Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Maverick Prince

Kaarzaan rode into the Elven forest. A tall, young Dark Elf, he wasn’t quite sure what his reception would be. He was well known as a maverick, although a highly educated, very talented maverick, from the Mystic Elven Sea Lands. Elves from that forest were looked on as somewhat strange. It was a highly respected sea power that had played a major player in the successful navel war the destroyed the pirates and the slavers after the Great Wars. Elves from that forest were taller and looked less Elven than other Elves. Besides Kaarzaan never gave any indication of rank or title and treated everyone as an equal. However he rode an extremely fine steed, carried two of the finest swords anyone had ever seen and dressed in fine clothes. However, in this forest, he was being blamed for the Princess not looking on Princes, thought very appropriate suitors by her mother and father, the queen and king of the forest, with any interest. The Princess was a bit of a maverick and had the talents of a sorceress. However she was also very beautiful and charming.

It was not that there was any danger to Kaarzaan in this forest. He was a Dark Elf and it was known he had served in the Great Wars and Naval battles with distinction. It was just that he was not really known and it was sure he was not in line to be a King of a forest like several of the Princes were. The Princess, Suriya, had shown no interest in being a future Queen, much to the dismay of her mother. All this kind of amused Kaarzaan, because although he didn’t bother to claim it he was the legendary Wizard Prince, through his mother, who was Queen of the Mystic Sea Lands forest, a direct descendant of the wizard Prince of legend. He, however was the younger son and therefore was not in line to be the future King. Kaarzaan was actually glad about this. Kaarzaan did have an interest in the Princess, but he really didn’t know if she had any real interest in him. They were friends, but that is all so far, however her mother said her friendship with Kaarzaan was the reason she was not interested in any of the Princes. They were all kind of dull compared to Kaarzaan.

The people were friendly as he rode into the forest as he always had a friendly smile and greeting to everyone. He knew he had to pass the city of one of the Major Princes of this forest on his way to the King’s city. He was sure what his reception would be. He intended to find a fine Inn for the night before traveling on. As he rode into the city he noted that there were soldiers of the King’s elite guard in the city. That meant someone of the royal family was at the Prince’s palace. He wondered who it was. He knew Princess Suriya was a good friend of the daughter of the Major Prince. Then he saw a commander and knew it was Suriya, because this commander was a favorite friend of the Princess. Kaarzaan rode up to the commander and with a broad smile saluted him. He got a broad smile and a bow in return.

“Commander, I assume Suriya must be visiting the Palace,” Kaarzaan said in a very friendly tone.

“Yes, Prince Kaarzaan, The Princess is here. She just came two days ago,” the commander answered also in a friendly tone. The commander had served under Kaarzaan during the wars and actually they were very good friends. “I assume the King and Queen do not know that you are in this forest. We had no orders to guard the borders, not that would have made any difference.” Kaarzaan laughed.

“No, I gave no warning,” said Kaarzaan, “I didn’t want some idiot Prince challenging me to a duel.”

The commander laughed, “That would be fatal, to the Prince,” he said. “Should I alert the Princess you are here?”

“I would appreciate that. It would save me from tracking her down. I will be at the Inn of the Golden Scepter,” Kaarzaan said. He gave a nod of his head and headed his steed for the Inn. He wondered if Suriya would bring her friend along. Kaarzaan had never met the daughter of the Major Prince. It might be interesting to see what that young lady’s reaction to meeting him. Kaarzaan got a fine room and saw to the stabling of his steeds. He gave no rank or title to the Innkeeper, only his first name. However, a look at his fine swords got him the finest of rooms and respect. It being the hour for the mid-day meal, Kaarzaan decided to have that meal here it his Inn. He didn’t think the Princess would be in any great hurry to contact him, but he wasn’t sure. Actually he had given his order for his meal and was relaxing with a glass of fine wine when the two Princesses walked in and looking around spied Kaarzaan and came walking toward him. As they came near, they had acknowledged the bows and curtseys as they came, Kaarzaan arose and gave them a low bow, but with a big smile on his face.

“I told Kazlee, I would introduce her to a very infamous charming rogue,” said Suriya as she gave Kaarzaan a big smile.

“I have always been a perfect gentleman, Princess,” Kaarzaan said looking insulted.

“But you are Kaarzaan,” said Suriya with a sly smile. All the time Princess Kazlee was looking him over very intently. He was young, tall and ruggedly handsome.

Suriya turned to Kazlee and said, “Let me introduce the infamous, legendary Wizard Prince Kaarzaan Illuen. He always forgets to give his rank and title, he just gives his first name,” Kazlee’s eyes grew wide. The title of the Wizard Prince was well known and highly respected in all Elven forests. It had become known that a new Wizard Prince had appeared. However a name had not been given to this new Prince. Illuen was actually Kaarzaan’s mothers name. As a Dark Elven Prince, Kaarzaan had the right to assume his mother’s last name if they chose.

“Then why does your mother object to your friendship to him, if he is the Legendary Wizard Prince?”

Suriya smiled, “Because they do not know that he is the Wizard Prince or even that he is a Prince. Besides,” she added with a smile, “He is not in line to be the King of his forest.”

“But I know you do not want to be a Queen, Suriya. You do not like the pomp and falseness of the court,” Kazlee said.

“Mother blames that on Kaarzaan,” said Suriya. “She says he has taught me to like the fun and excitement of his life. She thinks I am too much like my father.”

Then Kazlee said, “I’m sure mother and father would love to meet the Wizard Prince,” then with a smile she said, “especially as he is young, tall and handsome,”

“And a charming rogue,” added Suriya with a broad smile. She turned to Kaarzaan and said, “Why don’t you come to the palace this evening and have the evening meal with us.” Kaarzaan looked at Kazlee and saw her nod her head.

“I shall present myself at the Palace this evening,” he said. The two Princesses then left the Inn and Kaarzaan drank his wine and waited for his food. He looked around the room. He had drawn attention, when the two Princesses came in and those sitting nearby had heard that Suriya had said he was the legendary Wizard Prince. Kaarzaan kind of smiled as he surveyed the people. He wondered if it soon would be all over the city that the legendary Wizard Prince was in the city. If that were the case it would probably be all over the forest shortly. He planned to dress in his finest and wear both of his swords when he went to the Palace in the evening. He didn’t know how he would be greeted by the Major Prince and his wife in spite of the fact that Kazlee said they would love the Wizard Prince. They would know how the king and queen looked on Kaarzaan.

That evening he did put in an appearance at the palace and was bowed to by the soldiers there. He gave them all a friendly smile and a salute, which brought a smile to their faces. He went in and decided to be announced as a Prince although he was there early. He got attention when he came in and was announced as a Prince. He came in and up to a group of young lords and ladies. He gave them a smile and a nod of the head. He got bows and curtseys. With a broad smile he said,

“Please no your highnesses. I don’t normally own up to being a Prince, but a certain Princess required me to do that this evening. The name is Kaarzaan.”

“But you are the legendary Wizard Prince,” said one young lady in awe. With a smile at her he answered,

“But I never really learned to act like a Prince, much to the disapproval of my lovely mother,” said Kaarzaan, “she finally sent me off to my great uncle who was a wizard.”

With a smile, another young lady asked, “Did she hope your great uncle might do something to make you learn, or did she just want to get rid of you?”

“Actually I think she just gave up and wanted to get rid of me for a while in hopes that I would grow up and become more Princely,” said Kaaraan with a laugh.

“And did you?” asked the first young lady with a smile.

“I don’t think my mother thought so,” said Kaarzaan.

“You said a certain Princess required you to give your title this evening,” said a young Lord.

“Princess Suriya asked me to put in an appearance tonight,” said Kaarzaan with a smile, “One does not want to disappoint a Princess especially when she is the daughter of the King and Queen of the forest.” They all laughed at the way Kaarzaan said it.

“Princess Suriya is a friend?” asked another young lady.

“A good friend, much to the disapproval of her mother, who thinks I am a very bad influence on her,” said Kaarzaan with a broad smile.

“In other words, our Queen is not going to be happy to hear you are in our forest,” said another young Lord.

“I sure of that,” said Kaarzaan with a broad smile. “But I am sure she is a lady and will not ban a young Dark Elf from the forest as long as he is a gentleman,” About that time, Suriya came in with the Major Prince and Princess, and Suriya seeing Kaarzaam motioned him to come. Kaarzaan leisurely made his way up to them and gave them a small bow of the head. With a smile Suriya said,

“May I introduce a rather infamous young rogue, who claims to be Kaarzaan Illuen, the legendary Wizard Prince.”

“I only claim to be Kaarzaan Illuen, others add the rest,” said Kaarzaan with a smile. The Major Prince smiled.

“We have heard you seldom even claim to be a Prince,” he said.

“I might be expected to act Princely,” said Kaarzaan, “My mother claimed I never learned.”

“Your mother is the Queen of the Dark Elven Mystic Sea Lands,” said the Major Princess. She was widely known and respected.

Kaarzaan laughed, “Sometimes she is not sure she wants to admit she is my mother. However, she has yet to ban me from our forest.”

“It is through her you are the heir to the title of the Wizard Prince, is it not?” the Prince said.

“Yes, and as the younger son, I had the option of taking her last name, that of the legendary Wizard Prince,” said Kaarzaan.

“So your older brother will inherit the throne,” said the Princess.

“And I am very happy to let him have it, swear my loyalty to him and be free to wander,” said Kaarzaan with a broad smile. The Prince laughed at how Kaarzaan had said it.

“And that is why our Queen sees you as a bad influence on Suriya,” the Prince said. “Are you intending to continue on to the royal city?”

“I came into the forest to see Suriya,” said Kaarzaan, “If she wishes me to go with her I will.”

“You have no desire to face the Queen?” asked the Princess.

Kaarzaan smiled, “Oh that does not worry me. The Queen is a lady and would not banish me from the forest, even if she would like to banish me from her world.”

“Oh mother doesn’t want to banish you from her world, only from my world,” said Suriya with a broad smile. “Yes I do want you to come with me to my home, Kaarzaan. I want to see how mother reacts when I tell her you are the Legendary Wizard Prince. However, you can stay and enjoy the calm of the forest here before going to the bustle of the court.”

“I take it you are not enamored with the pomp and bustle of the King’s court, but you must be somewhat used to it,” said the Princess.

“Oh it does not bother me, but I prefer to be somewhere else,” said Kaarzaan.

“Kaarzaan is in awe of no one and it is obvious,” said Suriya with a broad smile.

“And because he forgets to claim he is a Prince, it offends certain nobles,” said the Princess.

“Which just as obviously does not mean a thing to Kaarzaan,” said Suriya with a laugh. “Which tends to offend them further, but one look at his swords usually convinces them to say nothing.”

The Prince laughed, “You do have the look of a very fine swordsman.”

Suriya and Kaarzaan did stay for another ten days and then Suriya decided they should start for the royal city. Kaarzaan and the commander put Suriya between them as they rode. Kaarzaan treated the commander as a good friend. It took them a week to reach the city and Suriya took Kaarzaan to the finest Inn and made sure he got the finest of rooms. Then she took him to the palace.

“You are determined to ruin this day for your mother,” Kaarzaan said with a broad smile.

“I have sent word that I am bringing a legendary Prince to introduce to them,” said Suriya with a smile.

“But by this time she must have heard that I have entered the forest,” said Kaarzaan

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