagle’s Aerie, where they always met.

It was Saturday morning. No one had indicated that they would be out this morning. It was about eight o’clock, and promising to be a beautiful spring day. The flowers in his garden were putting on an especially colorful show. It made him even more restless. He could see them through his porch windows. Greg decided it was a good day, to make a special breakfast for himself. He planned to eat out on the porch and enjoy the colorful scene.

He had just about got everything ready to begin cooking, when he heard a car pull into the yard. In the past, it was not unusual for one of his friends to drop in for breakfast unannounced. He hobbled out to the door to see who had come out this morning. A tall, lithe, blonde, dressed in jeans and a jeans jacket got out of a car he didn’t recognize. All of sudden it dawned on him. It was Dr. Greta Janssen, the very attractive orthopedist who had been bedeviling him for the past weeks, all in the name of trying to get him back on his feet.

“Good morning, Dr. Janssen. I didn’t think I was due for another visit,” Greg said sweetly. Greta Janssen laughed at his tone of voice.

“You sound like you’re not happy to see me,” she replied. “Anyway this isn’t an official visit,” she explained. “Joan Carter said you often have someone drop in on you for breakfast, especially on Saturday mornings. I thought I would play that role and fix you some breakfast, then enjoy your beautiful flowers along with you.” Dr. Joan Carter was the neurosurgeon friend of Greg who brought Dr. Janssen in to take care of Greg. It was true, occasionally some one of his friends would drop in on him for breakfast, either announced or unannounced.

“Well I will admit I do enjoy having attractive young women come out for breakfast to help me enjoy the beauty of the gardens,” Greg admitted. Then he added rather sweetly, “Present company fits that description admirably.”

“Joan also said you could positively drip charm when it so pleased you,” Greta said looking at him with a smile, then she walked past him into the house and into the kitchen. Greg watched her for a moment and then hobbled after her into the kitchen. As Greg came into the kitchen, Greta Janssen already had her jacket off and was putting on an apron.

“You can just sit down at the table there. I will get you a cup of coffee to drink while you watch me make breakfast for us.” Then she added, “Christy Jorgenson gave me a complete description of the layout of your kitchen. She walked me through it one time she was here when I came out to see you.”

“Knowing Christy, that isn’t all she gave you a complete description of,” Greg said somewhat ruefully. Christy Jorgenson was an original member of the group, and a very close friend of Greg. Christy was a very attractive blonde public relations person. She was now planning her wedding this spring to Andy Wirrens a relatively new member of the group of friends. Greg had somewhat reluctantly dropped her name from his little black book. He did however agree that she made a very good pick for a full time permanent partner.

Greta laughed, “Well she did mention something about keeping your harem in your four upstairs bedrooms. I asked her if the favorite got the downstairs bedroom, and she just laughed and said, ‘I like the way you think’.” Greg groaned. Christy loved to bedevil him. Greg would have to admit, it was not a one way street. Greta Janssen, by this time was busy fixing breakfast.

“By the way,” she said over her shoulder, “This being an unofficial visit, you have my permission to call me Greta.” Greg smiled as he admiringly watched her work. He actually kept calling her Dr. Janssen to needle her.

“If you weren’t so determined to get me back on my feet and hale and hearty to boot, I might be suspicious of what you planned to feed me this morning,” remarked Greg.

“Oh Joan wouldn’t forgive me if I let anything set back your recovery.” Then she said somewhat more thoughtfully, “Joan and Jim really are good friends, aren’t they? How long have you known them?”

“Ever since I came here. I think they were in the first group I invited out to dinner to celebrate the completion of the rebuilding of this house.”

“She was never a member of your harem.”

Greg laughed, “No,” he answered, “Jim got to her long before I met her.” Greg thought for a moment then continued, “I met Jim several weeks before I met Joan. When he introduced his wife Joan, I think the three of us hit it off immediately. I like the two of them a lot.”

“Obviously the feeling is mutual. You seem to enjoy kidding each other,”

“That’s what built the group. We found some people who like to kid each other, and the dinner group just grew from that.”

“Well you somewhat answered my question on what Joan had mentioned as ‘the group’. Is that all the name it has?” she questioned.

“Actually it is so loosely organized, if you can call it organized at all, that no other name would fit it. Someone says, don’t you think we should have another dinner get together,” he continued, “It’s just implied that we’re talking about this gathering of friends.”

Greta began putting the food she had prepared on the table.

“I suppose the question has often been asked why it continues, if there is no real organization, and is so informal.”

“The only thing we have come up with, is because it is so much fun. There really is no other reason for its existence. Otherwise it would probably die of inertia,” replied Greg thoughtfully, as he began to eat.

“This is marvelous,” he exclaimed delightedly, “Joan didn’t tell me you could cook, also.”

“I made her promise not to blow my cover, in case I decided to surprise you,” Greta admitted with a laugh. “Joan just laughed and said, ‘that will serve him right’.”

“Boy, wait till I see Joan. First she sandbags me with you as my doctor, then she sets me up by not telling me you can cook.” Greta just ignored those mutterings.

“So how does one get to join this fun group?” Greta asked as they ate and looked out at the garden in bloom. “The setting is enough to bring anyone back.” Then she laughed and added, “or ask how to get invited.”

“Joan could invite you if you’re interested. Just let her know you’re interested and she’d undoubtedly be happy to suggest you to the group.” Greg was sure Joan would be only too happy to do that.

“Do you think the group would go along with her suggestion?”

Greg laughed somewhat resignedly, “Well you already have Joan and Jim on your side. Christy Jorgenson would vote for you, because she sees you as a great co-conspirator and Andy Wirrens would go along with her. Penney McDermot would be delighted to have a blonde to help her bedevil me. Under these circumstances, I think you would practically be a shoo in.”

“You’d have no objection?”

“I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“I understand the group hasn’t convened for a while in deference to you being an invalid.” Then Greta laughed at the look she got from Greg when she characterized him as an invalid. She quickly went on, “Do you think it will be easy to convene them again, when we take the cast off?”

“I really don’t know. I have been thinking about that,” Greg admitted. “That might depend on how long it takes before the cast comes off. However, I think there are at least some in the group who are anxious to start those meetings again.”

By now they were finished with breakfast. They were just sitting drinking coffee and drinking in the beauty of the gardens they could see through the porch windows.

“I intend to evaluate that this next week. If everything is as I think it is, we may take it off as early as this coming Friday.”

“I’m ready to start walking on two good feet again.”

“You will have to promise me, that you will not go walking out in the woods when it’s wet and slippery.” Then she added, “Oh, and that you will let someone know where you are going, and that you will check in when you get back. You know you could have been laying out there for several days.” Dr. Janssen sounded genuinely concerned.

“Well it is nice to know that some one is worried about me.”

Greta snorted, “You have a lot of people worried about you. Also, after you having pulled this one, they are going to be a lot more worried about you out here alone.”

“I guessed I goofed it big time,” admitted Greg. “This had never happened to me before. I was always at home in the woods.”

“This should raise a red flag,” said Greta, “You’re just going to have to be more cautious in the future. You figured you got away with it in the past, so you figured you could still get away with it.”

“Don’t think it didn’t scare me. I was picturing myself laying there passed out for several days before someone, not hearing from me, raised the alarm and someone came looking for me.” Then he thoughtfully added, “I really don’t know why I took my phone along with me that day. I usually don’t. Maybe it was, because I had it along the day Tena Lewison got hurt. Of course she was in the gardens, not out in the woods like I was.”

“I suggest you make that normal procedure from now on.” suggested Greta. “Hang it around your neck so it can’t get lost.”

Greg laughed at the thought of it. “Maybe I’ll have to build a shoulder holster for it.” Greta laughed at the thought of that.

Greg started to push himself up to help clear the table.

“Sit down,” ordered Dr. Janssen, “I know my way around your kitchen, and can handle the clean-up chores as well as the cooking. When you’re back on your feet you can invite me out and cook breakfast for me.”

“You could always come out for dinner.”

Greta smiled charmingly back at him then measuring him with her look said, “I’ll have to think about that. I’ve heard rumors of your candle light dinners for two.”

“Someone’s telling tales out of school.”

“Oh I didn’t say I wouldn’t accept. I just said I would have to think about it,” Greta said giving Greg a charming smile.

Greg thought, this blonde could be very interesting to get to know well. However she could be very dangerous for a single bachelor to get to know too well, also, he thought. As Dexter Broszin, had remarked regarding a similar situation, sometimes it’s fun to flirt with danger.

As Greta was finishing cleaning up, Greg thought, she might not quite fit the diversity philosophy. However Joan could say they were in two entirely different specialized areas in medicine. Greg figured that’s Joan would say when she suggested Dr. Greta Janssen be given an invitation. A number of the group had met Greta by now. He figured no one would raise any objections at all if Joan did suggest Greta be invited.

After Greta finished cleaning up, they sat on the porch for a little while enjoying the scenery, and drinking coffee. Then Greta Janssen got up and prepared to leave. Greg followed her to the door. As she opened the door to go out Greta turned and gave him a light kiss.

“This visit was strictly unofficial,” she said with a smile. Then she walked out to her car, got in and drove off. Greg stood there watching for a while. I wonder just exactly what she meant with that comment, he thought. Then he turned and headed for the fireplace room. It had been a very enjoyable breakfast. He hadn’t quite figured out Dr. Greta Janssen. He had a hunch, that like Penney McDermot she could prove to be a real maze. Would that she would prove to be as much fun as Penney.

Several days later, on her next official visit, Dr. Janssen announced they would take the cast off on Friday. Thursday, Maria Salinas dropped in to fix breakfast for him. She had given him some warning of this the day before. As they sat down to eat the breakfast and look at the garden, Maria said,

“Dr. Janssen said you are going to get the cast off tomorrow. I talked to a number of the group to see if we couldn’t have a coming out party dinner next Friday, if that fits your schedule.”

Greg laughed, “I really haven’t had a schedule since Dr. Janssen started running my life. Then he added, “Friday would be fine. Have you got some hosts?” he inquired.

“Penney, Jeremy and Dexter agreed, so with me that makes the four,” Maria said. “Penney and I will be out early in the afternoon, so you won’t have to do anything but relax and enjoy our company.”

“Has Joan said anything about inviting Dr. Janssen?” Greg asked.

“Yes,” answered Maria, “and we all agreed. I like Greta Janssen. I think she would make a wonderful addition to our group.” Then she turned to Greg and asked, “Are you thinking about adding another blonde to your harem?”

Greg laughed, “Not you too, Maria. Actually Dr. Janssen is about as much harem material as Penney.”

Maria laughed, “In other words, Greta decides the when and if.”

“I would say definitely. But I agree with you, Maria, Greta Janssen would make a good addition to the group, whether or not I can add her to my mythical harem.”

“May I ask you another completely impertinent question? Has the playing field been evened as far as Tena Lewison is concerned?”

“You really are getting impertinent.” Then he quickly answered her question, “I think it has. At least I hope so, but I really didn’t want her to break her leg to accomplish that.”

“I’m sure Tena doesn’t blame you for that, but I’m sure she knows you blame yourself for it. At least it will make her look on you less as a rescuing knight, and more as just an interesting eligible bachelor who it might be fun to date.” Then she thought a minute and said, “you can handle that role much easier than you can handle the hero role.”

“Before we get completely off the subject, let me know if it’s a go for a dinner for a week from tomorrow,” Greg told Maria.

“I’ll call you the first part of the week. We should have confirmation by then,” Maria promised Greg. Like Greta, Maria told Greg to stay seated and she would do the cleaning up, after they finished eating. Of course Maria now knew her way around the kitchen as well as anyone. Greg enjoyed Maria’s company. There were no hidden meanings to her words. She had no secret or slightly veiled agendas. She was just a good friend, whom it was a lot of fun to kid.

Friday, Dexter came out and drove Greg to the hospital to get the cast off. Joan dropped in while he was in physical therapy to check on the movement of his leg and arm, and how good his balance was. Dr. Janssen and the therapist gave him a series of exercises he was suppose to do every day to get complete movement back in those limbs. Dr. Janssen said she was going to stop out Thursday morning. Greg invited her to come for breakfast. Dr. Janssen said she would check her schedule and let him know. Dexter had to leave, so Joan said she would get Jim to drive Greg home. At that time Kara showed up. Hearing that Greg needed a ride back to Eagle’s Aerie, Kara said,

“I’ll drive Dr. Manart home, I haven’t been able to torture him with a meal I fixed for him yet.” Kara Toltec, was a graduate school student, for whom Greg had maneuvered the group into providing a scholarship fund.

Dr. Janssen looked at Kara with a smile, “As long as you don’t feed him something that will hinder his complete recovery.”

Joan Carter said with a smile, “Oh, I think we can trust Kara to feed him something good and nutritious as well as delicious.”

“In that case, you have his doctor’s permission, and he has nothing to say about it,” said Dr. Janssen. Then turning to Greg, she said, “Now be a good boy and do as the young lady says.”

“Sheesh. She’s getting bossier all the time.” Greta Janssen just laughed as she walked out of the room.

They walked Greg to Kara’s car, which she had pulled up in front of the hospital. Kara was told to pull up as close to the front door of Greg’s house as possible, then make sure Greg got safely in and seated before she parked the car. Kara promised faithfully, she would do exactly as the Doctor said.

They headed back to Eagle’s Aerie and Kara filled Greg in on how school was going. When they arrived at Greg’s house, Kara did exactly as she had been directed, to Greg’s amusement. However, he did not say a thing but went along with the whole procedure. Then Kara went about getting the things she needed from Greg’s refrigerator and cupboards, and set about fixing dinner. They kept up a sporadic conversation as Kara worked. It was obvious that Kara had this planned out. It seemed like a relatively short time, before Kara set the food on the table and sat down to eat with Greg. As Joan predicted, it proved to be a delicious meal. Kara had done herself proud, and Greg thoroughly complimented her on it. She blushed somewhat prettily at his very sincere compliments.

After the meal, although he protested he really should be up moving around now, Kara insisted he allow her to do the cleaning up. Greg asked her if she had time to sit and have coffee for a few minutes in the fireplace room. Kara said she did and got a carafe of coffee and two cups and followed Greg into the room. At Kara’s request, Greg showed Kara how to add wood to the fireplace and start the fire. Kara did all the work following his directions. Then Kara sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace and indicated she wished Greg would sit beside her. They sat for a moment sipping their coffee.

“I want you to know,” Kara began, “That I have resolved not to look on you as a knight in shining armor.” She held up her hand indicating she wanted to continue. “Although no one has told me, I know that you were the one who engineered the scholarship for me and I am very grateful. I know also that you did not want me to know this. I have learned from listening between the lines, that this is the way you are. The point of this long disjointed soliloquy, is that I would like to look on you as a very special friend.”

“On whom you can drop in on from time to time, with or without special invitation, with or without chaperones,” added Greg with a smile. Then he said, “I would welcome being a special friend with all that does imply.”

Then Greg sat looking into the fire. “I can tell you that when I first heard your story, first from Sam and then from you, I saw a kindred spirit. You were trying to rebuild your life, much like I had to do. I had the money to do what I wanted. You did not. I had to try to help you get that money. It proved much, much easier than I thought and it grew far beyond what I had hoped. So you see the group really created the scholarship fund. I merely started the wheels in motion.” Then he turned to Kara and with a smile said, “I’m glad you didn’t add ‘for the time being’.”

Kara blushed, but she smiled back at Greg. “You still are wonderful, but maybe, like Christy and Penney at times say, wonderfully impossible.” Greg laughed, working hard to control the urge to give Kara a hug.

Then he said, “You can occasionally bring your two friends out with you.”

Kara smiled, “I will, but only occasionally.” She sat back and looked into the fire. Then she said thoughtfully, “I’m glad you resisted the urge to hug me. I might have done something very dangerous, like hug and kiss you.”

“You’re reading my mind,” Greg accused her, “We’ll save that for sometime possibly in the future, when the playing field is much more even.”

Kara turned toward Greg and smiled, “I think I had better be going. This conversation, is getting very dangerous for my resolve.”

Greg rose, “Thank you for bringing me home and for making a wonderful dinner. I have just added that talent to your many facets.”

“You’re not helping my resolve,” she accused, then she turned and headed for the front door and out to her car. She got in and drove away without looking back.

The group would have to invite her to one of their dinners soon. Kara had her feet planted solidly on the ground. Greg walked around the house to test out his leg. Then he checked all the automatic controls for the house, set the security system, made certain everything was locked up, then headed for bed. He was more tired than he was willing to admit.

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